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{Jacks POV}

I fall back on the hotel bed and sigh. Tears streaming streaming down my face as I pulled on my hair. I hated it.

I get up wiping my tears and throwing on a pair of sweats and a black hoodie that was thrown on the floor. I grab the hotel key and my phone going out the door.

Calling an Uber I stood on the sidewalk hands in my pockets.

"Jack," A little girls voice said. She had a sad facial expression.

"Hey cutie," I whispered clearly not as happy as I used to be but a small smile made it's way to my face.

The girl was about eight or nine by the looks of it. Her light brown hair was tied up into pig tales with red bows in it. Her dress was long and swayed as she walked over to me. "jack?" She asked again trying to make sure it's really me. She soon realized it was and came in for a hug wrapping her small arms around me. I reached down and picked her up as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled widely.

"Do you want to take a picture?" I ask as she nods her little head. I pull out my phone and take a few pictures to post on my Instagram.

I put the little girl on the ground and crouch down to talk to her.

"Jack is everything okay between you and Zach?" She asks. I shake my head no and look down.

"You know you should talk to him no matter what it is things will get better. But they will get worse before they get better," She says.

"Thank you..." I say pausing for her to say her name.

"MAY," a woman yells who is coming toward us. She takes her daughter's hand and pulls her backwards.

"What are you doing with my daughter?" She asks. Before I can say anything May speaks up. "Why don't we mommy," Her face goes back to normal as she understood and she looks at me.

"Oh god I'm so sorry you must be Jack the curly headed one?" She asks and I nod a smile on my face. She pulls out her phone and asks to take her own picture of us together and May comes running back into my arms as I kiss her cheek.

"Thank you. May say goodbye to Jack we have to go now." Her mother says. "Bye Jacky," She says before taking off a bracelet that is on her arm the word forgiveness written on it.

They walk away as the Uber pulls up. I get in and ask him to reroute the address.

I'm going to see him. I need to explain.

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