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Two weeks went by without Jacks Mother visiting. He was still stuck in the prison like room. The Beige walls swollow the small beds and toilet. A small light enters the room through the bared window to forbid his escape.

Rose walks into the room her Red hair Straighted making it shine brighter. A smile displayed on her pretty face... What?

"Jack I have amazing news," She squeals. Taking jacks hands and jumping up and down.

"Your going on a temporary leave, I convinced them to let you out for a week under my watch. After a couple days I want you to run," She says.

Jack looks around the room. Freedom? Out of this hell hole. A vacation. It's been a long time since he was admitted into the Institute and now he would be free to visit his past. His past, Zach, Why don't we, his family that never cared about coming to see him, didn't care if he died that day.

"Listen Jack I know your scared and your going to be bit do you know how long you have waited for this? The only way to be free is to face it head on," Rose says looking into Jacks eyes.

"At least let's start with going on a trip to Hawaii it's far away from anyone you know," Rose says. Jack agrees to go with her and sits back on his bed.

He hasn't seen his daughter since it happened and he missed her. May was taken out of his custody and taken by his mother who won't allow him to see her.

"One thing I want my daughter if that means kidnapping we will take her to Ohio with us before they even notice we are gone," Jack says mapping a plan in his head.

She looks taken aback. He knows that kidnapping was not on the table but he needed his daughter. He was the only thing she had left of both him and Zach. They where her parents her dad's and now she lived with her adopted grandma.

"Absolutely not! Im not going to fucking prison. We can fight for custody but not right now," Rose states. "This is your only chance. We leave tomorrow," She says leaving shutting the door behind her.

Hours go by as night fall approaches. Jack closes his eyes into a deep sleep.

A nock woke up Jack as he sat up in bed seeing light coming through the window again. He over slept. A guard comes into the room as nurses hold him down. The flip him over pointing a gun like contraption at his neck. W click is heard as a little pullet was lodged into his skin. A tracker.

They take him to the front opening all the gates. A car sat in the dirt path. A light Gray jeep. Jack walked to it slowly slipping into the passenger seat feeling all the details.

Rose pulled the car out heading to an airport. Jack decides it's the right time to bring up what happened to him back at the hospital. The one for mentally insane and unstable people.

"You know they did something to me." The car is silent as he continues, "they pushed me down and shot me with a device I don't know what it was. It's in my neck!"

Rose slams on the breaks as she unbuckles her seat. She gets out walking to Jacks side yanking his door open. She pulls him down gently running her finger over the mark it clearly went in. She slides her cold fingers down to where she can feel it. Except she can't. It's not there or farther down. Or it's too small.

"We have to take a detour.." She says sighing.

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