Chapter 1

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A few weeks have passed since the battle ended. I rest my head on my hand, knowing that a lot happened during that battle. Not only were we able to defeat the Trixs and regain Cloud Tower, but a new enemy revealed herself.

If anything, she still terrifies me. Like the other members of the Winx club, I started preparing to face her. Bloom and Stella have been continuously sparring against each other, Rena has been meditating, Flora temporarily returned to Lynphea to train at the Mother Nature temple, Aisha, Musa, and Tecna have been working on flexibility with their magic and physiques, Daphne immediately started to research that mysterious woman, Roxy has retrieved the white circle and has been practicing with it, and I have finished all of the books in Alfea and started to read the books from the library of Magicix.

Although I've read over one thousand books in two weeks and became more powerful, I still need to become stronger. That woman's mere presence overwhelmed me. I cannot allow it to happen again!

Suddenly, the door opens, as Roxy stands before me. "Hey, Aqua," she says, as I turn to stare at her. "I just got back from training with the white circle. How are you doing?" She shuts the door behind her, as my face softens.

"I'm exhausted," I admit, before running a hand through my hair. "But, honestly, I'm not strong enough. That woman's presence overwhelmed me, and I'm terrified. I want to become strong enough to protect everyone, especially you, the other members of the Winx club, my family, the specialists, and Jax."

Roxy shoots me a sympathetic look, before sitting down next to me and engulfing me in a hug. "Aqua, you're one of the strongest people I know," she says in a reassuring tone. "If anyone can defeat that woman, it's you. Besides, I won't leave your side no matter what. You're stuck with me."

I chuckle to myself, before lifting my head and staring at her. "Roxy, can I tell you something...?" I ask, which captures her attention. She meets my gaze, as I anxiously run a hand through my hair.

She nods. "Of course, Aqua!"

"After Rena and I accomplished our mission in Cloud Tower, I immediately went straight to the dimension of light and darkness," I explain, as she intently stares at me. "Once I gave them the Legendarium, they showed me a prophecy."

Roxy scrunches her brow. "What did it say?"

"The first line was "A group of heroes will rise to the task"," I state, as she furrows her eyebrows in concentration. "I think that line is pretty straightforward. I'm pretty sure this line means the creation of the Winx Club."

"That makes sense. What does the next line say?"

"It says "Through calm and storm"."

"That could mean the different trials we've faced," Roxy murmurs, as I nod in agreement. "What's the next line of the prophecy?" I heave a sigh and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, as she bites her lips.

"The third line is "With Dangers Unlike Any Other"," I say, as she pulls her knees to her chest. "Like the first line, this one is simple and easy. This one most likely means all of the opponents we've faced and the trials that came with them."

She nods. "I agree. What's the next one?"

I shift nervously, before scrunching my brow in concern. "It says "A traitor fights among them"," I answer, as her eyes widen in horror. "When I first read this line, I was left puzzled. I think it means one of us is a traitor."

"B-But, who...?"

"I have no idea," I admit, before lowering my head in dismay. "What are your thoughts?" I lift my head to stare at her for a moment, as Roxy purses her lips in concentration and rests her hands on my bed.

"Honestly, I cannot see Stella, Bloom, or Flora betraying us," she admits. "While Stella is a princess, she's also a very honest and passionate person. As for Bloom, she's often impulsive and extremely straightforward. Lastly, for Flora, she is a very genuine and kind individual."

"That makes sense," I murmur, as she shoots me a warm smile. "It would be extremely out of character for them. Along with that, I genuinely don't think it could be Aisha or Rena either. I've known both of them since we were young."

"I see... So, what does the next line say?"

I purse my lips and scrunch my brow in concern. "Okay. Just a warning, but this line makes me feel the most uneasy," I admit, as a serious expression appears on her face. "It says "A beloved dove will perish"."

"A dove?"

"I think it's talking in code," I state, before scratching the back of my head. "It's quite possible that one of us will die." Roxy's eyes widen in terror, as tears form in my eyes. She places her hand on my shoulder, as her body starts to shake uncontrollably.

"O-Okay... W-What does the next line say...?"

"The final line says "And a broken promise will seal a fate"," I say, as she turns to stare at me with wide eyes. "I'm not sure what this could mean. One of us will make a promise that they can't keep, and it will determine what happens to someone. Even so, in the prophecy, it says fate, and Rena is Fate..."

"So, perhaps, the last line has to do with Rena?"

I purse my lips. "That could be it...!"

Suddenly, a knock comes from the dorm door. I jump in surprise, before getting to my feet and hurrying towards the door. I quickly open it, as the headmistress stands there. She shoots me a warm smile, before eyeing me carefully.

"Hello, Aqua."

"Hey, h-headmistress...!"

"You don't look like you're feeling well," Ms. Faragonda notes, before scrunching her brows in concern. "Aqua, I'm about to give you the most powerful books in the universe, but before you read it, please get some sleep."

"Of course!"

She snaps her fingers, as three books appear out of thin air. I catch the books, before a serious expression appears on her face. "Also, Aqua," she says, which captures my attention. "Please be careful. I know you and the other girls are training extremely hard to face this individual, but she seems dangerous. Don't overdo it and know your limits. I don't want anything to happen to you girls."

My face softens, as I engulf her in a hug. She wraps her arms around me, as a casual smile forms on my lips. "Thank you so much, Ms. Faragonda!" I state, before she nods in my direction.

A few seconds later, we pull away from the hug. "Have a good one, and don't forget to rest!" She states, as I nod in response. The headmistress starts to leave, as I close the door behind me and head back into my room.

Roxy remains on my bed. "Who was it?"

"It was the headmistress."

"What did she want?"

"She gave me the three most powerful books in the magic dimension," I respond, as Roxy's eyes widen in astonishment. "Perhaps, with these books, we can defeat that woman once and for all?"

"Ohhh!! Can I read them too!?"

I nod. "Of course!" I state, as she grins cheerfully. "But, first, I need to get some sleep. Before I started reading these books, the headmistress told me to sleep." Roxy nods in response, before getting to her feet.

"I understand!" She declares. "I'll go grab some snacks from the kitchen, and once you wake up, we can read this book and eat some snacks!" I shoot her a genuine smile, before getting into bed and falling fast asleep.

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