Chapter 43

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Bloom's POV

As Valtor lands harshly on the ground, I land in front of him. He gets to his feet, as an amused smirk curves around his lips. "It seems I'm stuck battling you," he hums, before chuckling to himself and getting into a fighting stance. "There's no doubt that you've gotten stronger, but is it enough to defeat me?" 

I eye him cautiously, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. He is undoubtedly a powerful adversary, and I refuse to underestimate him.  I run a hand through my hair and exhale sharply, as my heart hammers within my chest. "That doesn't matter," I say sharply, narrowing my eyes at him. "You've hurt Aqua, and I won't let you get away with that." I clench my fists in desperation. "Valtor, I will be the one to extinguish your flame once and for all." 

He arches a brow. "I'd love to see you try." 

And with that, the battle begins. I race towards him and aim a punch at his stomach, as he pivots to the side and barely evades my attack. Fire shrouds my body, as a newfound energy fills my veins. I extend my arms, as a beam of fire charges at him. 

Valtor takes a step forward and embraces the attack, as I raise my eyebrows in astonishment. What the hell is he doing!? As the attack fades, he remains standing. My body immediately tenses up, as I clench my fists in desperation. How did he manage to do that!? 

The male snickers to himself and slowly stalks towards me, as I scrunch my brows in concern. If he's immune to my magic, then what can I do? I slowly take a step away from him, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. If my magic doesn't have an effect, then what could I do? I don't stand a chance against him! 

"You're so pathetic, Bloom," mocks Valtor, who puts his hand on his hip. "Once your magic doesn't work, you start to chicken out. What happened to that fiery exterior you had earlier?" He chuckles to himself. "Did it vanish once your powers failed against me?" 

I purse my lips in concentration, as a serious expression appears on my face. If he keeps mentioning that my magic doesn't have an impact on him, then he must've found a way to weaken the effects of my powers. In that case, direct magic attacks won't work. If I want to stand a chance of beating him, then I need to use hand-to-hand combat or indirect magic spells. 

I place my hand on the ground, as volcanos begin to emerge from the ground below us. Valtor's eyes flash dangerously, as a casual grin etches on my face. He nervously backs away from a volcano, only for another one to appear right behind him. 

"What did you do!?" 

"Lost all of your confidence, Valtor?" I ask, as a casual smirk forms on my lips. "You could say I figured out your little trick." I run a hand through my hair. "Because of that, your chances of winning have diminished. You shouldn't have been boasting about my attacks not working." 

The said male scowls in annoyance and charges at me angrily. I open my wings and appear behind him, before kicking him in the back. He falters and stumbles to the ground, as his eyes widen in horror. He rolls to the side, barely missing an emerging volcano. 

"Stop messing around!" He declares furiously. A newfound energy shrouds him, as wings start to emerge from his back. He becomes a gargoyle-like creatures, being maroon in color and having a muscular build. Large-bat-like wings appear on his back, and the pupils in his light blue eyes seemingly vanish. 

Valtor flies over the volcanos, as I stare at him in astonishment. He transformed?! Is this a new ability that Aqua's future self granted him? I eye him cautiously, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. Perhaps, I shouldn't have underestimated him earlier. 

"It seems you've underestimated me, Bloom," Valtor mocks, before charging at me with a newfound speed. My eyes flash dangerously, as he slices at me. I hold my hands out in front of me to block his attack, only for him to kick me to the ground. 

I land on the sand and gasp for air, as Valtor appears before me. How is he so fast? I touch the ground beneath me, as fire shoots out of the ground and launches him into the air. I open my wings and appear in front of him, before punching him in the stomach. Valtor scowls in annoyance, as I grab his arm and throw him to the ground. 

I open my wings once again and reappear on the ground in front of him, as he lands face first on the ground. I eye him cautiously and start to catch my breath, as Valtor slowly gets to his feet. My eyes widen in horror, as tears form in my eyes. I can't believe he's still standing after all of that! 

"You really thought that was going to be enough to defeat me?" Valtor states, before snickering to himself. I get into a fighting stance, as my hands begin to tremble in fear. If my other attacks didn't work against him, then I don't know what to do. 

Before I could react, he appears in front of me and punches me in the stomach. I gasp for breath, before faltering and stumbling to the ground. What the heck was that!? Valtor stalks towards me and stares down at me, as a devilish smirk curves around his lips. A chill races down my spinal cord, as I scrunch my brows in concern. What is he planning on doing to me? 

"My, oh, my, it seems I've won," hums Valtor, who stares down at me. "What should I do?" He then picks me up by the hair, as I scowl in pain. "Perhaps, I should turn you against your friends and force you to help us defeat the Winx? That sounds like a lot of fun, wouldn't you agree, Bloom?" 

I clench my fists in desperation, as tears form in my eyes. He did the exact same thing to Aqua many years ago, and it took all of us working together to help her break free. "I won't let you!" I declare, shooting a glare at him. "I won't let you get away with this! You've hurt so many people!" 

Fire shrouds my body, as Valtor drops me and slowly starts to back away. "That won't work!" He states, before holding up his left hand and revealing two bracelets on his wrist. A confident grin etches on my face, as I slowly rise to my feet. Everything makes sense now! It's like the necklaces that Aqua used to make for both of us a long time ago! Those necklaces made sure that our opposing magic powers wouldn't hurt each other! If he has two of them, then means Aqua's future self had some idea what was about to happen. 

"Okay, Valtor." I get into a fighting position. "You've revealed your cards, and I know how to defeat you now." I hold out my hands, as my dragon surrounds me. "Now, let's end this!" I race towards him with a newfound speed and aim a fiery punch at his stomach. 

He pivots to the side and avoids my attack, as I look over my shoulder at him. "Dragon roars!" I declare, as powerful, multicolored beams race towards him. As the attacks land, smoke fills the battlefield. I open my wings and appear right behind him, as Valtor cautiously glances around. 

I quickly sneak up behind him and snatch the bracelets from his wrist, which captures his attention. Valtor jerks his head around, as I smash the bracelets on the ground. "What the hell!?" He exclaims, narrowing his eyes at me. "I won't let you get away with that!" 

"Oh, yeah?" I challenge, getting into a fighting stance. "Since those bracelets are gone, you don't stand a chance against me." I meet his worried yet stern gaze. "You've wasted enough of my time, so let's end this right away." 

I raise my hands in the air, as multiple dragons start to circle around me. Valtor nervously starts to back away, as a serious expression appears on my face. After everything that has happened throughout this battle, I'm really looking forward to ending this. Once he's gone for good, Aqua will never have to worry about this scum again. 

"Go!" I declare, as all of the dragons charge at him. Valtor attempts to run, only to be knocked to the ground. As the other dragons begin to pounce on him, I turn away and start to leave him alone with the dragons. Hopefully, this will be good bye for good, Valtor, I think to myself. 

As I return to the entrance of the cave, Stella and Flora are standing there. Both of them remain motionless, as I hurry towards them. When I get a few feet away from them, I notice a lifeless figure on the ground. My eyes widen in horror, as I anxiously walk towards them. 

"Stella, Flora, what happened...?" 

The two females look over their shoulders at me, with tears streaming down their cheeks. "Bloom..." Flora murmurs, holding her hand against her chest. "Rena is dead..." I exchange a horrified look with Stella, as my body freezes in shock. Even though she betrayed us, Rena was our friend. She tried to fight against Aqua's future self but failed. Wait, speaking of Aqua, how are we supposed to tell her that Rena is dead...?

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