Chapter 17

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As she charges at us, my heart hammers within my chest. Not only is her speed unexpected and terrifying, but her attacks are extremely dangerous. Jax, upon noticing her newfound speed and intensity, takes a step forward and creates a force field around us. "Aqua, I need you to find the Winx!" He states, as I stare at him with wide eyes.

"What about you?" I question, scrunching my brows in concern. "I can't just leave you! Jax, I can't let you fight her by yourself! She's way too dangerous! We would have higher chances of winning if we fought together!" The said male looks over his shoulder at me, as a serious expression appears on his face.

"I can't go all out if I have to worry about protecting you," he says sharply, as I stare at him in shock. "Aqua, get the Winx and then come back here! I'll handle this, so please hurry back before I defeat her." I nod in response, before flying out of the force field and quickly heading back into the school. I sprint towards Jax's room, before knocking on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Winx, it's me!" I shout, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. "She's back, and Jax is fighting her alone! I need your help!" Seconds later, the door opens, as the Winx stand before me, with serious yet concerned expressions on their faces.

"Okay, Aqua," Bloom says in a stern tone. "Lead the way." I nod in her direction, before rushing back to the courtyard of Red Fountain. By the time we arrive at the scene, Jax and my future self are facing off. Jax launches an orb at her, which she sidesteps to the left and dodges his attack.

"Elements of the infinite ocean!" She states, as a multi-colored beam charges at Jax. He instantly teleports away, instantly reappearing right behind her. Jax holds out his hand and sends a green orb in her direction, which she barely manages to dodge. "You know, Jax, your attack would've defeated me if your present Aqua wasn't here to witness it and see what you did," she mocks.

I scowl and lower my head in dismay. Once again, it's all my fault. If I just remained in the school, then Jax would've been able to finish her off and defeat her once and for all. "That's enough!" Roxy states, which captures everyone's attention. "I know what you're trying to do, and it's not going to work! You're trying to create a rift between Aqua and everyone she cares about, but that won't work! You're pathetic!"

My future self chuckles in amusement, as I look over my shoulder at Roxy. Tears form in my eyes, as a genuine smile forms on my lips. "Thank you, Roxy," I say in a surprisingly cheerful tone. "In fact, thank you for reminding me what's important. Winx, Jax, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. You mean the world to me."

"How interesting..." My future self hums, before turning to face me. "Although I don't remember saying that, it doesn't really make a difference to me. Aqua, it's your destiny to fail to save one of your friends and to become me! There's nothing you can do to stop it!"

"That's where you're wrong!" Bloom declares, putting her hands on her hips. "We're Aqua's friends, and we will never turn our backs on her! If someone important to Aqua dies, then we will be there for her because we're her friends!"

"Yeah!" Musa agrees, narrowing her eyes at my future self. "Aqua has helped us so much over the years, and we would be sorry friends if we turned our backs on her in her time of need! If you're her future self, then that must've happened to you, but we won't let it happen to our Aqua!"

Once she utters those words, tears stream down my cheeks. I never knew how much I meant to them. "I agree!" Stella states, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Aqua is the best thing that has ever happened to us, and I'm thankful for her." She looks over her shoulder at me. "We've had so many good memories, and I'm so happy."

A genuine smile appears on my lips, as I wipe the tears from my cheeks. "You're lucky then," my future self utters, which causes my eyes to widen. "Until we meet again, Aqua, Jax, Winx." Within seconds, she vanishes into thin air.

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