Chapter 6

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As we exit the portal, a forest completely surrounds us. "This place is amazing!" Flora states, before touching a nearby tree. "The trees are so calm! It's almost refreshing after everything that just happened!"

"I agree!" Roxy declares, being completely surrounded by dozens of birds. "The animals are trusting and happy!" Stella grins and raises her hands in the air, as a soft wind blows against her hair.

"Ever since the war ended, this place has been so peaceful," I say, which captures the other girls' attention. "The Queens used to be at war, but once it was resolved, they united their kingdoms and people. And now, it's known as the kingdom of light and darkness."

Daphne smiles. "That sounds amazing, Aqua."

"I sense so much positive energy here!" Bloom states abruptly, as I nod in her direction. Once the war ended, both queens started to use positive energy. In this world, there are two ways individuals can use their abilities. With positive energy, it is soothing and refreshing yet creative. As for negative energy, it is more destructive and chaotic. Although it may seem weird for anyone outside of this dimension, both of these energies are associated with light and darkness. In other words, darkness isn't always connected with negative energy, like light isn't corresponded to positive energy.

"Winx, follow me," I state, beckoning for them to follow me. "There's a few people I want you to meet." I start to lead the way towards the kingdom of light and darkness, as the others follow right behind me.

Within minutes, we arrive at the kingdom of light and darkness. Children run through the streets, with bright smiles on their faces. Women stand in the corner and are checking out nearby men, who are helping build a water fountain in the city.

"Aqua!" A voice calls, which captures my attention. I look in that direction, as Ahaha and Cahya stand there. My eyes light up, as I hurry towards them and engulf the two females in a hug. Ahaha squeezes me close to her, while Cahya gently pats me on the back.

Seconds later, we step away from the hug. "So, how have you been?" Cahya questions in a serious tone, before eyeing me carefully. "Aqua, it looks like you've been crying." She puts her hand on my shoulder. "Don't lie to me. Are you okay?"

I meet her gaze, as tears form in my eyes. "We really need to see the queens," I say, as she purses her lips in concentration. "Once we see them, I'll let the four of you know what's going on. I promise."

"I understand."

"Hey, Aqua, are those girls over there the Winx!?" Ahaha questions excitedly. I look over my shoulder at the other members of the Winx club, before turning to face her and nodding in response.

Cahya sighs. "Gosh. I wonder what she's going to do."

"Okay!" Ahaha states, before scurrying over to the other members of the Winx club. "Hello, Winx! My name is Ahaha! I'm one of the princesses of the kingdom of light and darkness! I've heard so much about you! What are your names? Also, please tell me about your powers! Aqua's powers are unique, and I cannot wait to hear more about the other dimension's powers as well!"

"Hello!" Stella responds, shooting her a genuine smile. "My name is Stella, and I'm the fairy of the sun and moon. Along with that, I'm the princess of Solaria." Ahaha's face lights up, as she nods eagerly.

"Hey, Ahaha," Aisha says in a relaxed yet cheerful tone, as Ahaha intently stares at her. "My name is Aisha, and I'm Aqua's cousin. I'm the fairy of waves, and I'm apart of the royal family of Andros."

"That's so cool!"

"My name is Bloom!" The red-haired female states, as Ahaha looks over her shoulder at her. "I'm the second princess of Sparks, and the fairy of the dragon flame." Ahaha nods in her direction, before shooting her a genuine smile.

"And, I'm Daphne," the platinum-blonde haired female says, extending her hand and shaking Ahaha's hand. "I'm Bloom's older sister, and one of the princesses of Sparks. I'm the nymph of Sparks and Sirenix, and I used to possess the power of the dragon flame."

"Wow! How did that happen!?"

"Many years ago, Sparks was attacked," Daphne explains. "When Bloom was just born, we were attacked by a group of three witches known as the ancestral witches. They cursed my power source known as Sirenix. Their goal was to steal the dragon flame for themselves, so I ended up transferring it to Bloom and sending her off to another world for her protection. After that, they cursed Sirenix, and I was set free twenty years later."

"That's crazy! I'm glad everything worked out!"

Daphne smiles. "Me too."

"Hey, Ahaha," Musa says, as the said girl looks at her in pure amazement. "My name is Musa. I'm the fairy of music and the guardian fairy of Melody." She nods in her direction, before shooting her a wide grin.

"I'm Tecna," the pink-haired female states, as Ahaha turns to stare at her. "I'm the fairy of technology, and the guardian fairy of Zenith." Ahaha clenches her fists in pure excitement, as I exchange a look with Cahya, who's chuckling to herself.

"Hi, my name is Roxy," the young fairy says sheepishly, as Ahaha shoots her a reassuring look and smiles in her direction. "I'm the last earth fairy, the fairy of animals, and the princess of Tir Nan Og."

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" Ahaha declares. "I'm pretty sure she overheard everything and knows what you've told me, but that girl next to Aqua is Cahya! She's a little antisocial, but once she gets to know you, she'll warm up to you!"

Cahya crosses her arms and shoots a glare at Ahaha. "Hey! I can introduce myself," she says, as Ahaha chuckles to herself. The other girls approach us, before Ahaha stands right next to Cahya.

"Ahaha, Cahya, we really need to see the queens."

Stella tilts her head to the side. "Aqua, do you mean Queen?" She questions, as Roxy nods in agreement. I exchange a look with Ahaha, as she chuckles to herself. Cahya puts her hands on her hips, before shaking her head.

"The kingdom of light and darkness used to be two, separate kingdoms," Cahya explains. "Because of Aqua's efforts many months ago, the two kingdoms united and became one. To answer your question, Stella, that's why we have two queens."

"That makes sense! Thanks, Cahya!"

She nods lightly. "Sure."

"Alright! Let's go!" Ahaha states, before turning around and heading straight to the palace. I look over my shoulder at the other members of the Winx club, being happy about them finally meeting Ahaha and Cahya. Although a lot of stuff has happened today, I'm just delighted to see them again.

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