Chapter 4

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A few hours have passed since Ms. Faragonda told us about Dimentix and the goddess of time. Upon hearing that, we immediately threw ourselves into research. Tecna and Musa started to search the internet, Daphne, Bloom, and Stella went to the library, Flora and Roxy went into a nearby forest to see if nature and animals knew, Rena started to meditate, and Aisha and I have been brainstorming ideas.

Suddenly, the dorm room door slams open. Daphne leads the way, with Bloom and Stella following right behind her. "We've found something!" Daphne states, holding a book in her hand.

"What does it say?" I question, as Daphne opens the book and hands it to me. I run a hand through my hair, as my heart hammers within my chest. I look down at the page, as my eyes widen in surprise.

The time goddess, who's known as one of the most powerful goddess of all time, resides beyond the ultimate underwater dimension of the Magic Dimension. With her time abilities, she can control all aspects of time, along with selecting Fate of Makani, determining what an individual's destiny will be, and who is worthy.

Along with that, the time goddess has created her own fairy transformation. This fairy transformation is known as Dimentix, which is an ability that gives the user the power to travel to anywhere in the universe and anytime they please. With the power of Dimentix, fairies can build on their current abilities and shrug off attacks with their powerful wings. As a Dimentix fairy, individuals have reached one of their final forms and can achieve anything they set their minds to.

But, before a fairy can become a Dimentix fairy, that individual needs to have accomplished the Sirenix quest and achieved Sirenix, even if they have obtained another transformation beyond it. If they haven't reached that level, then that fairy is incapable of unlocking Dimentix.

I purse my lips in concentration, before looking at Daphne. She wears a serious expression, as I hand the book to Aisha. "Daphne, what do you make of this?" I question, as the said female puts her hands on her hips.

"In order to achieve the power of Dimentix, we must pass through the infinite ocean," she responds. "When a fairy achieves Sirenix, they gain the powers of the infinite ocean. In the first paragraph of that page, it mentions that she resides is a place beyond the ultimate underwater dimension, which means she's somewhere beyond the infinite ocean."

My eyes light up, as a confident grin forms on my lips. "In that case, the goddess of time must live in the dimension of light and darkness," I say abruptly, which captures Daphne's attention. "Let's get in contact with the others and let them know of our discovery."

"Alright!" Aisha states, before making her water bracelet appear and talking into it. "Girls, we know where the goddess of time is. Let's meet in the infinite ocean, and we'll head straight there."


"See you soon!"


I look at Aisha, Stella, Bloom, and Daphne, as they share excited looks. "Alright, girls, let's do this!" Bloom states, as Stella nods in agreement. I run a hand through my hair and put my hands on my hips, as Aisha shoots a smile in my direction.

"Winx: Tiefix!"

"Winx: Tiefix!"

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I nod in their direction, before extending my arms and creating a portal to the infinite ocean

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I nod in their direction, before extending my arms and creating a portal to the infinite ocean. We enter the portal, as my form begins to change. I smile, as the power of the infinite ocean washes over me.

The second we swim out of the portal, the other girls are there waiting for us, with serious yet excited looks on their faces

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The second we swim out of the portal, the other girls are there waiting for us, with serious yet excited looks on their faces. "So, where exactly is the goddess of time?" Roxy questions, before tilting her head to the side.

"The goddess of time is in the dimension of light and darkness," I state, as Roxy, Flora, Tecna, and Musa stare at me with wide eyes. "Daphne managed to find a book about the goddess of time, and it told us her whereabouts."

"How adorable. You think you can beat me with the power of Dimentix," a sinister yet taunting voice comes from behind. I quickly turn around, being face to face with the woman. She stares at us in pure amusement, as I narrow my eyes at her.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" I demand, clenching my fist around my specter. "This is my domain! You don't belong here!" The woman snickers in amusement, before putting her hands on her hips.


"I'm a lot stronger here! You...!"

"Don't worry, Aqua," she says in a mocking tone. "I didn't come to fight. I only came to retrieve my apprentice." My eyes flash dangerously, as a chill races down my spinal cord. The prophecy mentioned that a traitor fights among us.

Bloom scowls. "You're lying!"

"We're the winx," Stella says, with a bright yet confident grin. "If you think one of us is a traitor, then you're wrong!" I exchange a look with Roxy, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. This was bound to happen eventually, and here is it. The imposter is about to be revealed.

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