Chapter 45

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Aisha's POV

I narrow my eyes at Tritannus, as a serious expression appears on my face. Compared to our other enemies, he's one of the weakest ones we've ever encountered. Even so, his access to the infinite ocean and assistance from the Trixs made him more dangerous. He meets my gaze, as an amused smirk forms on his lips. 

He points his triton at me. "I can't believe I got stuck with you." 

"I could say the same about you," I retort, getting into a fighting stance. "Honestly, I don't know why Aqua's future self brought you back. You're barely a step above fodder." I chuckle to myself. "Perhaps, she just needed more foot soldiers to keep the magic dimension distracted. Too bad Aqua banished you from the infinite ocean, right? I bet you didn't have much use to Adriana after that." 

I peer over at Tritannus, who's clenching his fists around his triton. He trembles in rage, as I get into a fighting position. He sends a wave of pollution at me, as I pivot to the side and barely evade his attack. His eyes flash dangerously, before he dives deeper into the water. 

I roll my eyes in annoyance, knowing that I have no choice but to follow him. If not, then he could threaten the underwater kingdom of Andros. "What a waste," I murmur to myself, before following him deeper into the depths of the water. 

I hurriedly swim forward, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. What if he wants to get revenge on his parents and siblings? Before I have time to react, a wave of pollution hits me in the back and launches me into a nearby reef. 

I groan in pain, before forcing myself to stand up. Tritannus swims towards me, as I eye him cautiously. I should've known he was planning something like that! Not only does he have an advantage underwater, but I am facing him alone. 

"You were so confident. What happened, cousin Aisha?" 

I clench my fists in desperation, as my hair covers my eyes. "Okay," I admit, meeting his amused stare. "I shouldn't have underestimated you like that. I won't make that same mistake again." I get into a fighting stance, as a newfound determination washes over me. 

I extend my arms, as two, morphix swords appear in my hands. I turn to stare at Tritannus, as he places both hands on his triton. I quickly open my wings and appear behind him, before knocking him to the ground. 

I knock his triton across the sea floor and stare down at him, as he stares up at me with wide eyes. I point one of my swords at his neck and put my foot on his chest, as he scrunches his brows in concern. "Perhaps, you're the one that underestimated me," I point out, feeling his intense yet anxious stare. 

"I'm not done yet," he states, lifting his arm and summoning his triton. His triton returns to his hand, as he slices it in my direction. I backflip in the water and put a hand on my hip, as a wide grin curves around my lips. I didn't think this would be so much fun! 

I glance around me, as a warm smile etches across my face. With every movement we make, we have some impact on the waves around us. Waves are often caused by a disturbance within the area around us, whether it's mechanical waves, waves from water, or something completely different. In other words, Tritannus may not realize it, but I have the advantage here. 

I close my eyes and slowly move my arms, feeling the slight movement of water around me. Along with my very slight movements, the water begins to change around me. As I extend my hands out in front of me, my eyes open. 

"You've lost, Tritannus," I state, feeling his curious stare. "Every single movement we make has the ability to create waves, whether they're big or small." He scrunches his brows in concern. "Not only are we surrounded by water, but there's an earthquake in the distance." 

"What are you saying!?" 

I chuckle to myself. "You'll find out in a second." 

Seconds later, multiple waves start to charge at us. Tritannus' eyes widen in terror, as he quickly turns and starts to swim away. I grab his tail with my morphix powers, as he struggles to get away. He attempts to cut my morphix, only for his triton to get stuck. 

"That won't work." I shoot him a sympathetic look. "Tritannus, you're too late." The said male turns to stare at me and lowers his head in dismay. "This attack won't kill you, but I doubt that you'll ever see the light of day ever again." Tears form in my eyes. "Honestly, cousin, I wish things could've been different. I can't speak for anyone else, but I loved you." 

"Aisha, I'm sorry..." 

Before he could say anything else, dozens of waves crash into him. His body slumps to the ground, as tears form in my eyes. Even though he tried to take over the magic dimension and sided with Aqua's future self, he still had a good side. I don't think he was naturally evil! 

I swim towards him and pick him up. Before I could say anything, a bunch of selkies and mermaids approach me. "My lady, is everything okay?" A mermaid asks, as her eyes land on Tritannus. "What is he doing here?" 

"Tritannus has been defeated," I say in a serious tone, as they stare at me in astonishment. "Selkies, please watch over him until my uncle arrives. He should be here shortly. As for me, I really need to help the others stop this war once and for all." 

Upon hearing my words, the mermaids and selkies cheer loudly. I shoot them a warm smile, before hurriedly swimming back towards the surface. I leap out of the water, just as Stella, Bloom, Flora, Daphne, and Nyx enter the room. 


"Girls, thank goodness!" I declare, nodding in their direction. "We don't have much time! Let's help Aqua and the others!" Bloom shoots me a toothy grin, as we hurry forward. If anything, I don't know what other tricks Aqua's future self has up her sleeve. I hope we can make it before it's too late!

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