Chapter 10

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A smile forms on my lips, as I stand in a room with the other members of the Winx club. Stella purses her lips in concentration, as I exchange a nervous look with Roxy. What could she be planning this time?

"Girls, I have designed the perfect outfit for each of you!" Stella declares, with a wide grin. She snaps her fingers, as my outfit begins to change and a light surrounds me. Once the light dies down, I wear a gorgeous, blue and green dress, with some lime and blue heels.

I look at the other girls, as they stare at me in pure amazement

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I look at the other girls, as they stare at me in pure amazement. "Aqua, you look so pretty!" Flora states, as I stare at myself in the mirror. I run a hand through my hair and spin around, before putting my hand on my hip.

"Am I great or what?" Stella says confidently. "This outfit is perfect for you, Aqua." I nod in her direction, as excitement forms in the pit of my stomach. She really has outdone herself this time, I think to myself.

After everyone finishes getting ready, we immediately head outside to join the party. Stella, Aisha, Bloom, Musa, Tecna, and Flora join their boyfriends, leaving Daphne, Roxy, and I alone.

"Aqua, Roxy, I'm going to check in with the headmistress," Daphne says in a serious tone. We nod in response, before she walks away. I look over my shoulder at Roxy, as a soft wind blows against my hair.

"And, that leaves the two of us."


"Hey, Aqua...?"

I scrunch my brows. "What's up, Roxy?"

"I'm not exactly sure why, but this party feels suffocating," Roxy admits, before running a hand through her hair. "I know we should be happy about unlocking Dimentix, but I just have this nagging feeling that something bad is about to happen."

"I know what you mean," I say softly, before meeting her gaze. "The other girls seem happy about our small victory, but it feels way too soon to celebrate." Roxy purses her lips. "And, you're right. This party does feel very suffocating. Let's get away for a few minutes."

Roxy nods in agreement, before we leave the party and head to the top of Red Fountain. By the time we arrive, Roxy and I sit on the roof and stare at the stars. She pulls her knees up to her chest, as a warm smile forms on her lips.

"It sure is pretty tonight."

"It really is," a voice comes from behind. My eyes flash dangerously, as I quickly turn around. Rena stands there, with her hands on her hips. She stares at us in pure amusement, as I quickly get to my feet and narrow my eyes at her.

Although she was once a member of the Winx club, Rena was completely different. Not only has her personality changed but so has her transformation. She wears a blue and yellow dress, with some over-the-knee blue boots. She has yellow wings and has blue gloves.


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"Rena..." I say softly, as a smirk curves around her lips. I look at Roxy through the corners of my eyes, as she slowly gets to her feet and clenches her fists in desperation. "It sure is nice to see you two again," she mocks.

"What do you want?" I ask in a dangerous tone. She chuckles to herself, as I stand protectively in front of Roxy. If anything, I won't let anything happen to her! "You've always been curious about whose the strongest, haven't you, Aqua?" Rena states.

"Roxy, I need you to get out of here," I say sharply, as a gasp escapes the said girl's lips. I glance at her for a moment, as her eyes widen in horror. "I won't leave you! Please! Let me fight alongside you!" Roxy begs.

I shoot her a sympathetic look, as a warm smile forms on my lips. "Thank you for caring about me so much, Roxy," I state, before meeting her gaze. "Listen to me. Please get the other Winx right away. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Roxy scrunches her brow in concern. "Fine!" She states. "I'll be right back!" She hurries away, as I turn to face Rena, who has a dark smirk on her face. I heave a sigh, before narrowing my eyes at her.

"Well, would you look at that?" Rena remarks, before putting her hands on her hips and snickering to herself. "You're all alone, Aqua." I run a hand through my hair, as she stares at me in pure amusement.

"Even if..."

Suddenly, she appears behind me. My eyes flash dangerously, as she kicks me in the back. I falter and stumble to the ground, before rolling away from her. "You're so pathetic," Rena states, as a blue orb appears in her hand.

"Rena, that's enough," a voice comes from behind me. I slowly lift my head, only to see the woman towering over me. A chill races down my spinal cord, as an amused smirk forms on her lips. "You look awfully pathetic down there, don't you, Aqua?" She mocks, before lifting me up by the hair.

I scowl in pain. "I-I'll make you regret this...!"

"It's hard to take your threat seriously when you're trying so hard to hide your pain," the woman states, as I glare at her. "Now, it's time for your nightmare to begin." She then drops me on the ground, before bending down and slamming her hand into the back of my neck. My vision starts to blur, before the entire world goes black.

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