Chapter 25

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As we appear in the kingdom of light and darkness, a familiar warmth shrouds me. I look over my shoulder at Jax, as he nervously yet curiously glances around with wide eyes. I chuckle to myself, as the civilians turn to stare at us. Their faces seem to light up, as they scurry towards us. 

"You've returned!" 

"It's great to see you again!" 

"My lady, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?" A civilian questions respectfully, which captures my attention. I turn my head and meet her gaze, before furrowing my eyebrows in concentration. If anything, I must be cautious about what I tell them. Chances are, they may not like the idea of going back to war in a different dimension. 

"It's nice to see you again, Aqua," a familiar voice says from behind. I turn around, being face to face with Rosy. She wears a bright smile on her face, before looking at Roxy and Jax. The moment she notices Jax, her eyes seem to light up. "Oh my gosh! Aqua, is this your boyfriend!?" She squeals excitedly. 

I exchange a look with Jax and shift nervously. If anything, I hope that he's not uncomfortable. He arches a brow, before putting his arm around me and pulling me close to him. "To answer your question, Aqua is my girlfriend, and she means the world to me," he says, as a toothy grin forms on her face. "We've been together for awhile now, and she talks about you all the time. She enjoyed her time in this dimension." 

My cheeks flush in embarrassment, as I bury my face into my palms. I should've known he would do something like this! I lower my hands and stare at him through the corners, as he wears a smug grin on his face. "Awww, that's so sweet!" Rosy giggles, before gazing at Jax and I in pure amazement. 

"Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt, but we really need to see the queens," Roxy states in a serious tone, capturing everyone's attention. She purses her lips and places her hands on her hips, as Rosy turns to stare at her for a moment. "You're right. That's my bad. I got a little too excited," she says sheepishly, before chuckling to herself. 

Roxy shoots her a warm smile. "You're all good. No worries." 

"Anyways, you can follow me right this way," Rosy says, beckoning for us to follow her. She leads us to the palace, before opening the door to the throne room. The two queens, Ahaha, and Cahya sit on the four thrones, as I stare at them in awe. 

"Aqua, you're back!" Ahaha states, as a bright smile forms on her lips. "It's nice to see you again!" Cahya exchanges a look with the darkness queen, as a serious expression appears on her face. I shift nervously and exchange a look with Jax, who nods in my direction. 

I sigh heavily. "I know it's a lot to ask, but I really need your help..." 

The four of them stare at me in astonishment. "What do you need help with?" The light queen asks, furrowing her eyebrows in concentration. I anxiously run a hand through my hair, as a concerned expression crosses her face. "My home is in danger... There's a powerful threat that I can't defeat by myself..." I admit, lowering my head in dismay. 

"Aqua, don't worry. We got your back," the darkness queen says, as I lift my head and meet her kind gaze. "You've helped us so much, and we're so thankful to you." An arrogant grin forms on her face. "Besides, I've been itching to test out my new skills." 

"Ahaha, Cahya, get the army ready," the light queen states, as the said females nod in response and scurry away. "So, Aqua, what's the threat this time?" I scrunch my brows and frown, feeling their curious gazes. I heave a sigh, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. What if my future self is expecting this? Perhaps, she once did the same thing? 

"Our enemy is my future self..." 

The darkness queen's eyes flash dangerously. "Future you...?" She repeats, as a stern look crosses her face. I nod in her direction, as the light queen furrows her eyebrows in concentration. I look over my shoulder at Jax, as he shoots me a supportive smile. 

"Also," I continue, capturing their attention. "We've faced many enemies in the past, and my future self brought them all back." I clench my fists in desperation. "Because of that, we need to hurry." The two queens exchange a look with each other, before determined expressions appear on their faces. 

"Alright. We're with you!" 

Seconds later, Ahaha and Cahya rush back into the room. "The army of light and darkness is ready!" Ahaha states, as the queens nod in approval. I glance at Jax and Roxy through the corners of my eyes, as hopeful looks cross their faces. With their help, perhaps we can win the war and beat my future self once and for all.

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