Chapter 32

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It has been a week since the Trixs showed up at Alfea. Ever since then, many things have occurred. Icy talked to Stormy and Darcy, and they were happy to help her. Although the Trixs have came over to our side, there still have been a lot of arguments. Darcy and Stella argued a lot at first, but they are finally getting used to each other. As for Bloom and Icy, they have arguments almost every time they see each other. 

In the past few days, I have really been focusing on working on my skills and learning the new spells from the books Ms. Faragonda gave me. Although I recently finished those books, the other members of the Winx Club borrowed the books and started to look over them in an attempt to memorize them. 

I sit on the couch in our dorm, feeling strangely bored. Although I want to improve my magic and skills more than anything, there's little I can do now. I've already read all the books in Alfea, and Magicix's library is currently closed due to the recent battle with my future self. I rest my head on the couch pillow and stare at the ceiling, wondering what my future self and Rena were up to. What are they planning? 

Seconds later, the dorm room door slams open. The Winx Club stand there, with serious yet exhausted expressions on their faces. I instantly get to my feet and turn to stare at them, as my eyes seem to light up. "Hey, girls!" I state, before approaching them. "How did it go?" 

"Those spells are extremely difficult to learn," Bloom admits, as Stella nods in agreement. "We managed to learn a few of them, but it completely drained us." I scrunch my brow in concern, before gazing at the other members of the Winx Club. Although these are some of the most advanced magic books in the entire magic dimension, I'm surprised that the others are having such a hard time with them. 

"You know what, Winx?" Stella declares, instantly capturing everyone's attention. "We've been working so hard these past few days, and we deserve a break!" She runs a hand through her hair. "Let's go shopping and buy some new outfits! I really want to buy a new party dress." 

"You have the right idea, Stella, but it is anything but relaxing when shopping with you," remarks Musa, who crosses her arms. "I have a better idea. To increase the morale of the fairies of Alfea, wizards and specialists of Red Fountain, witches of Cloud Tower, and the army of light and darkness, let's host a concert." 

I raise my eyebrows in astonishment and exchange a look with Flora, as a bright smile forms on her lips. "That's an amazing idea, Musa!" She states, nodding in approval. "When should we do it?" The said female furrows her eyebrows in concentration and places her hands on her hips, before glancing around the room. 

"Tonight," she responds. "However, that's the least of my concerns at the moment." She then peers at Daphne, Nyx, and Roxy. "We need to find instruments for the three of you to play." The three females exchange nervous glances with each other. "Does anything come to mind?" 

"When I was younger, my parents made me learn how to play the piano and harp," Daphne admits, as Bloom stares at her with wide eyes. "If you want, I could play either one." Musa purses her lips in concentration and intently stares at her for a moment, as Roxy smiles sheepishly and chuckles nervously. 

"Alright. You can play the piano then," she notes, before narrowing her eyes at Nyx and Roxy. "What about the two of you? Are there any instruments you are familiar with?" Nyx shrugs her shoulders and meets Musa's gaze, before shaking her head no. 

"I... um, played the recorder when I was in elementary school...?" Roxy murmurs, as Musa eyes her carefully. "I'm not sure if that counts though. I'm sorry, Musa." The said female runs a hand through her hair and then places her hands on her hips, as a warm smile forms on her lips. 

"I understand," she hums, which causes them to stare at her. "Roxy, I'll have you play an instrument like the recorder. It's known as the clarinet." She snaps her fingers, as the instrument appears in her hands. "Even so, the clarinet is very different than the recorder. But, don't worry, I'll teach you how to play." 

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