Chapter 44

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Daphne's POV

I stand in front of the ancestral witches, with Nyx standing right behind me. I scrunch my brows in concern, as my heart ferociously hammers within my chest. Although Aqua's future self planned for us to confront them like this, we don't have much of a choice. Everyone in the magic dimension has been fighting so hard, and we need to end it right away. If anything, we can't let this war last another minute. 

I take a step forward, as a newfound determination forms in the pit of my stomach. "This is the final battle," I point out, narrowing my eyes at the three of them. "You failed against the company of light a few decades ago and lost to the Winx many years ago." I put a hand on my hip. "The only reason you're standing here is because Aqua's future self wanted to separate the Winx to face Aqua by herself." 

"So what?" One of the witches says, snickering to herself. "By siding with Aqua's future self, that means we'll be able to get revenge on the Winx and help Adriana achieve her goals." I shift uncomfortably and eye them cautiously. "Besides, if we switched sides now, then she would use her mind control powers on us just like she did with Rena." 

My face hardens, as I clench my fists in anger. Even though we suspected that was the case, this confirms it. "Okay then," I say sharply, nodding in Nyx's direction. "If that's the case, then let's settle this once and for all." A confident grin etches on my face, as I narrow my eyes at them. 

"This brings back memories," another witch states, as a dark smirk curves around her lips. "You tried your best, Daphne, but that wasn't enough to defeat us." She snickers in amusement. "This'll just turn out like the last time we fought. What are your thoughts about that?" 

My hair covers my eyes, as I clench my fists in desperation. Many years ago, when Sparks was under attack, I was the only one there to defend it. I managed to put Bloom in a portal and send her away from the ancestral witches, but when I tried to use my Sirenix powers to defend myself, they turned it against me and made me into a disembodied spirit. I was stuck like that for sixteen years! All I could do was watch as my home was destroyed!

"What's wrong, Daphne? Cat got your tongue?" 

"It's different this time," states Nyx, who puts her hand on my shoulder. "Not only are we in this together, but Daphne" -- She looks over her shoulder at me -- "You're a lot stronger than you were." She shoots me a warm smile. "If we work together, we can do anything. We're the two most powerful nymphs in the entire universe." 

Tears form in my eyes, as Nyx nods in my direction. "Alright," I state, as a newfound determination forms in the pit of my stomach. "You're right. Thanks for that." I get into a fighting stance. "Let's finish this off quickly and help Aqua!" 

Nyx grins. "That's the spirit. I have your back!" 

We charge at the ancestral witches with a newfound speed. Nyx jumps into the air and sends a powerful gust of wind at them, which launches them into the wall. "I call upon the element of fire!" I declare, as a large beam of fire charges at them.

Before the attack could hit, the ancestral witches reappear behind us. I scowl in annoyance and look at them through the corners of my eyes, as they snicker in pure amusement. "Is that all you've got?" One of the witches mock, before holding out her hand and sending bolts of lightning in our direction. 

My eyes flash dangerously, as Nyx takes a step forward and holds up a metal shield she conjured. I raise my eyebrows in astonishment, as a wave of relief washes over me. I never knew that she could do that! I nod in approval, before raising my hands in the air. Multiple elemental orbs start to circle around me, as I fire them at the three ancestral witches. 

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