Chapter 22

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Once we arrive at the emperor's throne, Tritannus is already there and swimming around. I eye him carefully, as he clenches his fists in pure rage. "Why the hell is this thing not working!?" He demands, glaring at the throne itself. "I know she wants to get rid of the Winx as much as I do! Even so, if I find out that I'm being manipulated, then I'll never forgive her!" 

"Get the hell away from my throne!" I shout, capturing his attention. Tritannus looks over his shoulder at us, as a casual smirk forms on his lips. I start to swim towards him, with the other girls following right behind me. I'm not sure what my future self is planning, but we need to stop it right away. If she told him that he could be the emperor of the infinite ocean, then she must be lying. What could she gain from that? That's a power her and I both share, and it would be stupid to give it to someone like Tritannus. In fact, that's the reason we took it upon ourselves to become the empress of the infinite ocean. 

"You know, Aqua, you're pretty weak compared to your future self!" Tritannus declares, as I narrow my eyes at him. What the hell did he just say? If anything, I'll make him regret saying that. Although we grew up together and used to genuinely care for each other, things have changed. He turned his back on his family and desired the power of the emperor's throne, while I took the one thing he wanted. 

"Cousin, I never wanted this," I say softly, shooting him a sympathetic look. "I never wanted this power, and I especially didn't want to fight you." I lower my head in dismay. "You meant the world to me, and I would've helped you become the king of the underwater kingdom of Andros." I lift my head and meet his gaze. "However, you brought this upon yourself and forced my hand." 

"That's just a bunch of bullcrap," he remarks, as I eye him carefully. "In fact, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time! This is finally my time to get my revenge!" Tritannus, upon uttering those words, charges at me, with his weapon raised. I clench my fists around my specter, before blocking his attack. He scowls in annoyance, as I kick him in the stomach and knock him to the ground. 

I place the bottom of my specter against Tritannus' chest, as he stares at me with wide eyes. "Still think I'm weak?" I ask darkly, as he scrunches his brow in concern. "If anything, I'm a lot stronger than I used to be." I meet his nervous gaze. "Even so, I agree with the fact that she's one of the most powerful people in the magic dimension, and I don't stand a chance against her by myself. Even so, I have my friends to back me up, and that's all I need." 

"Aqua, watch out!" Roxy screams, which catches my attention. I pivot to the right and dive to the ground, just as Rena appears where I was. She snickers in amusement, as Musa, Daphne, and Roxy quickly swim towards her. As for Flora, she helps me to my feet and turns to face Tritannus, just as he gets off the ground and turns to face us. 

"You okay, Aqua?" Flora questions, scrunching her brow in concern. "You barely escaped Rena's sneak attack." She smiles. "I'm just relieved that you're okay. We were scared something would happen to you." I shoot her a toothy grin, before running a hand through my hair and then putting my hands on my hips. 

"We'll talk about it later," I say sharply, as a serious expression appears on her face. "Now, let's take him down." I meet her gaze. "Flora, just do your best to restrain him, and I'll do the rest." She nods in response, before holding out her arms. Seconds later, vines emerge from the sand and start to surround him. Tritannus clenches his fists on his triton and struggles against the vines. 

"He's restrained, Aqua. Go for it!" 

His eyes widen in terror, as I point my specter at him. "Tritannus, I am banishing you from the infinite ocean starting today," I state, as he lowers his head in defeat. "If you return to the infinite ocean, then your powers will be completely drained from your body, and the selkies will take you into custody." I narrow my eyes at him. "You have no place here, monster." 

Once I utter those words, my specter begins to glow, as Tritannus disappears from the infinite ocean. I nod in Flora's direction, before looking over my shoulder at Daphne, Musa, and Roxy. They struggle against Rena, who creates a powerful tornado within the water. Musa and Daphne easily get caught up in her attack, as Roxy takes the form of a dolphin and avoids her attack. 

After that, Rena appears behind Roxy and knocks her to the ground. I share a look with Flora, as anger forms in the pit of my stomach. Rena hurt my friends, and I'll make her regret it! "You coward!" I shout viciously, as Rena looks at me in pure amusement. "Vengeance of the ocean!" Once I utter those words, the ocean around me starts to go crazy. The water around Rena shoves her back and forth, as she nervously glances around. 

"What the hell?" 

Seconds later, she's thrown to the ground. Before she can gasp for air, the ocean around her starts to drag her across the sand. Cuts form on her body, as she weakly stares at me. "Fate has no place in the infinite ocean!" I declare, as the water traps her in place. "Is there anything you have to say for yourself, Rena? First, you betray us. Second, you hurt your friends. Third, you attack the infinite ocean. When will it be enough for you!?" 

"J-Just kill me..." She chokes out, as my eyes flash dangerously. I exchange a look with Flora, who stares at Rena with wide eyes. I lower my head in dismay and stare at her, as tears form in my eyes. Why does she want me to kill her? Although she betrayed us and is one of our many enemies, that's not right. 

"You're such a coward, Rena," says Roxy, whose face hardens. "If things aren't going your way, then you ask to be killed. The choices you've made have consequences, and we won't give you the pleasure of dying." She approaches us and looks down at Rena, who stares at her in amusement. "If you died here and now, then that would be the easy way out. I won't let you off easily for harming my friends!" 

After she says that, Roxy knocks her unconscious. Tears form in her eyes, as she falls to her knees. "Roxy, are you okay...?" I question worriedly, as the said female engulfs me in a hug. She buries her face into my chest and starts to sob, as I wrap my arms around her. Did something happen when Flora and I were dealing with Tritannus? What the hell did Rena say to her? 

"A-Aqua, I'm sorry..." Roxy murmurs. I nervously glance at Musa, Flora, and Daphne, who have worried expressions on their faces. They start to approach us, as I gently run a hand through Roxy's hair. Flora places her hand on Roxy's shoulder, who turns to face her. "I'm sorry for doing this, but you need to rest," Flora hums, before holding out her hand and sending a sleeping pollen at Roxy. She slumps to the ground and falls asleep, as I catch her in my arms. 

"What happened to her?" 

"Aqua, Roxy just learned that she's destined to die in the next few days," Daphne states, before pursing her lips. "They were discussing a prophecy, and Rena mentioned that Roxy was the dove that was going to perish." She frowns. "After that, Rena started taunting Roxy about it, and that was the first time I've ever seen Roxy lose her cool." 

Musa scrunches her brows. "Aqua, we need to know about this prophecy." 

"I know..." I say softly, feeling their curious gazes. "In fact, I need to tell the others about it as well." I lower my head in defeat. "I'm sorry for keeping it from you. I know it was selfish, but I didn't want to bother you with it." Musa exchanges a look with Daphne, as Flora makes her way up to me and engulfs me in a hug. 

"I know things have been difficult for you lately, but please try to confide in us more," she begs, as I lift my head and stare into her green eyes. "We care about you and want what's best for you, but we cannot help you if you don't let us in." A serious expression appears on her face. "Also, don't put too much on Roxy's plate. Although she's amazing and can keep up with the rest of us, she's still young and inexperienced." She bites her lips. "Roxy puts too much pressure on herself and wants to become as strong as she can." 

"I understand... I'm so sorry..."

Flora smiles tenderly. "No worries, Aqua." 

"Since that's resolved, what should we do with her?" Musa questions, intently staring at Rena. I furrow my eyebrows in concentration and look at Daphne, who takes a few steps towards her and peers at her. "The best thing we can do is take her with us and lock her up. That way, we can get answers out of her about the prophecy and ensure that she stays out of the next battle," she states, as I nod in agreement. If anything, we need to get answers out of Rena before it's too late. If we get her to talk, then maybe there is a way to save Roxy from her fate.

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