Chapter 33

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My eyes flutter open, as sunlight fills the room. I sit up and glance around the room, instantly noticing Jax sitting in the chair next to me. He casually holds his phone in his hands, seemingly playing a game. I purse my lips and scrunch my brows in concern, wondering how long he's been here with me. A wave of dizziness washes over me, as I grab my head. Why do I feel so exhausted? I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to recall what happened. We held a concert to boost morale and then Icy, Darcy, and Stormy became teachers at Cloud Tower. After that, I left the party and was attacked by Valtor. Even though Jax managed to save me in the end, I was covered in injuries. 

I clench my fists in rage, as my eyes flash dangerously. Not only was I attacked, but my future self was there. She managed to stop Jax's attack and save Valtor. Honestly, I'm frustrated. Why did we let her escape once again? If anything, she continues to become stronger with each passing day. We need to act right away! She cannot be left alone for another second! 

"Aqua, you're awake," says Jax, as I look over my shoulder at him. He turns off his phone and places it in his pocket, before scrunching his brow in concern. I lower my head in dismay and bring my knees to my chest, before wrapping my arms around my legs. "Yeah... I am..." I say softly, as tears form in my eyes. 

"What's wrong?" 

I heave a sigh. "I'm so angry," I admit, meeting his gaze. "I'm so sick of this." I scowl. "It feels like my future self always gets away! Not only did she bring back our enemies, but she also tried to hurt Roxy." I run a hand through my hair. "I hate her so much. She's the one who brought Valtor back as well." I bring my knees close to my chest. "Even so, when I saw him... I was petrified... I couldn't do a damn thing!" Tears form in my eyes. "H-He still scares me... What he did... I don't want to go through that again..." I bury my face in my palms. "All I wanted was to fight back, but I couldn't move... Do you think there's anyway I could gain the strength to face him...?" 

Jax immediately engulfs me in a hug, as I start to cry. He gently places his hand in my hair and holds me close to him, as my body starts to shake uncontrollably. "Aqua, I promise that I won't let him hurt you again," he says in a serious tone. "Don't worry, I'll be the one to end him once and for all." 

I lift my head and stare at him with wide eyes, as a look of determination crosses his face. "Jax..." I hum, before resting my head against his chest. Although he just said that he'd murder someone for me, I feel very safe in his arms. A warm smile forms on my lips, as I wrap my arms around him. 

Suddenly, Jax's phone goes off. I jump in surprise, as Jax's eyes flash dangerously. He takes it out of his pocket, before answering it. "Yeah, Sky?" He says in a bored tone, rolling his eyes in annoyance. "Yeah. She just woke up." He looks over at me and scrunches his brow in concern, before exhaling sharply. "Okay. We'll be down there in just a sec." Jax then hangs up, before exhaling sharply. 

"What did he say?" 

"Apparently, we're having a meeting in your dorm to come up with a plan to defeat your future self and other enemies," Jax states, as I scrunch my brows in concern. If anything, this doesn't sit right with me. I thought I was being excluded from any plans due to the knowledge my future self has. "I believe the reason why they want you to be involved in this is because you managed to change the past," he points out, as if reading my mind. 

I nod in response. "Alright. Let's go." 

He helps me to my feet, before we leave the infirmary. "You know, you have some amazing friends," he says, as I arch a brow. "Aqua, they care about you so much and didn't want to leave you." A genuine smile forms on my lips. "I was the one who sent them back to your dorm to sleep, but they still did what they could before I forced them to leave." 

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