Chapter 23

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As we leave the infinite ocean, I look down at Roxy, who lays peacefully in my arms. She sure has been through a lot today, and I cannot imagine how she was feeling. Honestly, I don't blame her for losing her cool. Roxy just learned that she was a fairy and made some new friends that mean the world to her. Although we were talking about death the other day and she had a feeling that someone was going to die, it's still difficult to deal with and accept.

We appear in the courtyard of Alfea, as I look over my shoulder at Musa, who holds Rena over her shoulder like a rag doll. I purse my lips in concentration, before looking down at my outfit. It was the gorgeous, pink and black dress that Stella helped me pick out the other day. I cannot believe how genuinely happy we were back then. If anything, it feels like a distant memory. 

Seconds later, the other members of the Winx Club scurry towards us, with worried yet uneasy expressions on their faces

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Seconds later, the other members of the Winx Club scurry towards us, with worried yet uneasy expressions on their faces. "How'd it go?" I question, as Bloom lowers her head in dismay. "Did you manage to save Andros?" I look over at my cousin, as she clenches her fists in rage and scowls. "What happened?"

"He got away."

"On the bright side, Valtor is no longer a threat to Andros," Nyx points out, as relief washes over me. "It sucks that he got away, but the fact remains that we forced him to retreat." I shoot her a warm smile. "If that's not a victory, then I don't know what is." She looks at Roxy and then Rena. "It seems the infinite ocean was more eventful. What happened?"

Bloom, Stella, Tecna, and Aisha turn to face me, before staring at the unconscious fairy in my arms. "Hey, Aqua, is she okay?" Bloom questions, taking a few steps towards me. "Did Tritannus hurt her!?" Stella and Aisha follow right behind her, as Tecna furrows her eyebrows in concentration.

"She'll be fine..." I say softly, as tears form in my eyes. "She's been through a lot and just needs some time." I look over my shoulder at Daphne, as she nods in my direction. "Winx, there's something I need to tell you..." Everyone turns to stare at me, as I anxiously run a hand through my hair. "When I went to return the Legendarium to the dimension of light and darkness, I learned that there was a prophecy created about us."

Daphne studies me. "What did it say?"

"The first line of the prophecy says "a group of heroes will rise to the task"," I state, as the other members of the Winx Club intently stare at me. "That talks about our first encounter and creating our current group." Aisha exchanges a look with Musa, as a serious expression appears on her face. Stella runs a hand through her hair, while Bloom purses her lisp in concentration.

"That makes sense. What's next?"

"The next line is "through calm and storm"," I continue, as a soft wind blows against my hair. "This one is straightforward. It means through good times and bad times." Nyx nods in my direction. "The third one is "with dangers unlike any other". It's safe to assume that this line discusses the enemies we've encountered and overcome."

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