Chapter 41

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Flora's POV

I stare at the girl standing before me. There's no doubt that she's been through a lot lately. Although she betrayed us for Aqua's future self, she did come back to help us in the end. I don't think she expects any of us to ever forgive her, but I'm willing to try and mend our broken relationship.

"Rena." I narrow my eyes at her. "Are you still in there somewhere?" I scrunch my brows in concern, as the said female eyes me carefully. "I know you've been through a lot lately, and I want to help." Rena, upon hearing my words, snickers to herself and gets into a fighting stance.

"Flora, you're so amusing," the female states, as a devilish smirk curves around her lips. "Even after I clearly turned my back on the Winx and stabbed you in Magicix, you're still trying to be my friend." She then puts a hand on her hip. "You sure have a big heart, Flora, but that could get you into trouble."

I get into a fighting stance, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. What did Aqua's future self do to her? I shift uncomfortably, hoping there's a way to bring her back. A newfound determination forms in the pit of my stomach, as I get into a fighting stance. Even if there's no way to turn her back, I won't back down. My friends are fighting so hard, and I won't hold them back.

"What are you wanting for, Flora? An invitation?"

"I'm sorry, Rena..." I hum, as she arches a brow and chuckles to herself. "I know you don't want to do this, but I need to help my friends." I purse my lips in concentration. "After all that pain you and Aqua went through, this needs to end right away. For both of your sakes, this cannot continue."

"Oh? Bring it on!"

I extend my hand, as rows of vines race towards her. Rena backflips into the air and summons a powerful tornado, as my eyes flash dangerously. If that's how she's planning it, then I really need to step up my game. I close my eyes and put my hands together, as the ground begins to shake.

"What the hell!?"

I open my eyes, as Rena struggles to keep her footing. The tornado vanishes into thin air, as she shoots a glare at me. "It seems you lost your concentration, Rena," I point out, as she scowls in annoyance. "You've always been an extremely impressive fighter, but this is a battle of the elements. If you lose concentration for a moment, that means you'll lose."

"Don't you think I know that!?" Rena exclaims, clenching her fists in rage. "You've always been so pathetic, Flora! With your powers, you could've become extremely powerful, but you're not confident in your abilities, rather, you second guess yourself all the damn time. Don't you see, Flora? You could never beat me."

"Perhaps." My face softens, as tears form in my eyes. "That has always been a weakness of mine, and it has been exploited many times." A serious expression appears on my face. "Even so, I've become a lot stronger because of the Winx. They love me for who I am and encourage me to become the best person I can be. If I'm not strong enough, then they'll be there to back me up. In fact, I would do the same for any of them. If they couldn't handle something alone, then I'll stand with them no matter what."

"Tch. How annoying."

"Only to you, Rena."

A second later, Rena appears behind me. My eyes flash dangerously, as I pivot to the side and barely avoid her attack. She raises a hand, as a powerful gust of wind throws me to the ground. I gasp for air, as Rena slowly stalks towards me. She chuckles to herself and picks me up with her air powers, before flinging me into a nearby tree.

I groan and fall to the ground, as blood trickles down my forehead. I struggle to get to my feet, as Rena snickers to herself. "I don't understand why you stayed behind to deal with me," she comments, putting a hand on her hip. "Your chances against me are very slim to none."

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