Chapter 29

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I turn to face her, as a newfound rage washes over me. "Y-You have a lot of nerve...!" I choke out, glaring at my future self. "Not only have you made my life a living hell, but you made Rena betray us and killed Roxy! You ruined so many lives! What more do you want!?" I clench my fists in desperation and turn to face her. "You know what? It doesn't matter. I'll make you regret it."

"You know, Aqua, you're so amusing," my future self says, as a dark laughter escapes her lips. "Your friend just died in front of you, and the only thing you can think about is revenge." She smirks darkly. "Now, I really can't wait to break you."

"I won't let you hurt anyone else!" I declare, as a newfound determination washes over me. "I don't know how I'll become you in the near future, and frankly, I don't give a damn! What I do care about, though, are the people who love me and would never leave my side!" My face softens. "The Winx, Jax, and I knew that Roxy was destined to die, and we tried to prevent it. Even with that knowledge, Roxy still showed up to save me." Tears form in my eyes. "Because of that, I'll never become you!"

Suddenly, a newfound energy washes over me. I raise my hands in the air, as an unfamiliar warmth spreads throughout my body like a wildfire. I cautiously glance around, as a bright light surrounds me. I close my eyes and embrace the energy, instantly realizing that my transformation is changing. Perhaps, I unlocked a new Dimentix form? Once I'm done transforming, I look down at my outfit. If anything, I feel a lot stronger than I did a few seconds ago.

 If anything, I feel a lot stronger than I did a few seconds ago

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I narrow my eyes at her, as she stares at me with wide eyes. "What did the hell did you do!?" My future self demands, glaring at me. "I never unlocked that form, and these new memories keep forming in my head." I step towards her, as she cautiously backs away from me.

"You were just so cocky a moment ago," I mock, as her eyes flash dangerously. "What happened to that? Did I accidentally change the future and interrupt your plans of torturing me?" My future self furrows her eyebrows in concentration, before a casual smirk forms on her lips.

"I see..." She hums, chuckling to herself. "Although I wasn't able to defeat you today, that doesn't mean I haven't won." My future self stares at me in amusement. "Roxy is dead, and all of your past enemies are under my control." She puts her hands on her hips. "This isn't over. We'll continue this another day."

Once she utters those words, my future self vanishes into thin air. I turn and hurry back to the place I left Roxy, as my heart hammers within my chest. If anything, I hope she's still alive. By the time I return there, Roxy is sitting on the ground. Jax stands right next to her, as I pause and stare at them in complete astonishment.

"R-Roxy...?" I choke out, as tears stream down my cheeks. I hurry towards the said female, before engulfing her in a hug. Relief forms in the pit of my stomach, as I start to shake uncontrollably. Roxy wraps her arms around me and supportively pats me on the back, as I bury my face into her chest. I can't believe that she's alive!

"Thank goodness..." I murmur, lifting my head and staring at the young fairy. She shoots me a warm smile, as I wipe the water from my cheeks. I look over at Jax, who nods in my direction. If anything, I'm so thankful that he was here to help Roxy. "Aqua, as much as I hate to break up this beautiful moment, I think we should return to Alfea," he says, as I nod in agreement.

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