Chapter 2

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My eyes flutter open, as the sunlight fills the room. The smell of food comes from my desk, as I slowly get to my feet and stretch my arms. Roxy sits on her bed and holds the white circle in her hands, before turning to look at me.

"Good morning, Aqua!"

"Hey, Roxy..."

"You're such a heavy sleeper," she states, before chuckling to herself. "Once you fell asleep, you were out. I accidentally dropped a book on unique animal powers and was worried that I woke you, but you were sleeping like a baby."


"Do you want to start reading those books?"

"Sure. Let's do it."

She turns the white circle back into a ring, before standing up and making her way to my bed. We sit down and pull out the book, as excitement forms in the pit of my stomach. If anything, I cannot wait to see what these spells look like!

After two hours of reading that book and practicing spells, a knock comes from our door. "Come in!" I call, as the door slams open. Aisha, Musa, and Tecna stand there, with casual smiles on their faces.

"They're serving breakfast in the cafeteria, and we were wondering if you wanted to join us," Musa states, as I exchange a look with Roxy. Her eyes seem to light up, as she quickly gets to her feet.

"Sure! That sounds fun!"

"Just give us a few minutes to get ready, and we'll meet you in the cafeteria," I say, before standing up. The three girls nod in response, before closing the door. Roxy heads towards her closet and opens it, before entering her walk-in closet and closing the door behind her. I hide the book under my pillow, before heading towards my walk-in closet.

I glance around my closet, before picking out one of my favorite outfits. It's a gorgeous, dark blue dress, with pearls on the bottom. Along with that, it comes with dark blue shoes. I brush through my hair, as a bright smile forms on my face. This outfit looks so pretty!

I step out of my closet, as Roxy stands there and patiently waits for me

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I step out of my closet, as Roxy stands there and patiently waits for me. "You ready?" I ask, as she nods in response. We step out of our room, before heading straight towards the cafeteria of Alfea.

Once we arrive, Musa, Tecna, and Aisha sit at a table and wave us over. We get our food, before joining them at the table. "How are you girls doing?" I ask in a curious tone, as Tecna takes a bite out of her pancake.

"Our training is going pretty good," states Aisha, who has a bright smile on her face. "Not only have we become extremely flexible, but we've found ways to be more adaptable with our magic."

"That's awesome!" Roxy declares. "I have been working on channeling the energy of the magic circle and using more animal spells! I can now take the form of different animals, along with their abilities! And, with the white circle, I'm even learning how to use the abilities of other Earth Fairies!"

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