Chapter 48

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I glance at my friends, seeing their worried gazes. Flora stood there, holding Rena on her shoulders. The other members of the winx looked severely weakened. "Y-You are our last hope..." Bloom said.

"Go back in time and defeat her," Musa said, and Tecna frowned, glancing at the ground. I glance at Roxy, seeing a smile appear on her face. "Go," Roxy said.

"Aqua, she is going back to the day when we first met," Bloom said, and I stared at her, alarmed. She was right. I had to go and save all of us before it was too late. "Aqua: Dimentix power!" I say, thinking about that day.

Memories came from all around. Meeting Adriana, becoming the empress of the infinite ocean, becoming a famous singer, being held captive by Valtor, Bloom being turned evil, and then defeating the Trixs for the first time and winning the war.

I glance all around, realizing I am back to that day. No one believed in magic anymore, and I knew this was a nightmare. I gasp, seeing Bloom at the park, petting Kiko. "I-I remember this..." I murmur to myself.

That's when I saw what was happening. My past self stood on the battle field, being in her normal outfit. I stare at the scene, horrified. "Aqua: transformation!" She said, soon looking exactly like this:

 "Aqua: transformation!" She said, soon looking exactly like this:

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I glance all around, searching for Adriana. If I could find her, then I could defeat her. Bloom jumped in, helping defeat Nut. I sigh, finding Adriana. She walked towards them, a devilish smirk on her face.

"Adriana, get away from them!" I yell, seeing her stare at me, amused. She burst into laughter, staring at me. "Typical of you," Adriana said, smirking.

"You three, find a safe place," I command, shifting my gaze back to Adriana, hearing them run away. Adriana smirked, glancing at me for a moment. "Go ahead," Adriana said.

I glare at her, knowing she was going to try to defeat me. This time, I had to use my Dimentix special power. There was no preventing it from being used. "Dimentix: special power!" I say, seeing her eyes widened. A bright light came from, and in the end, I looked exactly like this:

 A bright light came from, and in the end, I looked exactly like this:

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Adriana stared at me, fear appearing in her eyes. "You will never beat me," Adriana said, and I stare at her, knowing I had to try. I had to beat her no matter what.

"Water Stars and empress powers! Combine!" I say, sending the spell at her. Her eyes widened in shock, being hit by the spell. She smiled, glancing at me for a moment. "You tend to forget that I have all of the winx's powers," she said.

She put her hands together, a powerful energy coming from her. If she has all of their powers, then she won't hesitate to use it. She sent the spell at me, and I knew this was the final battle.

"Aqua, you are so much fun!" Stella said, and I smiled, glancing at her. All of us laughed together, having so much fun. Bloom smiled, patting me on the back. "I am so proud of you!" She said.

"Aqua, you are so smart!" Tecna said, and I smile, glancing at her. Musa smiled as we sang together, enjoying our time. "Thanks to you, we are famous!" Musa said.

I glance at Rena. "Have any reeds?" She says, and I chuckle, smiling in her direction. I glance at Roxy, seeing her swinging her hips to the music, having so much fun. "Go girls!" She cheers.

"Winx, I did it!" Daphne said, showing off her new transformation. She smiled in our direction, glancing at me for a moment. I stare at her, smiling. "Thank you so much for inviting me to the group!" Nyx said, and I smile, nodding.

I glance at Adriana, a smile appearing on my face. It doesn't matter about the future. The memories I have are what I have and no one can take those from me. Now, it's time to see whose the victor once and for all.

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