Chapter 30

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After that, we enter a portal back to Alfea, where the Winx and other fairies are celebrating. "Aqua, Roxy, Jax, thank goodness!" Stella declares, as a relieved smile forms on her lips. "When I heard you three went to Magicix, I was worried for a second." She notices our serious expressions, as her face hardens. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened over there?" 

"When I arrived there, Magicix was completely deserted," I admit, as Aisha and Nyx exchange a nervous look. "I should've realized it sooner, but it was a trap." I lower my head in dismay. "My future self was already there and waiting for me. She beat me up to the point where I was struggling to remain conscious." I purse my lips. "After that, Roxy showed up and challenged her. She was very brave, but my future self got the best of her and nearly killed her." I run a hand through my hair. "As for me, I somehow managed to find the strength within me and fight her off." I look over my shoulder at Jax, who nods in my direction. "When I returned to where Roxy was, Jax was there and already healed her." 

Aisha frowns. "That's horrible!" 

"I'm so sorry that happened," says Flora, who scrunches her brow in concern. "Aqua, I can't imagine how you were feeling." She wraps her arms around me. "As for you, Roxy, I'm so proud of you. It sounds like you were amazing, but please don't worry any of us like that again." Roxy shoots her a toothy grin and nods, before Flora looks at Jax. "If it wasn't for you, then Roxy would be dead." She then steps away from me. "Honestly, I'm just relieved that the three of you are okay." 

I smile softly. "Me too." 

Seconds later, Daphne and Bloom scurry towards us, with panicked expressions on their faces. "Winx!" Bloom calls, immediately capturing our attention. "We have some really bad news! Aqua's future self just attacked the prison and recaptured Rena! We tried to stop her, but we didn't stand a chance!" She scowls, before lowering her head in dismay. "I'm so sorry, Winx..." 

"It's not your fault," I state, as they turn to stare at me. "Girls, I should be the one apologizing." I heave a sigh. "If you didn't lead me to the prison, then my future self wouldn't have known where we were keeping her." I shift nervously and purse my lips. "I'm sorry..." 

"You're wrong," Jax interrupts, crossing his arms in annoyance. "Like I said earlier, Aqua, stop with this pityparty. Even if they didn't show you the way to the prison, your future self still has plenty of resources to find it." A serious expression appears on his face. "Firstly, your future self could use her magic orb." He then looks over at Tecna. "Secondly, she could've used the power she stole from Tecna's future self to locate it." After he says that, he turns to Roxy and Flora. "Or, perhaps, your future self used nature and animals to find Rena." 

"Fair point," Daphne says, nodding in approval. "Although there could be countless ways she knew about it, we can't change the fact that Rena escaped from Alfea's prison and is actively threatening the magic dimension alongside Aqua's future self and our past enemies." She furrows her eyebrows in concentration. "Winx, Jax, do you have any ideas on what we should do?" 

"I do," Tecna states, as a confident grin forms on her lips. "While Rena was unconscious, I put a tracking device on her." I raise my eyebrows in astonishment and look over at Daphne, as her eyes light up. "In other words, if we want to play aggressive, then we could locate Rena and attack them on their home turf." 

Daphne smiles. "I like the sound of it," she comments, before putting her hands on her hips. "Alright, everyone, I think I have the perfect plan." I arch a brow, as excitement forms in the pit of my stomach. If anything, I cannot wait to launch our own attack against them. Perhaps, this'll be our chance to stop them once and for all.

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