Chapter 20

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The next day, I sit in the courtyard of Red Fountain. It has been strangely peaceful, and I cannot help but wonder if it is the calm before the storm. If anything, it feels like my future self and Rena are planning something big. What could they be planning? Being so unsure about the future is what scares me the most right now.

"Aqua!" Roxy exclaims, immediately capturing our attention. "Red Fountain is under attack!" I turn to stare at the young fairy, who races towards me, with a panicked expression on her face. I scrunch my brows in worry, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. I quickly rise to my feet, before intently staring at the young fairy.

Although my future self has the guts to attack Red Fountain by herself, something tells me that she isn't responsible for it this time. I cautiously glance around and run a hand through my hair, as my heart hammers within my chest. Perhaps, the attacker is Rena?

Suddenly, four figures appear before us. I stare at them with wide eyes, as a stern expression appears on my face. Ogron stands in the front, having an amused smirk on his lips. Anagan and Gantlos stand right behind him, with their hands on their hips. As for Dulman, he remains right behind them, with a nonchalant expression on his face.

"So, the ones attacking Red Fountain are the wizards of the black circle," I state in a strangely bored tone. "Ogron, why are you here? What do you gain by doing this?" The wizards chuckle to themselves, as I eye them carefully. "Let me get this straight. You escape the omega dimension and can do whatever you want, but the first thing you do is attack a school." I roll my eyes. "How pathetic."

"Thanks to your future self, Aqua, we've returned," says Ogron, who has a wide grin on his face. "Now that we're back, we will continue our mission of capturing the last Earth fairy." I look over my shoulder at Roxy, before crossing my arms and huffing in annoyance. This is just a waste of time and energy. Even so, if the wizards of the black circle have returned, then that means the rest of our past enemies are also back.

"Roxy, we don't have time to waste on them!" I declare in a serious tone, as she glances at me through the corners of her eyes. "If they're back, then the same could be said about the rest of our enemies. We cannot waste another minute on them. We have more important things to worry about at the moment."

She nods in response. "Understood."

"Magic Winx: Dimentix!" 

"Magic Winx: Dimentix!" 

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I narrow my eyes at them, knowing our chances of defeating them were a lot higher

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I narrow my eyes at them, knowing our chances of defeating them were a lot higher. Not only do we have more powerful fairy forms compared to back then, but Roxy has been experimenting with the power of the white circle, and I've also gained the powers of the emperor's throne.

We confidently stand before them, as the wizards stare at us with wide eyes. "Ogron, I can feel their energy," Anagan says nervously, before looking at the said male. "I'm not sure what happened, but they're a lot stronger than they were. I don't think we can win." I exchange an amused look with Roxy, before putting my hands on my hips. I'm glad he noticed that.

"Wizards of the black circle, if you want to live, then never return here!" I declare, as they stare cautiously at me. "At this point in time, I'm a lot more powerful than you could ever imagine. It was a mistake for you to come here." The wizards exchange nervous glances with each other, before Ogron takes a step forward and narrows his eyes at us.

"That's just an empty threat," the red-haired wizard states, as I arch a brow. "It doesn't matter how powerful you get; we will defeat you and take the power of the last Earth fairy." Roxy scrunches her brows in concern, before taking a step forward and approaching the four wizards. I nod in approval, as she holds out her hands and sends a powerful beam in their direction, which launches them across the courtyard.

"H-How did she get so powerful...?"

"I-I don't know...!"

"Wizards, it's time to retreat," orders Ogron, who stares worriedly at Roxy. "We weren't prepared for this." Within seconds, they vanish into thin air. I look at Roxy, who stares at me, with a bright smile on her face. Although she is extremely hard on herself and constantly compares herself to others, Roxy has become so strong, and I'm so proud of her. Even so, if they managed to escape from the omega dimension, then it's safe to assume that the rest of our enemies are somewhere out there.

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