Chapter 40

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Upon seeing the omega dimension, an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. I don't understand! Why the hell are we here? What is that woman planning!? I exchange a look with Jax, as a serious expression appears on his face. He has to notice it as well. Something isn't right here! 

Suddenly, dark laughter erupts from all around us. My eyes flash dangerously, as I cautiously glance around. What's going on? "Someone is here," states Flora, who gets into a fighting stance. "Winx, Jax, I can tell that something about them is off. It's making me feel anxious, and I don't know why." 

Before we could say another word, a figure materializes in front of us. She has long, black hair, with a devilish smirk on her face. It was Rena. I narrow my eyes at her, noticing that her eyes were blood red instead of bright blue. What the hell did my future self do!? I clench my fists in rage, as tears form in my eyes. I won't let her get away with this! 

Jax puts his hand on my shoulder. "It's mind control," he points out, as I lower my head in dismay. "Once we defeat the source, she should revert back to normal." I nod slowly and stare at Rena, as a newfound determination washes over me. If that's the case, then we need to defeat my future self before she hurts anyone else. 

"Alright then." Flora takes a step towards Rena. "I'll deal with her." She gets into a fighting stance, as I stare at her in horror. "I know I can do this, so please have faith in me." I exhale sharply and scrunch my brows in concern, as the nature fairy focuses her attention on Rena. 

"Alright. We'll leave you to it." 

Flora nods in response, as we turn and race into the cave. I hope she knows what she's getting into! As we continue forward, a serious expression appears on my face. This is the final battle, and we have to give it everything we've got. If we hold back even for a second, then the magic dimension will fall. In other words, this is all or nothing. 

A sinister laughter comes from ahead, as a chill races down my spinal cord. I can't believe this is happening now out of all times! I peer in that direction, as Valtor and Lord Darkar stand there, with amused smirks on their faces. I shift nervously and clench my fists in desperation, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Valtor hums, as his eyes land on me. "My nephew and the Winx have made their appearance." He snickers to himself, as Lord Darkar eyes us carefully. "Adriana told us it was okay for us to take you down once and for all." 

"As if you could," Bloom scoffs, before taking a step forward. "You know what's sad?" She puts her hands on her hips. "You actually stood a chance against all of us about four years ago, but it's too late for you." Her face darkens. "I don't think you'd even last five minutes against one of us." 

Valtor, upon hearing her words, clenches his fists in pure rage. "I'll make you eat your words!" He declares, narrowing his eyes at her. "Even with your Dimentix, you aren't that powerful!" Bloom chuckles to herself and gets into a fighting stance, as I stare at her in astonishment. She's amazing! I have no doubt that she can beat him, but is she able to go up against Lord Darkar as well? 

"If this is how we're doing it, then count me in," says Stella, who stands next to Bloom. "Winx, Jax, please go ahead. Bloom and I will take care of this, so you don't need to worry." She then shoots us a toothy grin. "In fact, I think we'll have some fun." 

Aisha nods. "You got it. Let's go." 

I nod in response, as we hurry forward. I shift nervously, knowing that my future self is purposely trying to decrease our numbers. She doesn't want to fight all of us at once, so she's using our past enemies as a distraction to limit the people who will fight her. 

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