Chapter 19

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I lay in bed and look at the ceiling, thinking about our last confrontation with my future self. She mentioned that I should enjoy the time I have left with my loved ones. Does that mean that someone is about to die? Perhaps, it'll happen in our next battle against her? I lower my head in dismay, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. 

"Aqua, is everything alright?" Roxy questions, as I sit up and turn to look at the young fairy. "You've been deep in thought ever since we returned from Magicix. What's on your mind?" I heave a sigh and meet her curious gaze, before pursing my lips in concentration. 

"Roxy, do you remember the last thing she said to me earlier?" I ask, as Roxy furrows her eyebrows and stares intently at the floor. "What my future self said earlier really got to me. She mentioned to enjoy the time I have left with my loved ones." I anxiously bite my lips. "I cannot help but wonder if she was referring to the prophecy about someone dying." 

"I remember," she responds, running a hand through her hair. "Honestly, Aqua, I think that was her intention. I'm not sure who, but I think one of us is going to die soon. I'm not sure who it'll be, but it's scary to think about." I heave a sigh. "But, hey, could you please promise me something?" I nod in response, as a warm smile forms on her lips. "Even if something happens to me, don't ever become her." 

I meet her gaze, as a serious expression appears on my face. "Roxy, I promise that I'll never become my future self," I say, as her face seems to light up. "I will keep fighting no matter what. Even if you die along the way, I won't stop until she is defeated. That is my promise." 

"Thank you," Roxy states, as I nod in her direction. "Also, Aqua, can I ask you something?" I meet her gaze, as a worried expression forms on the young fairy's face. She anxiously bites her lips and lowers her head in dismay, before placing both hands on her legs. 

"Of course. Ask away." 

"Have you ever been afraid?" 

I nod. "All the time." 

"How do you overcome it?"

"Roxy, that's the most difficult thing to overcome," I admit, as a warm smile forms on my lips. "I'm terrified of what I'm going to become and what will happen to all of you. I put on a brave face and can pretend that I'm fine, but like you, I'm trembling. I don't want to be in this situation with my future self, but I can't control it. What are you scared about?"

"Aqua, I feel so powerless against Rena and your future self," she acknowledges, before burying her face in her palms. "If I came across either one of them, I wouldn't win. In fact, I would be lucky to escape with my life. I know I have been getting stronger lately, but I wouldn't stand a chance. It sucks, but that's my reality. I'm weak." 

I shoot her a sympathetic look, before getting to my feet and approaching her. I stop in front of her, before engulfing her in a hug. "It's completely normal to feel that way," I say in a soothing tone. "My future self and Rena are extremely powerful individuals that can take on the entire Winx Club by themselves. Rena's sky and air magic is advanced and powerful, while it feels like my future self has all our powers combined at points in time." 

Roxy scrunches her brow in worry. "Aqua, wait..." She murmurs, before pursing her lips in concentration. "Do you think it's possible that she took all of the future Winx Club's powers and abilities?" I shift nervously, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. I lower my head in dismay, recalling when she told me about the events that are about to occur. 

"Yes," I state. "She mentioned to me that she killed her friends and then took their powers. In other words, that means she has the powers of the dragon flame, water stars, all the earth fairies, nature, technology, music, waves, and is even the nymph of Domino, Dimentix, and Sirenix." I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "I genuinely forgot about this until now, but that means she has just been toying with us all this time." 

"I don't like that," Roxy says, with a frown on her face. "If that's true, then I think it's too late to defeat her. She's too powerful to stop, and we can't do a thing about that." She lowers her head in dismay. "Do you have any idea on how you turn evil in the first place? I know you've been trying to change the past events, but I don't know if it'll work." 

"She told me that I turn evil when someone close to me dies," I murmur, which captures her attention. "I do my best to save that person, but I'm unsuccessful. Once the Winx Club hears the news, they turn their backs on me." My hair covers my eyes. "Once that's done, I end up killing my friends and taking their powers." 

"Yeah. That confirms it then," Roxy states. "We don't stand a chance against her. Your future self hasn't just been toying with us, but she has been watching our every move. If she has Tecna's powers, then whose to say she hasn't been spying on us with technology itself? The same thing could be said about my powers and even Flora's." She turns to face me. "Aqua, in other words, we're completely screwed."

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