Chapter 39

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As we appear in the center of the courtyard, I nervously glance around. Monsters surround us, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. "Aqua, watch out!" Rena declares, as my eyes flash dangerously. She tackles me to the ground, just as a giant bull-like monster punches the ground where we were just standing.

"Thanks for that, Rena!" I state, as she nods in response. I narrow my eyes at the bull-like monster standing in front of us, before getting to my feet. I raise my hands, as water surrounds the monster and lifts it into the air, before tossing it to the ground. More creatures start to approach us, as a serious expression appears on my face. Rena holds her hands above her head, as a powerful wind comes from her body and launches the monsters across the courtyard.

I open my wings and fly into the air, carefully peering at the events occurring on the battlefield. Even with the help from the army of light and darkness, we were severely outnumbered. I glance over at my future self, who casually sits on the rooftop and stares down at the battlefield in pure amusement. I can tell that she doesn't take this war seriously just by how she's sitting there and watching the battle play out. I can't let her continue to drag this out!

I hold my hands in the air, as water forms in the air and starts to drown the monsters. "What the hell!?" My future self roars furiously, before getting to her feet and narrowing her eyes at me. "You're not supposed to be here, Aqua!" Her eyes then land on Rena, who remains by my side. "I see... So, you've betrayed me. How disappointing."

"You've been threatening the magic dimension for far too long," states Rena, who meets her gaze. "It was a mistake siding with you." She clenches her fists in rage. "I hurt the people I care about, and I doubt I'll ever regain their trust again." She purses her lips. "Honestly, I wouldn't blame them one bit. My actions weren't justified, but I know taking a stand here is a start."

"Are you done yet?" My future self asks impatiently, putting her hands on her hips. "I don't know if you've forgot, but you pledged yourself to me." She snickers in amusement. "In other words, you belong to me, and nothing you say or do can change that."

"You think so?" The black-haired fairy remarks, before summoning a powerful ball of air. She throws it at my future self, who pivots to the right and avoids her attack. Rena clenches her fists in desperation, as a serious expression appears on her face. I shift nervously, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach.

"It seems you've forgotten what we agreed upon after I granted you the power of Apprentix," my future self hums, as a dark smirk curves around her lips. "If you disobey me, then you will face immeasurable pain." Rena freezes in terror, as tears form in her eyes. I scrunch my brows in concern and stare at my future self through the corners of my eyes, as she watches us in pure amusement.

"What are you saying!?" I exclaim, putting myself between her and Rena. "Are you going to hurt her!? I won't let you!" I narrow my eyes at my future self, as a newfound determination washes over me. My future self, upon hearing my words, burst into a dark laughter.

"There's no way you can protect her now, Aqua," she states, as a sickly sweet smile etches on her face. "If I desired it, I could kill her without casting a single spell." My eyes flash dangerously. What is she talking about? "It seems you're confused, so I will show you."

Rena's eyes widen in terror. "Wait, no...!"

My future self snaps her fingers, as electricity shrouds Rena's entire body. The black-haired fairy releases a loud scream, as tears form in my eyes. "Stop it! You're hurting her!" I declare furiously, as a devilish grin curves around her lips. "Rena, please hang in there! I'll...!"

"Okay. Enough fun," my future self says abruptly, as the lightning surrounding Rena vanishes. "Alright. It's time to go, my dear apprentice." Rena lowers her head in defeat and flies to her. "After agreeing to a contract like that, you really thought you could defy me?" She chuckles to herself and puts her hand on Rena's shoulder. "How amusing."

"Stop right there!" Bloom declares, appearing right behind my future self. "You're not going anywhere!" Roxy and Flora appear behind me, while the other members of the Winx Club surround my future self. "We're doing with your games. This ends now," the red-haired fairy concludes, causing my future self to chuckle.

"If you still want to play, then I have a game for you," she remarks, as the Legendarium appears in her right hand. "Once upon a time, there were nine nymphs of Magicix. Tales of their power spread throughout the entire magic dimension. Legendarium!" She then grabs Rena's shoulder. "Good luck, Winx. We're going to depart from here." And with that, the two of them vanish into thin air.

Suddenly, the sky becomes pitch black, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. "W-What's happening...?" Roxy questions nervously, as nine figures emerge from the sky and fly towards us. "Their magic energy is so powerful!" She then looks over at the nymph of Domino and Sirenix. "Daphne, how can we defeat them?"

Daphne purses her lips in concentration. "The best way to..."

"What are you doing?!" A familiar voice interrupts, immediately catching our attention. I look in that direction, as Cahya, Ahaha, and the two queens stand there. The darkness queen clears her throat and takes a step forward, as a serious yet intense expression appears on her face.

Stella puts a hand on her hip. "We need to stop them."

"No," the darkness queen says sharply. "We can't afford to keep this war going anymore." She crosses her arms. "Everyone is fighting to protect the magic dimension, and Aqua's future self knows that. She plans to use the army of darkness and the Legendarium to weaken the armies of the magic dimension, and when she gets the chance, she will destroy us."

Flora's eyes widen. "If that happened..."

"We wouldn't stand a chance against her."

"That settles it then," states Musa, who puts her hands on her hips. "We need to end this once and for all." A look of newfound determination crosses her face. "I won't let anything happen to Melody. It's my home, and I refuse to let it get destroyed."

"I agree." Stella nods in her direction. "The people of Solaria are counting on me, and I won't let them down." A confident grin forms on her lips. "Besides, we're the guardian fairies of the magic dimension, so we have a responsibility to protect everyone and stop this war."


"Winx, watch out!" The light queen declares, as the nymphs charge at us. She holds out her hands, as a warm light surrounds us and launches the nymphs to the ground. "Aqua, leave this to us." She shoots me a warm smile. "You don't need to worry about us. Since the Legendarium came from our world, we know how to defeat all the creatures."

I exchange a look with Flora, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. I don't know about this! "Please have some faith in us," begs Ahaha, who has a serious yet gentle expression on her face. "We can take them." Cahya nods in agreement, as I scrunch my brows in concern.


"Winx!" Sky's voice echoes throughout the courtyard. We look in that direction, as the specialists, Nabu, and Jax hurry towards us. "We want to help." He holds out his sword. "Is there anything we can do to help?" I purse my lips in concentration, as a warm yet confident grin forms on my lips.

"Actually, yes," I state, putting a hand on my hip. "Sky, Riven, Timmy, Helia, Brandon, please stay and help the queens, Cahya, and Ahaha take care of the nine nymphs." I then turn my attention to the two wizards. "Jax, Nabu, we're going to need your help in stopping my future self once and for all."

Nabu nods. "Alright. You can count on us."

"Thank you," I say warmly, before my face hardens. "We don't have time to plan, so we're going into this blind. Is that fine with the two of you?" I hold out my hand, as Jax nods and takes it. I peer over at Nabu, who approaches Aisha and puts his arm around her.

"That's our only option at this point," Daphne points out, having a stern expression on her face. "Time isn't on our side, and we don't have the luxury of creating a plan." She purses her lips. "It never has been. Your future self already knows what's about to happen, so we need to eliminate her fast." She puts a hand on her hip. "If she happens to see another future with you becoming her, Aqua, then she won't hesitate go for it."

"Yeah. I know," I murmur, exchanging a look with Jax. "Let's do this." The other members of the Winx Club and I open our wings, as a powerful yet warm energy surrounds us. Within seconds, we're standing on the island in Andros that contains the portal to the omega dimension.

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