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I had always hated having Wyatt as my brother. Just because he was born a minute before he thinks he's in charge and has to be this big protective brother. Ever since I was young any one who hurt me Wyatt would be there to defend me.

It might seem sweet and all but when your 16 it just gets a bit annoying, never fighting your own battles. He tells me it's my job to protect you. I'm not saying there's times were he can't be the supportive brother but I don't want it to be every day.

It's weird. Me and my brother are nothing alike. He's goes out every night partying, getting drunk doing drugs and in general hung out with a bad crowd. He's known for having a reputation around school. And apparently girls go crazy for him but I don't get it.

Whereas I'm nothing like that. I'm very school orientated for the fact I want to move away as soon as possible and that will only happen if I get the grades. I only have one best friend who's more innocent then me so my nights usually consist of Sam coming over, revising, going sleep. I know right my life is just crazy!

"Were having a party tonight." Wyatt informs me peeking his head behind the door.

"We are?" I shut my maths book looking up at him from my bed.

"Well I am, and you are gonna stay in your room like always."

"You know me so well." I give him a sarcastic smile and he sighs.

"Why don't you just try a party even Sam can come." Wyatt didn't really like Sam. I don't know if it's to do with Sam being a boy or the fact he's innocent unlike most the boys at school.

"I'm fine thanks." I still appreciated he tried to get me to come to the party but I didn't really feel like it.

He smiles before shutting my door. I turn my music up playing some indie shit no one really knows.

I text Sam to come over to keep me company while the party was on, my dad was always busy with work. He was a very important business man meaning he traveled a lot for stuff like meetings and deals leaving me and Wyatt by ourselves.

Sometimes the parties can go on for a while and like all of them I just stay in my room huddled in blankets and clothed in fluffy pj' s and my homework sitting next to me. A bit like tonight.

I turn my lights off revealing the fairy lights lighting my room dimly. Perks of my dad's job is he earns a lot of money. I wish I saw him more but he's just trying to provide for us.

I sit at my white vanity taking off my eye shadow which is the only makeup I wear or can even put on without ruining it. I throw the wet wipe to the bin and go back to my bed where I wait for Sam just singing along to the songs.

I hear a knock at my door and I open it to Sam. Sam wasn't what you think he would be. The stereo typical gay best friend. He was straight and very handsome. He used to go out with loads of girls and wasn't as innocent as he is before.

But his parents are very strict and told him he needed to stop this behaviour otherwise there would be "consequences." We were best friends before this and he only lives across the street but since what his mom said we have become more close.

"I brought supplies." He says placing popcorn, a big bottle of diet coke, cookies and a bottle of wine on my bed.

"You little Angel." I pat his head as we sit down.

"Please can we watch stranger things?" He begs turning the music off.

"You still haven't finished season 2?!" He shakes his head  and I roll my eyes putting on netflix and Sam opens the popcorn. We start to watch the last episode and I started to cry once again at the ending.

"Every time I look at Mike he reminds me of a younger version of Finn."

Finn. God. Finn was my brothers best friend and not to lie like every girl in our grade I found him extremely attractive. His long dark curls that sometimes covered his brown eyes. I wasn't in love with him but like everyone I had a tiny crush.

But I felt guilty. that was my brothers best friend I couldn't ever imagine going out with Finn because of Wyatt and I mean Finn wouldn't go out with me anyway but if he asked I don't know what I would do. See? Another  reason I hate Wyatt being my brother.

"I can see a resemblance." I say tilting my head. I hear the music downstairs turn up louder making the floor boards vibrate a bit.

"Omg did you hear Kim and Kayne had a baby?!" Sam gasps showing me his phone and I roll my eyes.

"Dude that happened ages ago. I knew that and I don't even go on my phone that much."

"Just cause my life is sad and depressing doesn't mean I should be behind on my favourite celebrity gossip!" I roll my eyes again at Sam and let out a small chuckle before getting the popcorn and opening it.

A/n: hi guys!
Sorry I'm really bad writing lol

I hope you like the first chapter, I know it's a bit boring but don't worry it gets better. Byeee <3

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