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"Road trip!" Millie screams out the window making us all laugh. I was so exited for this trip, everyone kind needed this. Only downside is me and Finn can't spend time together.

"Why did you even wanna sit in the front anyway?" Wyatt asks from the passenger seat.

"Cause I did." I reply back like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Cause Finns here?" Finn was driving and of course being his girlfriend I wanted to sit next to him but Wyatt has to be dick and think somethings going on... which there is but he doesn't know that. He sounded really pissed off, like He Intentionally wants to ruin this trip.

"What no! Please Wy don't ruin this, all it was is cause I like having the extra room." Of course that would of been a plus but that wasn't the real reason, of course it wasn't. He lets out a loud breath before saying sorry and turning back around. The whole journey was pretty chilled out, we ate food, talked a lot and listened to music even though it was hard to choose a song that everyone liked.

Me and Sadie rap along to bust a move because it's literally one of the best songs ever, even though I sounded like a cat being dragged along the side of the road. Finn had insisted on driving all the way but halfway Caleb took over while Finn past out in the back next to Noah while the girls where In the middle having a singalong and of course having control of the aux cord.

"Hey at least there not playing high school musical songs again." Caleb reminds Wyatt since there was a solid half an hour of us singing are hearts out to the playlist since HSM is ionic and Troy Bolton is just perfect.

"How long until where at the camp site?" Noah shouts from the back causing Wyatt to turn down the music.

"20-25 minutes, not that long."

"And how long have we been in the car?" I add looking to Wyatt.

"Adding all the toilet and food stops, about... 3 hours." To be fair road trips do go quicker when your with other people. I look over my shoulder where Finn sleeps, his lips pursed out a bit as soft snores leave his lips. He's adorable. I turn back around resting my head on Sadie's shoulder so exited to spend a weekend camping.

"We're here!" I hear from Caleb, I must of fallen asleep as we pull up to a camp sight, one that had other people there too. We notice there all basically teenagers with the same idea as us. We pull up to an empty space enough to fit all Are stuff and all haul out the car.

"So who's sharing with who?" I ask digging my hands into my pocket, my eyes trail the other group who are already set up, a boy dark brown hair meets my eye giving me a wink. I let a smile while rolling my eyes, I don't know why I smiled but he's just one of those people who have an instant effect on you, it meant nothing though.

"Me, You and Millie are sharing then Caleb and the boys can have the big ass tent to share." Sadie informs us all.

"But we have an extra tent." I point out.

"That can be if someone wants to sleep alone or some shit." I nod my head to Caleb before we all start putting up the tents.

"No look it goes up like this!" I say snatching the pole from Noah as he becomes confused at how I worked that out.

"OMG no I can't do it it's to hard!"

"Noah look you just-"

"Hello?" We stip bickering when an unfamiliar voice speaks, we look to the boy who winked at me earlier waiting for Are attention.

"Hey sorry for arguing we weren't being to loud?" I say politely.

"No not at all, we were wondering since we're sharing the camp ground if you guys all wanna come to a party we're having." He offers as Caleb and The others gather round.

"Sure why not sounds fun. Thanks..."

"Oh jack."

"Jack." I repeat smiling to the boy.

"Well I'm Wren, this is Caleb, Sadie, Millie, Noah, Wyatt and Finn."

"Family or just all friends?" He asks looking to us.

"Best friends except Wren and Wyatt, there twins." Sadie smiles like I did to the boy. I notice both Millie and Sadie have bright smiles and looking straight the boy, Millie even tilted her head. I roll my eyes until I notice I'm doing it to. I stop myself before looking to the boy.

"Well we defiantly come thanks for inviting us." I say as he shows his straight white teeth which I noticed made me smile more.

"No problem I'll see you there." Jack says before walking back over to his group of people who all look friendly as they smile.

"Girls can I talk to you in the tent please?" I say pursing my lips into a straight line as they nod heads. We go to Are tent which has our suitcases but nothing else in.

"OMG did you see him!" Millie whispers reading my mind about the subject.

"God definitely produced that." Sadie adds exited about the subject.

"Even if he killed someone he would end up in heaven." I add before snapping to realisation.

"Wait guys. Um you have a boyfriend, so do I and your gonna have a boyfriend, we can't think this stuff."

"OMG your right." Sadie said putting a hand over her mouth. I couldn't imagine how pissed I would be if Finn talked about a girl except me.

"Are we bad girlfriends?" Sadie asks squinting her eyes.

"No no no, cause in the end we love them no matter if-"

"A god walked into Are lives." Millie says referring to jack and making us all laugh.

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