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Sadie stays with me while I get ready. Luckily my clothes fit her. We chat more about shit and I find out that Carson dude was an Ex boyfriend who couldn't get it into his walnut size brain that  there over.

Sadie said to me though she trust me with this. Something about me being coming across genuine and that she could trust me.

I also told her about my dad and his work and how I wish he was here. I was gonna tell her about my mum but my brained stopped me.

I've never opened up about my mum not even to Wyatt, I just wasn't ready. I turn off my record player since we decided to go out for a bit. I open my door as we see Finn who obviously must of stayed over.

"Good Morning." Sadie says noticing his tired eyes, messy hair and the same clothes from last night.

"There's nothing good about it." He says pouting.

"Didn't I see you last night?" He furrows his eye brows at me.

"Yeah, you spilt vodka on me you dipshite." I tell him as he looks slightly embarrassed as he laughs.

"Sorry about that." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well we're leaving, see you later." Sadie grabs my hand pulling me around Finn and down the stairs. I pick up my keys placing them in my bag like my phone.

"Wait I'm coming!" Finn shouts so we wait for come to join us before heading out.

The cold air of Georgia hits us and sadie links her arm with mine as she shivers even with a thick sweater on.

"I'm so happy, I'm finally not gonna be the only girl in the group." She says skipping a bit. But no wonder. Imagine all your friends were just hormonal teen boys.

"You love us all really." Finn says making sadie roll her eyes.

"Sadly it's true."

"So what's the plan?" I ask her as she gives me a smile.

"Just to my house, unless you don't want to." She says but I shake my head lightly.

"No no sounds good." We make are way to a cute sized house just a bit smaller than mine and Sadie unlocks it and we walk inside to a cosy living room all taking a seat.

"Wren I'm just going to the shop want anything?" I turn around  to Sadie whose at the door waiting for me to answer.

"Umm just a drink if that's ok?"

"Yah sure Finn?"

"Beer please." He says turning on the TV.

"It's already in the fridge see you both in a minute." She says clicking her fingers before leaving me and Finn who walks out the room only to return with 2 cans of beer.

"Uh no thank you." I say as he passes me the drink but only laughs in response.

"Who turns down beer?" Ha fucking me dumb ass.

"Well I've never actually had it before." I say and his eyes widen and he moves on to the couch next to me.

"You need to Wren I'm telling you you'll love it. Well if your anything like your bother you will." Then I won't like it. Still I grab the can and take a sip. It was bitter at first but the second sip was nice.

"So you drink this shit everyday?" I ask and he nods his head sitting back and drinking his quickly.

"I never knew and Sadie were friends." I mention taking another sip of the beer before putting down on the coffee table.

"Yea I've known her for couple of years now not like Wyatt." Wyatt and Finn she known each other since kindergarten and yes that means he's known me for that long as well just not been close.

"So why don't I ever see you at parties except from last night?" He asks me this like it's abnormal to not like partying every single night.

"Cause I don't want to." I shrug as Finn sits up and smirks at me.

"That means your stubborn."  He says and I knit my eyebrows and look to him whose just sat up behind me a bit.

"Excuse me?"

"I said your stubborn I mean your pretty fucking stubborn." What is his deal? I mean he's true but I won't admit it... omg I am stubborn.

"Try me." I say sitting up straighter and so does Finn turning his body towards me.

"Well most shit I want you to do is mostly illegal and I can't really do right now..." Well that makes me feel so much better about the situation.

"So you have to chug that whole can of beer."

"What the hell no im-... fine I'll do it." I say sighing and Finn smirks and I chug it down slowly. I'm not really a big fan of beer now thanks to this douche.

"Ok I'm never drinking beer again." I say and finn laughs and I roll my eyes putting the cab back on the table.

"Ok next one." He says and I groan turning to face him again.

"Another one?!" I say and he nods his head.

"Right lemme think you have to... ok you have to kiss me."

"Hell no I'm not doing that." I mean I want to... but Finn doesn't need to know.

"Why not?"

"Because your stubborn?" He adds not letting me even answer his question, god why does he have to annoying?

"What no! I-" as I try to find words finn just raises an eyebrow and I give in.

"Fine but this kiss doesn't mean anything." I point out and he tuts his teeth.

"Well duh now come on. Otherwise I'm gonna call you Mrs Stubborn." He jokes and I eat out a laugh before leaning in and kissing him. I didn't pull back just yet but instead put one hand on his neck but once I hear the door go I shoot back in my place and Finn looks away. Holy mother shit I just kissed my brothers best friend.

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