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I wake up to my head burning as if the sun was a few centimetres away from me. Great I have a hangover.

I go onto my phone and check the time which is only 10am. I quickly go to my camera roll noticing the amount of picture on my phone. I notice I took a picture of the mess that was left last night so I decide to put it on my insta.

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Finnwolfhard Milliebbrown and 150 others liked your photo.

Wrenoleff- aftermath.

Wyattoleff- your cleaning this up.
Wrenoleff- Ha Nope

Sadie_sink- go to school!

Shit. School. I quickly jump out of bed while texting Sam to tell the teacher I'll be in soon. When I go onto our messages it looked like he's already been texting me.

Wren where are you?

I went school without you. You better be here soon.

It's already 9am where are you!

I sigh to myself before going to the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face even if I still looked like shit.

I get dressed quickly before grabbing my bag and keys running to school. I finally got there and remembered I had science so I run down the corridors and make my way into class and everyone's head turn to me.

"Miss Oleff your late." Well fucking done mate. I wasn't in the mood for science but I couldn't get a detention so I just apologise.

"Sorry doesn't cut it." Mr Ellis snaps at me.

"Jeez I miss one lesson." I mutter but he gives me a death stare.

"Stop being a brat." He spits to me. The whole class becomes silence and Mr Ellis's face softens knowing he screwed up.

"Just sit down." He adds. I nod my head before looking over to millie her head plastered to the desk. I didn't know Millie was in my class. But then again I didn't really talk to anyone except Sam at school and he wasn't in my science, he was in the smarter set.

"Morning." I joke. She looks as tired as me, hair brushed but a bit greasy and even though her face was clean bags accompanied her eyes.

"Omg Wren you don't understand. my head feels like someone's banging a massive drum as well as playing the electric guitar are playing the same chord throughout my head." She says as I get out my book and start writing the work on the board, We had to make sure we had are notes and everything since Christmas was coming up soon.

"So you and chosen last night." She wiggles her eye brows at me and I wish she didn't bring it up, but I guess I have to talk about. Yes he was nice and shit but it just wasn't right.

"It was a stupid drunken kiss and it shouldn't of happened and I think Chosen knows it wasn't right to. Anyway How about yours and Finns kiss?" I didn't wanna ask her but I had to.

"He's a good kisser but just like you it was a drunken kiss and I'm with Jacob and I'm happy." She smiles before closing her eyes again.

The rest of the lesson I do my work and eventually catch up with the class. I had never had to catch up on work before. The rest of the day was pretty boring and when I saw Sam he just ignored me, I don't know why his panties are in a twist.

I start walking home when I feel someone dig there foot into the back of my heel making me fall over. I turn myself around to none other than Beverly laughing her laugh.

Yes was pretty, but she was a bitch. The biggest bitch at our school. She might be pretty but no one liked her but she had fake friends which made her look "popular" and I know there fake friends because every lesson without Bev her so called friends talk so much shit about her.

"Oops sorry My mistake I thought you were a piece of trash." She says earning a laugh from two girls standing behind her. What is this mean girls?

I get up and start walking away but she pulls my hair. I wince in pain and face her as she looks to me angry as hell. I can't even get a fucking break at school.

"Don't your ever fucking ignore me again. Understood?" I nod my head as she let's go of me but spits on me lightly. What the fuck is her problem?

She walks in the other direction so I start running back to my house the rain pouring down as I cry. Beverly had always bullied me. I usually just ignore it cause she literally bullies everyone.

I get into my house where I cry a bit more falling down my door, as I silently cry.

"Wren you ok?" I look to the stairs where Finn stands with his hair all messy. I smile as I wipe my tears away and nod.

"Just upset." I say truthfully.

"Want some cheering up?" He asks smiling at me.

"Why not." I say, he walks over to me pulling me up before opening the door and pulling me out in the heavy rain as the clouds create darkness.

"Finn!" I shout as he closes the door and laughs. He grabs hold of me as I scream and he spins me round until he finally stops but still holds my waist as my arms are around his neck... you know in case he tries to pick me up again.

"You know rain apparently washes all your problems away." He says looking at me as rain drips on his face.

"If rain washes all the problems away, why are you still here?" I joke but I'm slightly serious, I'm guessing he took it as a joke since he chuckles over the sound of rain.

I look to him, scanning his face until he leans in kissing my lips softly. I kiss him back softly, not wanting to let go. But we do and place my forehead on his as I smile.

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