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I don't think I could do this anymore. Keeping this from Wy kills me and since we hang out more me and Finn don't have as much time together.

The thing is, I tell myself it's all gonna work out with Finn, but I'm scared it won't. That in the end we will break up and we've both done all of it for nothing. Another week past meaning 1 week until Christmas.

I got Sadie a record player since she always loved mine and I also got her some earrings with stars on them and some vanilla body spray she was dying to get.

I got mils a cute black dress and a necklace with a locket on it, the locket had a picture of me, Sadie and her. Because I'm a sentimental shit like that.

I got Wyatt a 100 shot glasses that said- I'm the host. Because he always was.. and then a jacket which was dark blue. He had been hinting it to me for a while so I bought it to shut him up.

I got Noah a pair of roller skates. He said he wanted to accomplish something other than downing the most tequila at a party.

Caleb I got a new phone case and a hat he had always had eyes on when we went JD. Now the only person I didn't know what to get was Finn.

I have got a few ideas but nothing big enough. I mean we're not official for obvious reasons but I was just scared of getting him the wrong thing. So in the end I got him a new guitar. Wyatt had one and sometimes I can hear Finn play it, so to put Wyatt out of his misery I brought Finn his own.

I decided to hide all the presents in the closet after wrapping them perfectly with bows and labels. I was sitting in my bed texting Finn when I get a text from Sam.

Sam- Can we talk?

Me- sure.

Sam- I'm sorry. I shouldn't of believed Beverly or anyone else but you, I just didn't like that you were hanging out with other people.

Me- Sam I'm sorry to, you know I should of thought about you and not just about me. But if your gonna pissed every time I hang out with Sadie or my own brother then there's no point is hanging out.

Sam- your right... love you Wren.

Me- bye Sam.

Wtf was that? He apologised but then says he doesn't like it when I hang out with other people and says we should probably stop hanging out but then in the same sentence says he loves me.

I shut my phone off running my hands through my hair while friends is on the background. When did life become so complicated?

I head downstairs my pj's on me since it was quite late but they were lacy shorts and a crop top Millie brought matching ones for both me her and Sadie.

"Hey sunshine." Finn says coming down the stairs giving me a smile.

"Hey, do you want a drink?" I say as the kettle boils.

"Nah I'm fine." He says sitting on the kitchen counter next me as he plays with a piece of my hair.


"Yes?" I say turning to him and jumps off the counter grabbing both my hands.

"Ok, I'm gonna do something I've never done since I was about 6. Wren I literally think your the most amazing, beautiful girl I've ever seen and even though we don't have the most functional and open relationship, I still wanna call you my girlfriend. So do you wanna be my girl friend?" He says looking into my eyes with slight worry but overall he was smiling.

"Oh shit your gonna say no aren't you? I did it wrong didn't i? God I'm so stupid!" He freaks out making me laugh I put my hand on his cheek making him look at me.

"Finn I will be your girlfriend." I smile as he lets a breath before wrapping his hands around my waist.

"Thank god, if not I would of died." He admits making me laugh before i give him a long kiss.

"Sure you don't want a drink gorgeous?" I ask as Finn sits back on the counter and I pour the hot water into my cup.

"No, I'll probably just have some of yours."

"Hey guys." I jump and look to the stairs where Wyatt is coming down the stairs. Luckily for me and Finn Wyatt isn't to protective over us hanging out but since all of us hang out so much now it means me and Finn don't have that much time together.

I still can't believe earlier today I was gonna tell Wyatt and stop it. I shouldn't do that just for Wyatt because In the end I'm happy. And now I can officially call myself his girl friend.

"Hey wanna drink?" I offer putting one sugar into my tea and start to drink it while leaning back on the counter next to Finn.

"Nah I'm fine with water." He retrieves a cup and goes to the sink.

"Oh yeah Sam texted me earlier." I confess to them as Wyatt sits at the breakfast bar drinking his water.

"What did he say?"

"Just I'm sorry and he got angry because he didn't like I was hanging out with you guys and then agreed we should stop hanging out and then also said he loved me... obviously as a friend but I just said bye."

"What a dick, he can't just get pissed of because you have friends." Wyatt spits and to be honest I agree with him and it's not like I didn't try to invite him to do stuff so I'm not gonna feel bad anymore.

"Oh by the way we might have another person joining are group." Wyatt says getting up and starts walking to the stairs.

"Is this a friend or someone more?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Friend, her names Sophia you'll like her Wren." He says and I nod my head before he descends upstairs making the conversation stop.

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