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I expected Sadie to be at the door but it wasn't it was Wyatt. Shit this was just great, finn also notices and shuffled further away from me. Wyatt just kinda looked shocked.

"Hey Wyatt what are you doing here?" I ask scratching the back of my neck trying to change the subject but awkward silence fills the room.

"Sadie invited me. Hey Finn why was your tongue down my sisters throat?" He asks slamming the door walking over to us and Finn stands up.

"It wasn't and it wasn't like that." Finn says but Wyatt didn't look convinced.

"Wyatt it was not-" Before I can finish he runs past me grabbing Finn by the collar pushing him roughly against a wall.

"Wyatt stop!"

"So this is what you do Finn? Huh?! Have sex with my sister behind my back?!" Why would he say that?

I walk up to them grabbing Wyatt' s ear harshly as he winces letting go of Finn and pays attention to me.

"He didn't do any of that and that kiss meant nothing, jeez Wyatt." I say taking a breath, he finally starts to calm down.

"Never kiss my sister again ok? I don't want you doing stuff with my sister." He tells us still looking confused as hell. He was probably right so I nod my head in agreement. It was only a kiss though and Finn kisses girls all the time I'm not special so Wyatt shouldn't have to worry.

"Everything ok?" Sadie says probably coming back at the wrong time.

"Yea Fine. You know Sadie I'm probably gonna head back home need to clean up the house ok?" Sadie looked suspicious but just nodded in agreement and Wyatt left not saying anything else.

"Hey Sadie can we go to the mall?" I ask I didn't really wanna be here with Finn anymore it was awkward enough already.

"Sure finn do you wanna come?" Please say no, please say no.

"I'm just gonna head home." He says looking at me quickly but then looks away.

"Ok right Wren lets go then." We all walk out the house and Sadie locks up and we're about to walk off when Finn pulls me back from Sadie whose still walking.

"That kiss didn't mean anything to you?" He asks and I let out a laugh.

"Did it mean anything to you?" I ask him as he still holds my arm.

"W-what no no." I believed him but I tiny part didn't it's like he hesitated to say no, still I just nodded my head and caught up with Sadie not giving him answer. We get to the mall and we start to look round the mall trying to find food stores.

"Damn I hate boys." I randomly say and Sadie gives me a weird look before laughing a bit.

"What's wrong?" She asks me.

"This stays between us." She nods." Me and Finn kissed and Wyatt saw. He looked like he was kill Finn I had convince him it meant nothing. Then he says we had to stay friends basically been an over protective shit."

"Wow, that's a lot. I don't know really know what to say it's tuff because you've got think about you, Wyatt and Finn." She was right.

"Well Wren do you wanna know why we're here?!" She says shouting a bit.

"Of course."

"We need another girl in this group because I'm sick and tired of the boys ok?" I laugh at her and link arms with her .

"Your right, let's do this." I say seriously making us laugh. We head down the mall till we come up to a shop were a girl with brown hair and brown eyes was being carried out the shop by a security guard.

"Shit your gonna call the police aren't you?" We hear her say and the man nods back. I had to do something. I grabbed sadie' s hand as we stop next to the 2.

"Megan! We've been looking everywhere you know how pastor Ted will be if he found out you've been stealing!" I say guessing her crimes.

"Please sir. Megan has been trying to get herself back on track. This is her first slip up please just this once have a heart for the children of the church."

I felt like laughing so bad but I couldn't. I look to him as he thinks for a while the girl looks hopeful.

"Fine, but this just that once." He warns us.

"God bless you." I say before turning it round with sadie and this girl we were now laughing.

"Oh my God that was so funny!" The girl says clenching her stomach.

"But can I ask who the fuck are you?"

"Oh yeah we forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm sadie and this is Wren."

"Millie. So why did you save me if you don't know me?" She asks me.

"Well you seemed nice and cool but also..."

"Bad ass." Sadie says as I smile.

"So you wanna hang out?" Sadie adds.

"Sure. But I was sorta stealing something important."

Both me and sadie look at each other are mind wearing what it was.

"Condoms?" She shakes her head no.

"Cigarettes?" Nope not that.

"Pregnancy test?"

"Kind of the opposite of that..."

"Ohh, period pads?" She nods her head yes.

"Stay here, Wren, come with me." Sadie grabs my hand as we walk into the convenience store.

"You know how your just amazing?" nod my head worried about her idea as she wears an evil grin.

"Your going to get the pads throw them to me I'll run and he will chase me but I'll pass the pads to Millie so he keeps chasing me, but when he catches me I won't have the pads. And then you and Millie run ok?"

Her plan did seem good and genius, I was impressed. But my brain was telling me not to do it, that I would get caught and I would end up in trouble. But Fuck it. I sigh before agreeing and I make my way into the shop.

Hey guys! Can I just say I'm British and this book is set in America so some words are British to me and might have different meanings so sorry about that.

I hope you like this chapter and night! <3

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