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"Fuck." I feel my head pounding as if 100 bricks were thrown on it. I can't complain, at least I'm not in the bathroom throwing up everywhere.

I look to the foot of my bed where Sadie and Millie are passed out, I giggle to myself before checking my phone. Once again there are loads of pictures on my phone. It looked like Sadie and Caleb spammed my phone. I do see one of me and Finn and put it as my home screen.

I did wanna put it as my lock screen cause Wyatt might see and Sadie and Millie are my lock screen cause bros before hoes! Even tho Finn ain't a hoe... well not a big one.

I force myself out of bed and to my bathroom where I wash my face and brush my teeth. I didn't look to bad considering how drunk I got. I get some clothes on since I was in the same dress from last night.

I quickly make my way downstairs to which I see my brother eating some cereal straight from the packet. I roll my eyes and grab a bowl putting some strawberries and yogurt in.

"That looks nice." Wyatt says over my shoulder.

"I know, and your not getting any." He gives me a pout so I start laughing mischievously.

"Your weird." He says giving me a look. I head back upstairs where there still passed out so I eat my food while listening to some music... like always.

Noahschnapp finnwolfhard and 193 others liked your post

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Noahschnapp finnwolfhard and 193 others liked your post.

Wrenoleff- Mornin' hangover:(

User8- underage?
Wrenoleff- none of your business?

Noahschnapp- mood.
Wrenoleff- you here?
Noahschnapp- no I went home. Finn and Caleb are tho.

I look and notice Finn liked my picture meaning he's up. I go to the wall and knock on it 3 times. After a few seconds I get 3 knocks back. I smile before going back to my bed and listen to many different songs.

"Ughhh I feel like shit!" I look to my feet where Millie is rubbing her head in pain. I rush to the bin putting it next to Millie in case she throws up. And just as I thought after a while she starts to throw up, I grab her silky hair bringing it back. Even though it was short I didn't want any getting in her hair.

"Ughhh I feel like shit." She repeats making me laugh.

"Yes you've said that twice." I laugh braiding a tiny bit of her hair.

"Oh you guys are up." I look behind millie to a smiley Sadie... surprising. She gets up stretching her arms like cats do.

"Surprised?" Millie says finally sitting up and grabbing her water on the bed side table.

"I mean not you. But Wren you were out of it." She tells me as I shake my head in embarrassment, this is why I shouldn't drink.

"You guys exited for Christmas?" Millie kicks her legs in the air with excitement. I would be excited if I actually had people to spend it with.

"Nope." I say both of them give me confused looks awaiting an answer to why I'm not.

"Look my dad is in Australia and Wyatt won't wanna spend it with me." I explain to them. They both start laughing at me, now I'm the confused one.

"Wren your a plonker, me you, Millie and the boys including Wyatt are gonna spend Christmas together together." Sadie informs me, I only just remember that most of them have shit family lives so I guess it makes sense and I mean there my best friends so I'm happy I'm spending it with them.

"And we will all open presents, eat food, watch movies and try to stay sober for one day!" Millie throws her hands up as we laugh.

"I don't think any of us will be able to do the last thing." I point out to her as she shrugs her shoulders, knowing I'm right.

After a while Sadie and Millie both go home so I spend my day watching the office because that show is god and texting the gc.

Wren 🍉: I wasn't that drunk!

Sadie 🥝: please! You literally couldn't walk up the stairs straight and on the way up to bed you kept calling me Rupert.

Noah 🍕: yeah you were pretty drunk...

Millie 🥪: But since you were drunk you forgot everything in the real world. It was so funny.

Wren 🍉: explain

Millie 🥪: you were just flirting with the wrong people


Noah 🍕: ....

Wren 🍉: Noah don't put those dots.

Noah 🍕: oh come on. If me and the others didn't stop you and that boy you would no longer call yourself a virgin.

Wren 🍉: NOAH

Caleb 🥑: TRUE THO

Wren 🍉: stop bullying me!

Wyatt 🍲: yeah can we stop talking about my BABY sister loosing her virginity.

Wren 🍉: ok being born one minute before me does not mean I'm your baby sister and yes let's change the subject...

Sadie 🥝: just cause you know it's truueee

Wyatt 🍲: I see we are not moving on with the subject...

Finn 🍤: Sup dudes

Wren 🍉: yo yo

Finn 🍤: never say that again

Wren 🍉: sorry am I to cool to say that 😎

Finn 🍤: no your NOT cool enough to say that

Caleb 🥑: BURNNNN

Millie 🥪: That weave was snatched quick

Noah 🍕: agreed.

Wren 🍉: Finn your a melon

Finn 🍤: no imma shrimp your a melon.

Wren 🍉: oh yeah... well then your a shrimp.

Sadie 🥝: girl we need to work on your insults...

Wren 🍉: I'm trying my hardest Sadie!

Sadie 🥝: we know don't worry, one day you will do a good insult.

Finn 🍤: she did a pretty good one last night.

Wyatt 🍲: you were together last night?

Wren 🍉: I mean we were at the same party?

Wyatt 🍲: I just thought Finn was to busy with that girl

Wren 🍉: what girl?

Finn 🍤: yeah what girl?

Wren 🍉: well you should know Finn your the one sucking her face.

Caleb 🥑: BURNNN

Caleb 🥑: ok not the time...

Wyatt 🍲: I don't know. She had a red dress on, I was to drunk to know who she was from the back but Sadie and Noah pulled her and Finn apart and then I threw up so I didn't see anymore.

Oh shit... I was the girl wearing the red dress. Well let's just say I'm brining that dress. No evidence left behind. Btw that boy they said if they didn't break us apart we would have sex... was Finn.

Poor Wyatt is so oblivious.

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