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"How do I look?" I brush my Carcay green dress which is skin tight and is just above my knees.

"Beautiful." Sadie smiles as she wears a dress I brought for her which was black silk, her favourite. Millie had on a pink dress but was lacy on the arms and belt.

"As are you both." We head out of are tent where the boys are sitting around the plastic table waiting.

"Come on then!" I sigh clapping my hands together getting the boys attention. Of course Finn smiles when he sees me, causing me to blush just a tiny bit. I look to the party where there's loud music and flashing lights which I've missed since we haven't had a party in a while.

The party was going great, we met some pretty cool people all good looking and mostly boys. I didn't really drink tonight as we did except Wyatt and Noah.

"I'm going sleep, night." Wyatt says goodbye to us as he stumbles outside the main tent. I run up to Finn jumping to him as he grabs my waist and I wrap my leg around his torso.

"I've. Missed. You." I say between kisses.

"I've missed you too." He says sober which surprised me, where's Finn and what have you done with him?

"Your too cute!" I say jumping back down wrapping arms around his neck and kissing him for a long long while, maybe I'm a bit drunk.

"Hey guys we were wondering who's having the spare tent tonight?" Sadie asks making us stop kissing.

"Can we have-

"Is it ok if we have it tomorrow?" I interrupt Finn asking Sadie.

"Sure so that means you have it tomorrow and just remember try not to get caught by Wyatt." She walks away leaving me and Finn again.

"Don't worry I'll get up early." I sigh playing with his curls.

"You know what I'll do it."

"Finn you couldn't wake up if you were on fire." I joke making him laugh.

"I promise I will." I stick out my pinky which he pinky swears before kissing me lightly.

"So you never really fucking loved me!" I hear Millie scream, I rotate my head to her looking angry as hell at Noah.

"Come on Millie you chose Jacob over me so you can't get pissed off because I'm moving on!" Noah shouts over the music, even though it was dark I could see Millie's eyes glistening with tears. I roll my eyes before walking over to the two and stand in between them.

"Omg shut up! Millie you love Noah but your scared your gonna break his heart. Right? Ok. Noah you love Millie but your scared she's gonna break your heart. Correct? Exactly that. So stop trying to fucking fight it and just kiss and go out." I shout to them as everyone shuts up. I look to Finn who gives me a wink.

"Now if you don't mind I'm gonna go to bed and if I don't see you two all lovey in the morning I'm gonna smack a bitch." I walk over to Finn grabbing his hand leaving the whole room in silence as we walk back over to our part of the camp site.

"Is it bad that turned me on?" Finn smirks to me as I grin but roll my eyes.

"Wait Wren right?!" I turn around and see a girl running after me who I've seen around the party.

"Yes?" I ask walking to her as she struggles in the mud with her high heels.

"Did you really sleep with your teacher?" Oh great, so I'm even known around the campsite.

"Who told you that?" I ask getting defensive but luckily Finn puts one of his arms around my waist and calm down a bit.

"I used to be friends with Sam and I saw it on his Instagram, is it true?" She asks obviously trying not to offend me.

"No I didn't and you shouldn't believe Sam."

"Don't worry I'm not that's why I said used to be." She smiles as her Green eyes like mine shine from the moonlights reflections.

"Well we have a lot to discuss then." I say before walking off with Finn and she goes back to the party. I go over to my tent and turn on the portable light and get changed into my pj's which are super comfy and what I needed right now.

"How is it you still look sexy in pjs?" I hear Finn say quietly as I walk out my tent. I smile at his stupidity. Wait let me rephrase, cute stupidity.

"How is it you still look sexy like all the time?" I reply sitting down on the table and Finn sits next to me and I rest my legs on his lap. I take a cigarette out of the pack and then throw it to Finn lighting both area before sitting in silence, only the noise from the party happening under the gazebo.

"In a few weeks I will get time
To realize it's right before my eyes
And I can take it if it's what I want to do." I hear Finn sing along to a song making me giggle.

"What you don't like my singing?" He says pretending to be offended making me laugh more.

"No it's brilliant." I say sarcastically before putting my cigarette out and look to Finn smoking. Why is he so gorgeous?

"I wish we got the tent tonight." I say quietly just wanting to cuddle up to him and kiss him.

"Yeah so did I. I mean if you didn't interrupt me we could have." He moans but I shush him.

"Well at least we have it tomorrow. I'm gonna go bed." I yawn getting up and he throws his cigarette on the floor grabbing my waist pulling him on my lap.

"Can I have a kiss please?" He asks almost offended I didn't give him one in the first place.

"Nope." I pop the p getting off his lap again but he pulls me back down again.

"Please?" He pouts his lip making me laugh.

"Since your begging." I roll my eyes and kiss him smiling into the kiss as does Finn.

"Love you sunshine."

"Love you to."

B.B.F (Brothers Best Friend)Where stories live. Discover now