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We were at the dinner table, eating in silence. It had been a while since we ate dinner together and even if we did it was usually take away and my dad wasn't here. I didn't feel like eating so I just played with the food on my plate just hoping dad wouldn't look at me like I was a failure. Which was true but I wasn't ready to admit it just yet.

"Hey did you come home early, you weren't in art?" Wyatt asks oblivious to anything going on, I notice  dad stops eating dropping his fork gritting his teeth at me making me feel more pressured.

"Um yeah I was sick in maths so I went home." I wasn't lying so I didn't feel guilty but dads aggressive tension made me feel that way. I don't understand why dad wants to spend the time we have being a douche.

"So how are things being run around here, no parties I hope." Dad laughs turning his attention to Wyatt his mood instantly changing, I'm guessing I'm not the favourite child at the moment.

"Nope just a few friends sometimes." Wyatt lies but doesn't fucking get in trouble.

"Who are these friends?" Dad keeps on digging further for no reason, I'm scared he has reasoning for it, my dads smart like that.

"Usual, Finn, Sadie, Noah, Caleb and Millie."

"The last 2 don't ring a bell." Dad furrows his bristly eyebrows as Wyatt looks annoyed since he's trying to eat his food quickly, probably wanting to leave like me.

"Yeah when you went they started hanging out with us." Wyatt breaths giving up on trying to eat and drops his fork with annoyance like my dad did, we are all similar but we don't see it.

"Can I leave the table?" I pitch in as they both turn there heads to me.

"You've barely touched your pasta." Well no shit dad, I thought I shoved it all down my throat.

"I didn't feel like eating." I admit and he just nods his head awkwardly, I hope he leaves soon. Anymore dinners like this and I'll cry, I've been doing fine without a dad for a while he can't just suddenly come back and think things will be the same.

"So how long are you staying for?" I ask since no one else is speaking.

"Just tonight, it was only a pop in to see if you guys were alright." He says as if he actually cares about us, he has not once called or text or asked to Skype or come back and when he finally does it's not even for 24 hours.

"Well we're fine, you can leave now." Wyatt says probably getting angry like me, see another time it's ok for Wyatt to be protective and angry.

"Why are you suddenly all upset, I'm here aren't I, can't really ask for much more." Dad scoffs making Wyatt angrier by the second.

"I wanna ask for a dad who's here 24/7 and a mum but you know me and Wren don't have that and never fucking will so I guess we can't really ask for more then are dad to pop in and check on his 16 year old children once every year."

"Your being a right spoilt brat Wyatt!" Dad says raising his voice, dad never had raised his voice to Wyatt either. I felt a bit light headed in the situation, then sick.

"Fuck you dad!"

"Dad can I please go." It wasn't like I was even asking I was trying to hold down the sick feeling but it was just rising.

"No, we need to talk as a family." Dad demands as Wyatt stands up.

"Ha you call this a family?! Just let her go if I were you I would."

"Just hold up you have a say in this as well, tell me how I'm a shit father, come on Wren." I had no strength to argue and all that came out when I opened my mouth was sick that I threw up on the floor next to me. I look up from the sick brushing a piece of hair from my face as they stare at me with guilty faces thinking they cause it, I'm not sure what's making me feel this way. Wyatt gives dad a glare before walking over to me helping me up.

"Hey lets get you to bed." He says quietly as we walk up the stairs to my bedroom where he wraps me in the covers and sits down next to me, taking my socks off since he knows I hate sleeping with socks on and also turns off the lights so only my fairy lights are on. He also put a big glass of water next to my bed to wash the sick taste away and make sure if I feel sick again I can just drink some water to help with it.

"Do you not think we're a family?" I ask quietly as he puts a hand on the covers which was where my leg is and looks to me sadly but not crying sad just like guilty sad.

"Wren your the single most important thing in my life of course we're a family but I don't think we need dad to be that." See it was easier to love his best friend when you had a sibling feud but now he's opening up about how much he loves me, it's gonna be ten times harder.

"We don't, love you bro." I smile as he rolls his eyes making me giggle a bit it's like as soon as I go mushy on him it's not allowed. He ruffles my hair walking over to the door but stops and turns around just so you could see some of his body behind the door.

"Love you to sis."

Welp I'm fucked.

A/n: sorry I've been gone king dudes. I went camp and then Australia. Xx

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