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We decided to head back, us three girls that was just to let Sadie calm down. The boys were still in the forest and we told Wyatt to keep Caleb there for a while so they didn't
have to see each other. It was like she was broken, she just laid in her sleeping bag lifeless and not saying anything even when we talked to her, it hurt me to see her this way.

"Do you think she'll ever get past this?" Millie questions as we sit at the table outside the tents as I smoke a cigarette.

"Even if she does it won't be for a long time." I tell her keeping my voice down in hopes Sadie won't hear. We hear some voices expand in volume and we look to the boys all there and I see Caleb I was so angry at him. I walk over full aggression filling my body as I swing for him but Wyatt holds me back.

"Are fucking joking with me Caleb, what the hell is your problem!" I shout trying to grab him but Wyatt calmly holds my hands back.

"I wanna know why the fuck you would even think about hurting that girl!"

"Wren I think I'm gonna take Caleb home." Wyatt tells me, how is he being calm? This douche just cheated on one of his best friends but apparently that's ok.

"You do that." I say getting out of his grip and looking to Caleb, I didn't really want him to be here so I just walk away going back to where Sadie is. I look to her, she hasn't moved a muscle, I take a breath and lay next to her putting a hand on her shoulder. Small sobs form from her as she turns to me wrapping her hands around me and hugging me.

"I'm sorry Sadie." I say quietly as she just cries more and more. I lay with Sadie for a while just in silence except the sound of the there outside and of course Sadie sniffling. as she soon Enough falls asleep which she needs, so I head outside to where Finn, Millie and Noah sit.

"Where's Wy and Caleb?" I ask sitting next to Millie on the plastic chair as the cool air of the evening brushes my hair lightly.

"Took Caleb home and is gonna stay with him to make sure he's ok." Noah explains to me as I just nod my head.

"Hey what time is it?" I furrow my eyebrows since I didn't bring my phone to the camp.

"7." Millie replies turning her phone back off again and putting it on the table.

"I'm gonna go check on Sadie." Millie stands up as I do the same.

"I'll come with."

"Wren as much as I love you, you've been looking after her all day. Just try to relax." I let out a sigh before sitting back down and grabbing a bottle of water.

"Who knew this camping trip was gonna turn out like this?" Noah asks looking to the sky like he was thinking so in depth.

"Not me." Finn chuckles.

"But we still had some fun, and guess what? One bad camping trip doesn't mean there all gonna be like this." I remind them both as they nod.

"I'm gonna get ready for bed." I say standing up but Finn grabs my hand.

"Are we still sleeping in the tent?" He asks openly since Wyatt wasn't here.

"Yep, I'll see you there in a bit." I smile kissing his head and making my way to the tent. I get dressed into some shorts and a tank top since when your actually inside the tent it's really hot. I put my hair down and go to the toilets to brush my teeth and wash my face.

"Alright night guys!" Noah says going into his tent as Millie fell asleep with Sadie, I think everyone was tired after today. I make my way into the tent which has a foam thin mattress which were actually comfy to sleep on, there was also some cushions which were from my house. I sit down the floor as Finn gives me a smile messing around with a torch dimly lighting the tent which we tied to the top of the tent.

"You ok sunshine?" He asks me sitting on the middle of the foam mattress so he's opposite me.

"Yeah, maybe I mean, I don't know. How about you?" I ask brushing a curl from his eye line.

"Stressed but happy now I'm with you." He says lovingly.

"Your beautiful." He smiles, I smile back kissing his lips lightly before looking into his eyes full of love and compassion, something I always see in him but I only truly noticed to tonight like his eye made my heart race and just love him more. I feel myself kiss him again but this time with more passion, I feel him kneel up wrapping his hands around my waist so I kneel up to holding my hands around his neck.

He lies me down moving his kisses slowly to my neck probably leaving marks but in the moment I didn't care. I pull him back up so he's kissing my lips as I start to take off his t-shirt throwing it to the end of the tent. He then puts his hand under my top. It wasn't like last time, I didn't feel insecure or scared or nervous it just felt right.

"You don't mind this right?" He asks softly as he holds my top, I couldn't really speak but only nod my head quickly, he gives a smile before kissing me again and takes off my top and starts to leave trails of kisses on my chest. I breath heavy as he starts to take off my shorts. Once again he brings himself back up to me but holds one of my thighs. I start to unlaced his joggers as he looks to me.

"Are you sure?" He breathes heavily looking to me.

"I'm sure."

"I-I love you Wren." He says somewhat nervously.

"I love you to Finn."

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