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The party was getting louder by the minute and eventually Sam after we ate, drank and revised had to go home His mum usually let him stay around but I'm guessing she saw the party and got paranoid but i guess that's a disadvantage living across from me and Wyatt.

I said I would say good bye at the door. I didn't really care  I was in my pj' s it was still my house. We walk downstairs and every one looks at me. I don't understand some girls these days who put a cloth around there boobs and call it a dress and flirt with every boy. I just don't get it.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I give him a hug as he walks across the road I shut the door trying to make my way back to room through the many people all drinking and grinding on each other. I make it to a free bit when someone tips there drink over me.

" Shit my bad." I notice its Finn. He tried to wipe it off obviously to drunk to notice you can't wipe up alcohol off clothes so I smack his hand away.

" It's fine." I say I trying to get past. But he grabs a random blonde and starts snogging her completely forgetting I'm there.

"Wren? What are you doing down here?" I turn to Wyatt looking sober which I didn't expect.

"I just said goodbye to Sam." He nods and I finally move past the 2 snogging each others face off. I head up to my room quickly throwing myself on my bed after changing my top.

I was really tired for no reason but I didn't wanna go asleep just yet and the music from downstairs was still pretty loud. I ended up watching David Dobrik for about 2 hours before falling asleep.


I wake up the sun blinding me from the window I forgot to cover with my curtain last night. I stretch before standing up checking my phone reading 9:00 am. I brush my teeth and hair putting my brown hair in a messy bun.

Most of it fell out since my hair is cut just below my shoulders. I head downstairs to get some breakfast when I see the after math. I just walk past it grabbing a bowl when  I hear faint shouting in the next room.

I leave my yogurt and enter the room to a red head crying trying to get free from a boy kissing her neck while one of his hands covered her mouth from screaming. I run in to the room pulling him off her as he falls to the floor.

"What the hell dude?! Don't touch her like that!" I shout to him as he stands back up and just looks at Sadie.

"She wants me though. We were doing role play." He laughs but she just shakes her head in disagreement.

"N-no we weren't Carson and you know it." She says quietly and I turn back to the boy whose just standing there.

"Leave. Now." I say sternly. I probably wasn't intimidating at all I mean I'm so fucking small but I was pissed. Girls aren't supposed to be treated like that. He puts his hands up in the air before walking backwards and out the door which was thankful.

"Here let's go to my room and get you cleaned up." I say as she has tears streaming down her face, her hairs everywhere and I just think it will be better for her.

"Thank you." She says. I put one arm around her as she buries her head into my shoulder. When we get to my room I sit her down handing her my wet wipes and a hair brush. Sometimes I wish a had a friend who was a girl, just to share things with that I can't with Sam sometimes.

"Thank you again, I'm sadie." She smiles at me through the mirror.

"Wren." I reply turning my music quietly playing my music she's probably never heard of before.

"Wait is this Twin Peaks?" She asks and I look at her through my mirror and smile at her.

"Yeah it is. I never thought you would know them." I say before handing her a hair bubble to put her hair into.

"I don't know how I can ever repay you. What you did I mean you saved me from being sexually assaulted." She confessed to me. My face fills with sorrow as sadie seems like a nice girl.

"Who even was he?" I ask picking out some clothes for her because that prick ripped her dress and I just want her to feel comfortable walking home. I pick her a blue sweater and just some leggings passing it to her.

"Wait if you live here does that mean your Wyatt' s sister?" I nod to her question.

"Shit your his twin!" She says finally fitting it all together.

"You should hang out with us guys and your brother it would be pretty fun." She offers.

"Uh, I'm not sure." I say quietly sitting down on my bed.

"Come on it would be fun, you seem like a chill chic and the others would like you." I was contemplating but it would be nice to have a few more friends.

"Sure why not."

Hey guys just wanted to say thanks if your reading and don't worry Finn will be in it more this was just to get the story going and give you a background.

Byeee <3

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