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I wake up to his face. His beautiful face. I smile as I turn to him as he sleeps adorably, letting out small snores like he always does, I look to his nose where I count his freckles lightly skimming his nose with my finger.

"It's rude to stare." He smirks but still has a raspy voice as I probably woke him up.

"Sorry I can't help it." I say can't containing my smile as I snuggle into his chest and he rests his chin into my hair.

"So last night was fun." He says making me giggle.

"It was." I sigh back as I just lay with Finn before deciding to get up which meant retrieving all my clothes.

"Now you stop staring." I say to him throwing his joggers to him.

"Sorry I can't help it." He says like I did and I roll my eyes getting back into my clothes and kissing his lips.

"Wait just one sec." I say furrowing my eyebrows as he looks to me with a confused expression.

"You totally knew I was gonna sleep with you last night." I said remembering he literally had the condom next to him.

"Of course not." He says not remaining eye contact with me.

"Oh they happened to be right near the bed?" I ask raising an eyebrow as he looks to me.

"Fine you caught me but it's better to be safe than sorry."

"Very true." I smile before kissing him and getting up and walking outside to where the others sit, even Sadie eating some cereal.

"Morning sunshine." Noah jokes since I mostly likely look like shit.

"Morning." I reply back walking over to them sitting down and grabbing a bowl.

"So apparently-"

"Hold up, your walking funny." Millie speaks interrupting Noah and making me look to her and the table goes silent.

"What no I'm not." I say getting defensive looking to the others who look back at me in confusion.

"Yeah you were." Noah adds which wasn't helping.

"And look at her neck, jeez Wren!" Millie touches it but I bat her hand away and she gasps putting her hand over her mouth like she just won the Nobel prize.

"you had sex didn't you!?" She asks but I quickly shush her.

"OMG I knew it!" She says making me embarrassed.

"You didn't know?" Sadie speaks , her voice sounding deep and lifeless but it was good to hear her voice.

"You did!?" Noah asks back with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I mean they were pretty loud, I'm surprised they didn't wake you."

"Thank you very much for that Sadie." I say looking to her and then the others.

"Omg I'm the only virgin left." Noah says dramatically.

"Um your forgetting about me." Millie says some what offended.

"Well you better hurry up you two then." I cheekily say giving Millie a wink making her roll her eyes but Sadie laughs which I was fortunate for.

"There's the man himself." Noah says looking over to are tent where Finn stands rubbing his eyes before walking to me.

"And what do you mean by that?" He asks sitting next to me grabbing my spoon and eating some of my cereal.

"The fact you took Wrens innocence last night but I could be referring to something else." Noah says sarcastically as Finn chuckles.

"I'm going to get changed and hopefully when I come back this subject is non existence." I stand up giving my bowl to Finn and kiss his head.

"Oh hey and then we could compare it to you virginity." Sadie says making the others laugh.

"Walking away now!" I shout as I make my way to the tent.

"Don't you mean Waddling?!" I hear Noah shout but I ignore his comment and head to the tent to get dressed, I feel like the teasing is defiantly gonna be a reoccurring thing.

"I can't believe you finally did it." Sadie smiles following me into the tent.

"Mean either, but what can I say? I love the boy." I grab my band t-shirt and start to get changed.

"Sadie please may you cover up the mess Finn left." I referred to the hickeys and she nods grabbing her foundation and brush from a mini bag the ones you always see in primark.

"So how are you?" I ask casually as she dabs my neck, the coldness of the foundation spreads a long way, how many did he freakin leave?!

"Not sure, I mean I feel better especially since my best friends took extra care of me." She speaks in a cute voice making me laugh.

"Of course we took care of you, we hate to see you upset." I pout as she finishes off on my neck pretending to dust something off her hands.

"So ready to go back?"

"I don't really have a choice." Sadie's face drops a bit since I reminded her of having to see Caleb again.

"Don't worry I'll be there with you and if he steps within ten metres I will not hesitate to slap his face."

"I just can't believe he did it, it just doesn't seem like him but you know I'm guessing the girls here are prettier than me." She shrugs.

"They defiantly don't compare to you Sadie your like the most beautiful girl I know and if Caleb takes advantage of that then he doesn't deserve you."

"Why are you literally the bestest friend ever?" She furrows her eyebrows and I pull her into a hug.

"I learnt from you." I joke as she chuckles. We start to pack are bags and all the tents up in preparation for going home it was mostly silent the whole packing as we were in a hurry. Finn was going to drive since he was the only one who could except Sadie but she started to become really upset and quiet and it wouldn't be right for her to drive. We all pile into the car and head home.

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