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We finally after about 4 hours settle on outfits. Sadie got a short green dress with glitter outlining it. Millie went for a black jump suit with flowers on it.

Both of them looked stunning as ever. Now what I went for I know for a fact Wyatt will hate, but does my face look like it gives a shit?

I had a light pink short dress which was skin tight and showed off my bum and boobs and well as my hips. It was very revealing but I could care less, I loved it.

After eating food we head back to Wyatt making out with and girl in the kitchen. They immediately jump when they hear the door.

"Couldn't you at least do that in your room? I mean it's not like there's a rule in this house?" I joke putting some ready meals and drinks on the breakfast bar.

"Is that your dress for tonight?" He asks referring to the bag and I answer with a nod.

"Can I see it?" He ask but this time I shake my head knowing he will get angry. Before he can answer I grab the bag running up stairs with the girls into my room.

"What was that about?" Sadie asks sitting on my bed.

"Wyatt would freak if he knew what i was wearing, at least if he sees me in it he can't burn it." They both laugh taking our there dresses.

We had about three hours until 9 pm which was when the party was. I turn on some Rex Orange County As we sing along while doing each others makeup.

Millie was amazing after a while she finishes and. My eye liner was identical to the sides the eye shadow looked like a gold sunset and my contour was unbelievable. I dint understand why Millie isn't a beautishion yet.

I brush my hair making the curls more bouncy as they sit just below my shoulders. Not to sound cocky but I looked better than I ever had.

I spend some time on my phone before heading downstairs to choose the play list. I see when I go down the stairs, disco lights and loads of alcohol and snacks laid out. I grab Wyatts phone out his hand.

"Hey give it back dip shit." I look to his phone quickly noticing something.

Wyatt: dude your my best friend so just please stay away from her tonight

Before I can read anymore Wyatt grabs his phone smacking my arm. I'm guessing he was talking to Finn. What the hell is Wyatts problem?

"I just wanted to show you play list." He sighs before handing me the phone even though he hovers over my shoulder, probably paranoid I would check that message.

To be fair if he wasn't there I would have. I put the play list on and give his phone back, and the door bell goes.

"You better get changed people are already here." He says walking to the door. I go upstairs to the girls in there dresses exited as ever. I quickly slip into my dress looking very... different in a good way.

I hear the music start and I take a deep breath before we all head downstairs people stare to us but I only care about pair of eyes. I scan the room for Finn only to find him already kissing a girl.

If course it hurt a bit but I wasn't gonna let out ruin my night. We walk to the drinks still some eyes on us. I pour some vodka and lemonade until Wyatt grabs one of my wrists making me face him.

"What the hell are you wearing?" He says looking angry.

"A dress dumb ass." I say hearing some people laugh as they watch.

"That's a piece of cloth. Go change."

"No." I grab my drink downing it in front of him with a smile on my face while his is filled with anger. I drop my cup before pushing his hand off my wrist.

I start dancing over to Millie and sadie looking impressed by my actions before joining in on dancing.

"Hey guys." We turn around to Caleb, Noah a boy I don't know.

"Hey, who's the new guy?" I point to the boy.

"I'm chosen." He winks at me shaking my hand. God he was hot.

"Wren, and this is sadie and Millie." They all wave at him as he says hi to them as well.

"Shit wren." I turn round to Finn looking at my dress, jaw dropped and eyes wide. I go closer to him pulling his chin up.

"Eyes up here wolfhard." I say quietly as he grins. I just roll my eyes before turning to the rest of the group.

In the end Wyatt doesn't say anything more about my dress but then again he was either getting more drunk or sucking face with different girls.

I mostly stayed with sadie, mils, Caleb, Noah, chosen. I felt myself getting really drunk as a new song starts to play.

I feel myself get up on the coffee table as I dance and rap the lyrics as everyone cheers me on. I look around the room to Finn once again kissing a girl, it was just sad when I saw it was Millie.

I felt my stomach knot as I jump back down on the floor nearly falling luckily chosen helps me regain balance.

"You ok beautiful?" He asks me charmingly. I quickly without thinking grab his cheeks kissing him aggressively. At first he stepped back but finally moved in to the kiss.

It was nice I had to admit, but it wasn't Finn.

A/n: Hey beautiful people! I'm really into this book ans hope you are to.
I have loads of chapters lined up at least 26 so don't worry I'm not gonna abandon the book.

Byeee xxx

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