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"OMG OMG OMG it's CHRISTMAS!" Millie screams waking me and Sadie up at least she had two hot chocolates in her hands. I sit up rubbing my eyes, Sadie on the other hand hasn't moved a muscle.

"Merry Christmas Mils." I smile as she sits next to me and hands me the mug.

"Where are the boys?" I ask since we all slept in the front room.

"Well there wasn't enough spaces, Finn got pissed off every time Noah or Caleb offered to sleep on the same couch as you and whenever Finn offered To sleep on the same couch Wyatt got piased off so they ended up going upstairs." Sadie tells me waking up, since I fell asleep really early.

"Wait why didn't one of you two sleep next to me." I say taking a sip from the large mug over flowing with whipped cream.

"Mils fell asleep too and unlike some people she took up the whole sofa so no one could sleep next to her meaning i slept next to you." She smiles not even taking a breath from the sentence.

"You know it's only fair to wake them up." I smirk as the girls know what I'm talking about. We put are mugs down before heading upstairs. We open the door slowly and see them all asleep so we all walk in quietly before jumping on the bed and shouting wake up, at the top of are lungs. I grab I pillow whacking Wyatt but he buries his head under his pillow.

I roll my eyes before looking to millie messing around with Noah, Sadie and Caleb so I move over to Finn placing a hand on his bare back.

"Merry Christmas Babe." I whisper making him smile and finally sit up holding my hand underneath the cover which I don't hesitate to jump into. I feel him play with my fingers but soon move his hand to my thigh making me giggle, I just didn't know why.

Everyone looks to me with concered expressions for my weird giggle all Finn does is try and contain his laughter, they eventually shrug it off so I hit Finn on the arm making him grin wider.

"Ugh can we go downstairs I don't want my room smelling like girls." Wyatt groans getting up so I get out of bed and sit next to Millie.

"I thought it already would with the amount of girls you have in here." I say as they all laugh except Wyatt who rolls his eyes.

"Nah they don't get that much time so the smell won't stay." Finn jokes making us laugh more so I give Finn a high five but Wyatt hits him over the head with a pillow.

After Wyatt moaned for all of us to go downstairs we finally listen and all go downstairs and sit on the sofas getting the presents. The two biggest ones were the one for Finn, since it was a freakin guitar and Calebs one to Sadie which is a new mirror since that's all she asked for obviously he got her some other stuff but that was the biggest one.

First one I got was from Noah, it was a mug saying I'm the best twin which I thanked him for while laughing.

Then was Wyatt he got me a new Polaroid in White which I always wanted.

Then was Caleb who had got me a record of the Beatles EP so I could listen to it on my record player.

Then Millie and Sadie got me a load of clothes and jewellery as well as a bottle of Baileys since it was my favourite.

Lastly was Finns which I saved for last, it wasn't big but I was glad for that. I open it up excitedly and it's a famous brand of jewellery. I open the box and there was a beautiful silver necklace with a sun attached to it.

"Finn... it's beautiful." I say almost lost for words.

"I told you I had the best present." He smiles, I can see in the corner of my eyes Wyatt looking a bit pissed off but I wasn't gonna focus on that right now.

"So who's the other big one for?" Finn says clapping his hands together.

"You dumb ass!" I laugh as he makes his way over to the present opening it up and revealing the guitar box and then he opens it to the guitar. His head shoots up with the most happiest look ever.

"You brought me a guitar?!" He says still shocked and I nod my head. He runs over to me picking me up and spinning me around while thanking me profusely making everyone laugh, except Wyatt.

"Very expensive Wren." Wyatt says like I didn't fucking know that, I mean I was the one who paid for it.

"Well it was either get him a guitar or hear you two arguing over yours." Wyatt shrugs before putting popcorn in his mouth.

"Fair do's." He adds as I take a breath of relief.


After eating more junk food, watching Christmas movies and putting on Finns necklace amongst that it finally came to 7pm.

"See you tomorrow!" Millie says hugging me goodbye.

"Love you Mils." I say before she walks out waving.

"Wait!" Noah calls after her running out bare foot in the snow catching up with Millie. She turns around where Noah kisses her immediately, Millie definitely doesn't hesitate to kiss back. I hear the boys whistle and clap making them become extremely embarrassed.

I was happy they kissed, really happy Millie and Noah had both found amazing people. But it just makes me think about how me and Finn can't do that. I look behind me to see Finn and Wyatt messing around. I could never break there friendship, I mean they've known each other since kindergarten, and I never wanna hurt Wyatt or Finn.

Finn looks back at me smiling but I can't let one out, I head upstairs to my bedroom letting out a sigh running my hand through my hair as I sit on the bed.

"Hey gorgeous you ok?" Finn asks sitting next to me draping an arm over me.

"Yeah i guess I'm a bit jealous."

"Why's that?" He laughs as I look into his brown eyes.

"I love you so much, I want to be able to kiss you somewhere besides my room o-or let the everyone know that your my fucking boyfriend. But I can't, and it kills me Finn." I confess as he hugs me tightly.

"I want that to Wren, so much. If I could scream how much I love you. I would. But I can't because I can't hurt Wyatt either he's like my brother but I also know if Wyatt found out, it would hurt you too."

"You know sometimes you can be the sweetest." I say making him chuckle.

"It's you sunshine, you turning me nice."

"Do you mind that?" I say quietly in case he says something I don't wanna hear.

"I like being bad but if it's nice is what you make me I know your the right girl."

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