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We finally reach the pizza place and head inside giving the man are order and we wait for them to be made.

"Shit. Hey Noah do you have money I forgot my card." I say and his eyes go big and he shakes his head.

"Shit ok right. We're gonna have to steal it." He whispers to me.

"Noah I can't just-"

"Look he's bringing them now go!" He shouts pressuring me. The man puts the 3 pizza boxes on the counter and I quickly grab them passing one to Noah before running out with the other two.

"Hey get back here!" The man calls out but we keep running down the street both laughing and gradually getting slower but Noah pulls me into a small park and we sit down on the bench with the pizzas.

"Jeez Noah. Your a bad influence." I say shaking my head and he shrugs his shoulders before opening the pizza he's holding which was cheese pizza.

"I think we deserve a slice." He says passing me one and I defiantly won't object.

"You wanna know something embarrassing?" He asks me and I love embarrassing stories mostly I'm usually the one telling them so I'll allow somebody else to tell one.


"I've never... had my first kiss before." He says embarrassing himself and I pout out my bottom lip.

"Really seriously?" I didn't buy it. Noah's a cute guy and I mean he hangs out with Finn and Wyatt.

"Dead ass." He says which means it's real.

"Do you want your first kiss?" I ask and he looks to me and nods slowly. I didn't really say more but kiss his lips lightly and he smiles at me.

"There you go you've had your first kiss."

"You ready to go back?" I ask and he nods his head. We get back to the house and I'm freezing cold.

"You guys took ages!" Wyatt says grabbing the pizzas and putting them on the table.

"Sorry we got preoccupied but here's the food!" I shout and everyone starts eating. I remember leaving my jacket upstairs when I talked to Finn so I head up there. I wish I didn't go upstairs Finn was with another random girl making out.

I deliberately shut the door loudly as they stop. This is why I don't want to catch feelings because Finn can't keep it in his pants.

"Can we help you?" The girl says. I only just notice who it is. Fucking Beverly. Any other girl I wouldn't mind but her, she makes me angry.

"Wren? Awe Wyatt' s nice enough to bring his little sister along to play with the grown ups." The anger disappears and instead fills with sadness. This is why I hate her she make me feel powerless.

"T-there my friends." I try and defend for myself. Once again she does her laugh signifying she's gonna say something.

"There not your friends. Face it your a sweet little innocent girl, who sleeps with her English teacher so she can tell herself she's not a fucking mistake but you are. That's the thing with twins Hun, in the end you only wanted one."

I feel hot tears melt down my cheek, a lump stuck in my throat that won't go away. Finn the dick just sits there. How did I think he was a nice person?

"Bev leave." He says blandly.

"Baby she's leaving, otherwise I'll make her."

"Your not gonna touch her!" He gets up opening the door.

"Get out." He shouts running one of his hands through his hair, all she does is stand there, I'm guessing confused that Finns sticking up for me.

"W-what?" She finally says.

"Did I stutter? Get. The. Fuck. Out." She looks at the ground before storming out embarrassed. As soon as she's gone I let out a few more tears sitting on the beds putting my head in my hands as I cry.

Why couldn't I stick up for myself? I just made my self look stupid. Maybe I'm not cut out for stuff like this. I can't even stick up for myself against a wuss.

"You hooked up with Mr Ellis?" Finn asks sitting down next to me.

"It's not like that." I say wiping the stray tears.

I'm guessing you wanna hear the story. But it's not like Aria and Ezra where in the end they get married and everything turns out great.

So here's the story. Sometimes when Sam still didn't hang out with me, I didn't have anyone to hang out with so I used to talk to Mr Ellis. He made me feel better about myself when no one would.

One day I opened up about never having my first kiss. I'm guessing that meant he could kiss me. So he did, now don't get me wrong Mr Ellis was only 22 and he was very fit, every girl knew that. So I didn't stop the kiss.

We forgot we did it at break and in his classroom, Beverly saw from the door and ever since then she bullies me. I know he shouldn't have done it and I made that clear to him.

I thought he would go ape shit but he didn't. He agreed and said we should forget it ever happened.

"I swear to God I'm gonna kill him."

"Oh shut up Finn! You say all this shit. Kiss me all of that but then literally 5 minutes later your with another girl. Wyatt was right I need to stay away from you. It's like I'm a toy for you."

I get up running down the stairs as everyone is there, of course.

"Is Finn up their with you? I swear if you 2-"

"Nothing FUCKING HAPPENED!" I shout.

"Wyatt I should of listened to you. I'm sorry." Is all I left with then before picking my phone up and heading home, this isn't how I wanted to feel, this isn't what wanted. I felt worse than ever.

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