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Why were they together? They weren't friends and Sams mum never lets anyone in the house especially girls. I wasn't in the mood for either one of them, I keep my head down and try and fast walk but they cross the street obviously wanting for me to notice them.

Just as they were about to walk past Beverly kicks my knee making me fall over. I thought that would be it and they would walk away but she stopped in her place as Sam stood a few inches behind her.

"Poor Florence." How did she know my name was Florence? Sam, why is he doing this? You see I never liked the name Florence and I didn't want to shorten it to Flo so I went Wren which is kinda in the middle part of the name.

"Without your pals your basically... nothing." She laughs looking Sam who lets out a fake smile.

"Why do you do this to me Beverly. I-it's like your jealous."

"Ha jealous!" I get up so I'm facing her now.

"Yeah, its like your obsessed with my life and what goes on in it. I feel bad for you since you obviously have nothing else to do with your life."

"Oh fuck off Wren I'm not obsessed I just think your just a saddo."

"So? People think I'm a slut, whore that I should kill myself-"

"That's because you are a slut." She buts in getting angrier by the second.

"I bet your jealous cause you got my sloppy seconds." I say referring to Sam at this point I could see a vein on the side of her neck which looked like a 3D tattoo.

I was about done so I turn around when Beverly pulls my hair and starts punching me clean in the face. I try to make her stop but she won't then she pushes me down before kicking my stomach a few times.

"Don't speak to me like that otherwise you'll be sorry." She spits before walking away Sam following like a little bird. I wince in pain before getting up quickly lifting my top only exposing my belly which had bruises plastered on them.

I head down the rest street and enter my house trying to forget what just happened, when I get in Sadie and Caleb are in the kitchen making some drink I'm not even gonna question while Millie is on the sofa watching Keeping Up With The Kardashian's.

"Caleb you doing it wrong you son of a- oh hey Wren." Sadie says bringing her attention to me.

"Shit what happened to your face?" She adds leaving Caleb and walking over to me but I move back.

"O-oh It's nothing I just, fell."

"Fell?" Millie repeats raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah like we're gonna believe that, I'll clean you up." She grabs my hand turning round and taking me upstairs to my bedroom where she gets a ice pack resting it on my face and getting some stuff to clean my cuts.

"What happened Wren?" Sadie asked putting down the blood stained towel.

"Beverly, her and Sam were walking down the street and it just all kicked off." I shake my head.

"I'm seriously gonna kill that bitch!" Sadie shouts standing up going to the bin and throwing some used tissue into it.

"Sorry this is happening to you Wren it's like they go for the nicest girl ever." Sadie rants still manage to compliment me which I thought was impossible.

"Do you think it will ever stop?" I ask taking the ice pack away from my cheek and place it on the bed.

"One day, they always get bored. If not I'll kick her all the way to China so she never bothers my best friend again." She smiles ruffling my hair.

"Thanks Sadie." I smile.

Finn- hey can you meet? x

Me- yeah where? x

Finn- coffee shop at 4pm. It's gonna be are mini discreet date. 😉

He is the cutest.

Me- ok well imma go discreetly get ready. Xx

I turn my phone off after checking the time, i have an hour.  I head to my wardrobe throwing every piece of clothing on the floor.

"Everything ok?" Sadie laugh but I just increase in nervousness. Yes it's a coffee shop but it's the first date. First date. Not as in, mine and Finns first date, I mean MY first date.

"So well me and Finn are going on a date." I say running my hands through my hair.

"Awe that's cute where you going?" She says sitting on my bed after clearing everything up.

"Just to get coffee but he said it's a date. My first date Sadie! I don't even know what to do." I moan collapsing on to my bed as she rubs my back.

"Wren you'll be fine, first dates are scary until you get there."

"I guess."

"Here I'll help you. So if it's at a coffee shop you don't want something too fancy but you don't wanna dress like you've just gotten out of bed. So go for something cute but casual." I'm guessing Sadie's had her fair share of dates to know that. To be fair Sadie does have amazing fashion choice.

"You look beautiful." Sadie says as I put on the dress.

"It isn't to much is it?" I say straightening it out a bit at the front.

"What?! No! Wren you look stunning." She says holding my hands making me look at her.

"Thank you. So when's yours and Caleb's next date?" I wiggle my eyebrows carefully sitting down on the bed trying not to ruin the dress yet.

"Not sure, he says he wants to take me to this amazing pizzeria but he stole from there one time so he's not allowed in." Sadie says making us laugh.

"But enough about my dates that are non existing and let's focus on yours!"

"Sadie is this really a date? I mean we're going for coffee."

"Wren you know for a fact Finn would take you to a the most expensive place ever, but if your brother saw or knew..."

"Yeah I know." I say understanding what she meant.

"Come on it's still a date and it's with the boy you love so in the words of a true best friend. I love you, don't do anything stupid and I'm watching The office on your TV."

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