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After that we walked back and of course Finn was in a pissy mood so when we got to the barn he drove off smoking what looked the 3 cigarette this hour.

I decided to go back home with sadie and Millie. We watched some TV. Before I wanted to bring up her and Caleb.

"So you and Caleb." I wiggle my eyebrows as she blushes.

"What?!" Millie shouts looking sadie who looks like tomato.

"We just held hands going off the ledge." She explains but I laugh.

"That's so not true. Your in looove." I tease her as Millie giggles at what I said.

"Right I think something could go on between us but I'm not in love with him... yet."

"Oh! Bagsy bridesmaid." Millie jokes.

"Then I'm your maid of honor!" I add.

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Wyattoleff CalebMcLaughlin and 300 others liked your picture.

Wrenoleff- pretty views with pretty people.

Sadie_sink: SLAYYY
Wrenoleff- oh STAP it your making me blush!

Noahschnapp- That lakes pretty
Wrenoleff- agreed.

After that we talk more while on are phones mostly gossiping or bitching about Bev because she a hoe. At 11 they both went home and I got turned my fairy light on before doing my nightly routine for bed.

After brushing my teeth I head into bed. I get a text from someone as it buzzes on my bed.

Thanks for ditching me today.

When did I do that? Did we make plans?

No but we always hang out

Sam I have other friends you can't get pissed off when I don't have the same routine of you coming over and licking my ass

Why are you such a bitch?

I'm mot being a bitch it'd stating facts. Ever since I've hung out with sadie, Finn and the others I've felt happier.

Happier as in being reckless?

If that's what you call it.

Are you fucking him?

Who Finn?

Mr Ellis

What no!

Not what according to Beverly

All that comes out her mouth is bull shit your really gonna believe her?

I don't know what to believe anymore.

Then delete my contact.

I was going to

Fuck you Sam

How charming.

I scream before throwing my phone on the floor and running my hands threw my hair. I let a few tears out until I hear something lightly bang on my window.

It was probably nothing so I ignore it. But it happens again this time louder. I once again ignore it until it happens a 3rd time. I get up opening my window to Finn.

"What the hell?" I say to him. He was crying or had been as i see his eyes glistened and his face stained with tears.

"You know how you said I could stay sometime. Can that be tonight?" He asks smiling at me.

"Sure but you could just knock like a normal person." I laugh at him before going downstairs letting him in. We go to my room, luckily Wyatt isn't home yet so it wasn't like we had to be quiet.

When we get into my room he looks around inspecting it closely. It wasn't anything special just a regular girl room. I sit down on the edge of bed and Finn joins me I look him, he looks upset.

"Finn what's wrong?" I ask looking at him concerned.

"I went back home. I shouldn't have." He let a tear out and I quickly wipe it away but grab his hand as he takes my hand in his.

"Why?" I ask quietly. He gets up taking his shirt off showing bruises on his chest. Did his mum do this to him? Dad? I couldn't even imagine someone hurting Finn.

It wasn't like they were suttle. They were big bruises one's that you could tell would leave scars. I walk over to him as I trace my hand on his bruises and I hear his breathing hitch.

I hug him tightly as I hear him sob quietly into my shoulder.

"I fucking hate him!" He shouts. I play with his curls trying to calm him down. After a while I lie down next to Finn before turning my fairy lights off leaving us in darkness.

"Finn who did this to you?" I ask not facing him.

"My dad, he's always been like this but since my mum left its gotten worse."

"Why do you go back?"

"Food, drink, a roof under my head."

"Finn I don't want you going back there."

"Like you care."

"Of course I fucking care Finn otherwise you wouldn't be here risking my brother literally killing both me and you." I finally turn to him as he grabs my waist. I love it. Where having an argument but cuddling? Confusing but kinda cute.

"God why am I falling for you?" Hold up. What did he just say? He's falling for me. No he must be drunk or something I can't even question him I feel his breath on my collar bone and a soft snore from his lips. I sigh before shutting my eyes and falling to sleep in Finns arm which is all I wanted.

I wake up to Finns arm still tightly around me. I kiss his nose looking at his adorable face before slowly making my way to the bathroom where I I wash my face ans brush my teeth.

I haven't forgot what Finn says before he fell asleep I hope he meant but if he didn't it would hurt me a little.

"Wrennnnn." I hear from behind me. I turn to Finn stuck in shirt, God sometimes he's a little kid. I help him take it off.

"Is there a reason your taking your top off?" I ask putting some music on.

"Twin peaks. Good music taste sunshine." He smirks and I feel my cheeks become red.

"Don't change the subject, why is your shirt not on your body?" I ask again Sutton gin the edge of my bed.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I was about to object but then I remember this I the only place he has so I just nod. I start muttering the words to the song under my breath until it changes song.

I feel like Finn is taking a long time so I look to him in his boxers. He grins at me but I just grab his hand putting him in the bathroom and shutting the door.

He wasn't getting any ideas. I go back to my bed and scroll through instagram where I go to my account. I see I have loads of pictures but the most recent apart from the one I uploaded this morning. is one of all of us at the lake, all having fun.

I'm smiling and sadie is hugging me, Wyatt is on Finns shoulders, Caleb and Millie are laughing while splashing Noah. We were all happy.

I look to the the one of me and Sam. We were on my bed like always. Don't get me wrong I'll miss him but I know what's best for me. I delete all the pictures of Sam and go to his account I don't feel as bad since he did the same for me.

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