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I enter the shop, luckily the security guard isn't suspicious of me since he thinks I'm a child of God. I start to walk down the sanitary and toiletries isle and I get the most expensive biggest pack.

I look to the security guard who's got his back to me. I throw the pads and sadie catches them outside setting off the alarm.She quickly starts running as the security guard chases her.

Millie grabbed the pads discreetly off her and I run outside joining Millie before we walk out the mall quickly both laughing.

"Jeez at first I thought he saw Sadie give them to you." I say to Millie as we walk.

"Me to, I literally felt my heart skip." She laughs. We both walk out the mall and join up with Sadie who seems out of breath from running.

"I wish you saw his face when I turned around and I didn't have anything. Old people are so oblivious." She laughs catching her breath back.

"So how was your first time stealing?"

"Honestly it wasn't bad." I answer sadie' s question.

"That's so weird you seemed so chill for it being your first time." Millie adds.

"She gets that from her brother." Wyatt steals? I mean I can't talk since I've done it now but sometimes I wish we were closer and talked to each other about this shit. I dint know I guess I wouldn't feel as lonely.

"OMG Wren do I look cute?" We all decided to go into primark but we ended up just messing around in there. I turn around to Sadie wearing some awful sunglasses which makes me laugh.

"Maybe not your style." I say and both me and her laugh.

"Is this to formal?" Millie asks walking out in a dress that made her look like she worked on a plane.

"A tiny bit." I joke as Sadie is about to die of laughter.

We decided it would be a good idea to hang out with Millie at mine so we all head back. We were halfway there when I get a call from Sam. Shit I forgot Sam comes round mine mostly because I didn't have any other friends but now I did I totally spaced.


"Hey, sorry Sam if you tried to come round I'm not home."

"Great I've literally been standing outside your house for 15 minutes, people are gonna think I'm some kinda of stalker!"

"You most probably are. Wait just one sec." I mute the call turning to sadie.

"Can I invite Sam?" I ask as she nods.


"Ok Sam meet at mine we'll be there in a bit bye." I say before hanging up and we make are way to clickers close which is my street. Once we get there Sams on his phone waiting outside my house.

"Umm who is he?" Millie asks tugging on my arm and we stop in my place.


"Wren I'll go halfies on him with you." Sadie says also looking at Sam. I can't wait to tell them who he is.

"Nuh uh I've already bagsied him!" Millie says I roll my eyes walking away from the girls and go up to Sam sneaking up on him and trying to scare him. Of course I fail.

"Sam meet Millie and Sadie. Sadie and Millie meet Sam." They walk closer with there jaws dropped. There reactions were so funny. 

Sadie opens the door to show the boys playing a game on the TV all shouting at each other as if the game was a matter of life or death. I love how boys get so annoyed over games. When Wyatt sees me he stops playing game to which most of the boys moan at him for.

"Me and you need to talk." He says standing up. Personally I didn't wanna talk to him he invaded my personal life and then didn't even apologise.

"I'm alright thanks." I smile sarcastically at him but he grabs my hand pulling me up the stairs.

"Do you like Finn?" He asks straight to the point.

"So what if I did? It's non of your business."

"It kind of is since your my sister."

"Well does that mean I could do the same for you."

"Don't be stupid."

"Why can't I just start interrogating you about the last girl you kissed huh? But I didn't because that's your life so please stay out of mine!"

"Why are you being such a bitch?!"

"Fuck you Wyatt!" I push past him rushing down the stairs as everyone starts to watch.

"Wait Wren, don't go." He says catching up with me.

"Why? I'm obviously not welcome here by my own brother. Probably don't trust me to go out by myself might need somebody to hold my hand while I cross the street huh?!" I shout at him. I look behind Wyatt and Finn gives me a wink.

"Why are you being such a bitch Wren?!" He says again and I roll my eyes.

"Maybe because I'm sick of being treated like I'm 4 years old that ever crossed your mind?!" I shout and Wyatt sighs grabbing my hand and pulling me out the front door so the others couldn't hear.

"Look Just sometimes well it's just... I guess after what happened with mum." He really didn't need to say more, anything to do with mum I know it's good reasoning. I know he wouldn't use mum as an excuse.

B.B.F (Brothers Best Friend)Where stories live. Discover now