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A week passed. I didn't really talk to the others. I avoided Finn and Wyatt, only talking to sadie and Millie at school. I missed them.

Once again every night Sam came over and we did the same boring fucking shit we do every night, I hate it. At school Mr Ellis tried to talk to me a lot but I couldn't be asked with his shit.

I get ready for another boring Friday. Putting on my outfit as it was still dreary outside. I make my way to school to which I see Mr Ellis in the corridor someone I really didn't want to see.

"Wren can I speak to you for a second?" He says in the most teacher way possible. Not looking up from his book and acting as if was a quick reminder we needed to speak.

"I have to get to class." I say stopping in front of him. He finally looks up showing me his blue eyes underneath his glasses.

"I'll write you a note." He opens his door and I go in to the empty classroom not sure if I'm ready to talk to him again.

"Wren why are you ignoring me?" Um, let's see maybe because your my teacher? Just a thought.

"What we did was wrong Li-sir." I was about to call him by his name, but I can't it's wrong.

"Liam please just call me Liam."

"I can't! Do you know how fucked up this situation is?"

"Of course I do but it doesn't mean I feel any different about you."

"You said we should forget about it." I remind him crossing my arms.

"Liam we kissed it was a mistake. Yes I might have liked it and I mean your crazy bea- no shit I shouldn't even think these things about you!"

"Why? I think them about you! Wren I'm only 22. That isn't even that old. You can't even lie what went on between us was amazing! I know I said we should forget it but I don't want to."

"I'm not sure what to think any more. Bye Mr Ellis." I walk out. I shouldn't have even talked to him. Yes I liked the way I felt when we kissed but that's because... it was my first kiss of course I was gonna remember it and like it. I mean it was with my teacher, and hot one. So who wouldn't kiss him?

I make my way to science but someone grabs my arm, of course it's Liam.

"Wren I-I love you." That actually made me laugh, out loud. Making his face become hurt.

"Are you serious? If you say you love me, you don't know what love is." I say quietly even though there's nobody around.

"And you know what love is?"

"Of course not in fucking 16! So if I didn't even know what love is I will never understand what this relationship is and whatever it is you can shove it up your fucking ass!"

I wasn't really shouting, well I quietly shouting, if That makes sense. I turn around only to see Finn, fucking brilliant. He looked angry, angry at Liam.

"Finn what are you doing out of lesson?" Liam says becoming ask teacher like while readjusting his glasses. I don't really understand why Finns mad, I'm not his. Before I can think Finn tackles Liam to the floor pinching him.

"Finn, jeez stop!" I say grabbing his arm but he doesn't stop.

"S-shit!" What was I supposed to do? I can't get Finn off him and he won't stop. Lucky sadie, my actual life saver walks down the hall running to help me get Finn off Li- Mr Ellis.

That's all he is to me Mr Ellis.

"What the fuck Finn that's a teacher!" Sadie tells him finally he stops as Mr Ellis tiredly gets up nearly falling over.

"You better leave before I get Mr Harbour." Sir threatens.

"Oh, really. If you don't  leave I'll get Mr Harbour and one of my fists who wouldn't mind revisiting your face." That shut him up. He wipes the blood before walking into his class leaving us 3.

"Anyone care to explain what just happened." I'm guessing Finn didn't wanna listen or be here so he starts to walk off out the doors. I scream mentally before pulling sadie into the toilets filling her in on the situation.

"I'm sorry Wren." She tells me with what seemed genuine concern. She pulls me into a hug. Her strawberry cented hair filling my nose, which reminds me of the many hugs were shared.

"I've missed you crazy son of a bitch." She tells me causing an eruption of small laughs.

"Missed you to."

"Wanna go to mine?" She asks me. I nod as I link her arm with mine and head down the halls of the school. I didn't feel bad about ditching school I mean I've done worse.

We get to the place I've missed the most and a smile creeps upon my lips. I see a random car outside and I give a confused look to sadie.

"Finn got a car, don't worry he actually paid for it." She laughs. We get in and as we do there's Finn. Sadie let's go of my arm before winking at me walking back out the door. That bitch knew he was here.

Thanks sadie, love you!

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