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Me- Don't worry I'm at home no collisions today!

Jaedan- is it bad to say I'm a bit disappointed?

Me- well you can come to my house if you want? My other friends are here. I'm sure they would want to meet you.

Jaedan- Sure

I give Jaedan my address and tell everyone he's coming around and Sadie gives me a glare but I just flip her off.

"Come on! She's blonde, skinny and blue eyes! There like your favourite." My brother says walking down the stairs followed by Finn.

"Wyatt stop I don't need a chic."

"But it's been like a month since you've had any action! Right tonight we're having a party and we're getting you a girl." Wyatt demands sitting next to me and Finn on the other sofa.

"We can have a party but I'm not going to hook up." Finn gives me a look before looking back to Wyatt.

"Dude what's happened to you?"

"Nothing but I just don't wanna hook up." He sighs and Wyatt finally gives up.

"Well Sophia's coming over soon so everyone try not to scare her to early into the day."

"We will try and that goes for you to. My friend Jaedan's coming over." I say stealing a crisp from Sadie as she smacks my head.

"Since when did you have other friends?" Wyatt asks.

"I bumped into him yesterday and we got along so I invited him over." I get up from the couch ruffling Finns hair before going to the bathroom. I finish peeing and wash my hands when I hear a light knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I whisper close to the door.

"Finn let me in." I open the door quickly and let him since we're not in my bathroom but the one down the corridor.

"So who the fucks Jaedan?"

"A friend."

"Just a friend?"

"Finn please. He's just a friend and i could never cheat on you." I place my hands around his neck. He lets out a sigh and gives in wrapping his hands around my waist.

"Finn?" I ask and he looks to me.

"Why are you cute?" I ask tilting my head but he sighs with smiling and pulling away from me.

"Is someone blushing?!" I tease poking his now red cheeks but he walks out and I laugh

"Wren Jaedan's here!" I hear Sadie shout. I kiss Finns cheek before licking it making him squirm and look at me disgusted.

"What the hell?!"

"Oh you love it really." I say before walking out and around the corner and see Jaedan and a new girl with short ginger hair.

"Ahh for a minute I thought you sent me to a random house!" He says as I hug him.


"Well Wren this is my friend Sophia. Sophia this is Wren." I pull her into a hug as she hugs me back.

"I still can't believe your twins. Wyatt didn't even tell me until today."

"That's Wyatt for you." I reply to her as she laughs. A few seconds later Finn appears and I make way so he can say hi.

"Sophia, Jaedan this is my best mate Finn." She shakes his hand and he shakes Jaedan's hesitantly. I texted Mils and Noah to come over before the party.

"Do we have enough alcohol?" I ask Wyatt as I lie my head on Sadie's lap.

"Yep two cupboards worth." He tells us as Sophia puts on everybody talks by neon lights. K me and her are gonna get along.

"You know what we should do?" She says sitting back down.

"Spin the bottle." I look to Finn with wide eyes, this could be a chance to kiss in front of people and feel somewhat like a couple.

"I'm down." I quickly pick all the rubbish from the table and put it in the bin before grabbing the beer Caleb was drinking. While he sulks I pour it down the sink to everyone sitting on the floor around the table but I move that to so it was just the hard wood floor between everyone.

"So Who's first?" I wiggle my eyebrows sitting next to Sadie and Jaedan.

"I'll go." Sophia says spinning the bottle and it lands on Caleb, Sophia looked to Sadie to see if it was ok.

"You can kiss him in the game but any other time it's off your head no fucking jokes." Sophia nervously laughs before giving Caleb a quick peck on the lips.

Caleb spins the bottle and it lands on Sadie. Lucky him. They make out for a minute as we all whistle and shit before Sadie spins the bottle and it lands on me.

"Are you aloud to do same sex?" Wyatt scrunches his face.

"Yeah you are." I remind him before giving Sadie a long kiss as the boys sit with jaws dropped.

"Come on were best friends were not suddenly gonna start fucking each other!" I shout spinning the bottle and oh look it lands on Finn. Inside I was screaming with joy but on the outside I just smiled.

"Nope not happening." Wyatt voice says making my smile fade.

"It's a game Wyatt just like with Sadie it doesn't mean I'm gonna have sex with him." I could hear what Finn would say if we were alone.

"Fine but no longer than 1 second!" I look to Finn before crawling over to him placing one hand to his cheek as his hands sit on my thighs. We connect are lips as I taste the vanilla taste his lips always taste like.

After kissing for 5 seconds we pull away as I look to his brown eyes. Why did I fall in love with him? The whole room was silent and I even look to Wyatt somewhat pissed.

"Wren can I speak to you?" Wyatt says lighting a cigarette, I roll my eyes before following him upstairs where he shuts his bedroom door.

"Do you like Finn?" He asks me getting straight to his reasoning for bringing me up here.

"Omg no. I've said this to you there's nothing going on between me and Finn. Why would it be such a big deal?!"

"Your my sister and he's my best friend!  Even the thought of it makes me sick!" He shouts.

"I don't like Finn he's just a friend." Even saying that hurt my heart a bit because it wasn't true.

B.B.F (Brothers Best Friend)Where stories live. Discover now