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I was having an amazing time with Finn and i was so happy and he made me laugh a lot about the most random things.

"No joke literally found myself eating 20 chicken nuggets." He says still laughing like me.

"I can't believe you stole them from the woman!" I laugh nearly out of breath. I feel my phone buzz from under my leg but I ignore it.

"Well I was hungry I couldn't help myself." He laughs and I feel my phone buzz again.

"Ugh someone keeps texting me." Finn says moving in his spot. Weird, we're both getting messages.

"Same I'm just gonna check." I quickly go on my phone and see missed calls from Sadie, Caleb, Wyatt and Noah and messages from them.

Sadie- Millie's at the police station. You and Finn need to come down here.

Noah- Were at the police station please call

I look up to Finn whose also checked his phone. We stand up together and he grabs my hand as we start to run to the police station. Why was she arrested? Is she stealing again?

We finally get to the police station and we see all of our friends sitting in the waiting room. I squeeze Finns hand and he starts walking in holding my hand tightly.

"What's happened? Why is she here?" I say tearing up as Sadie stands up hugging me, I let go of Finns hand.

"We don't know but it to do with her dad." She tells me and I nod my head thankful she's not in trouble. Me and Finn sit down in the waiting room and he grabs my hand and I look to him with a smile.

"How long are they gonna make us wait?" Caleb moans and I hear Sadie sigh loudly.

"Just be quiet." She says annoyed. I get it, she's scared for Millie and doesn't know what's going on. She doesn't really need to deal with Caleb.

"I was just asking." He says shaking his head.

"Well you just do a lot of stuff don't you!" She says raising her voice.

"When are you going to get it Sadie?! I love you and only you but y-you push me away!" He shouts back, I really didn't want arguments.

"I'm pushing you away because you cheated on me! Imagine if what what happen if I cheated on you!" Sadie says with tears in her eyes.

"Guys let's not fight." Noah chimes in quietly.

"Once you get a girlfriend Noah you can butt in my relationship." Caleb snaps. Noah didn't deserve that.

"Woah don't be rude to Noah." I say sitting up and warning Caleb.

"I'm going to the toilet." Finn sighs walking away.

"And What relationship Caleb! We're over! I had my tongue down a boys throat last night! How does that feel? Huh? Not good. Well you fucking deserve it!" We all start to argue and even some of us stand up getting aggressive.

"HEY HEY HEY!" One police officer says pushing us away from each other.

"Your gonna have to leave." The police officer says but we all start to speak to her but she rolls her eyes.

"OUT!" She shouts. I start walking to the door as does Sadie and the others Caleb though kicks the bin on the way out and we're all outside on the other side of the street, I didn't know why we crossed the road but now we didn't know what to do.

"Well done caleb maybe if you kept your fucking mouth-"

"Oh don't blame me!" He shouts back and I just look down to the floor letting out a few tears.

"Guys can we please stop fighting!" Noah says and everyone starts to calm down.

"I-I'm Sorry." Caleb says looking to Sadie.

"It's fine. I'm sorry too." I was glad everyone had calmed down.

"Guys shes been let out!" We look over to see Finn on the other side of the street. I didn't really think, I started running over to the other side with a smile as I looked at my boyfriend. But his face is far from a smile, it's full of worry and he looks scared.

"WREN." I hear muffled as a shooting pain hits my entire body but mostly my left hip. I feel myself fly into the air, the wind giving my injured body a tingling feeling.

I hit the ground ruffly every inch of my body hurting and is a pain I can't control but wish I could.

"Wren! Your hurt sunshine stay with me!" I try to keep my eyes focused on Finn but my eyes start to droop.

"Yeah, you spilt vodka on me you dipshite."
"Yeah sorry about that."

"Wren please just s-stay here. Just keep your eyes open!"

"Fine but this kiss doesn't mean anything."
"Well duh now come on. Otherwise I'm gonna call you Mrs Stubborn."

"The ambulance is coming sunshine, just keep holding on. Your doing great."

"Like you care."
"Of course I care finn"
"God why am I falling for you?"

"Shh Wren just keep your eyes on me. Ok, your gonna Fine."

"You have a cute laugh."
"Your just cute."

"No! Wren don't close your eyes, please sunshine I can't loose you!"

"I-I love you Wren."
"I love you to Finn."

-I'm sorry-
-I couldn't keep my eyes open-

A/n: That's the end of B.B.F! Thank you guys for reading this shitty book!
Most likely be a sequel...
just like to say a big thank you to AsSingleAsItGets  we actually met in the comments section of Finn Wolfhard book and she was the one who said to publish this book. So thank you Nikayla ❤️
And thank you guys as well, hope you enjoined Brothers Best Friend.

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