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OMG I forgot how much I hate Wyatt. I had to convince him it was chosen who gave me the hickeys even when I told him it was chosen he got pissed. What's his problem?

Finn got it easy. He just blamed it on some random girl which apparently to my brother was believable. Actual he was right. And of course me and Finn didn't talk to each other. There was something about him that I missed.

We start walking to lake we were swimming in, luckily it was a warm night which is surprising. I look to Finn who gives me pout and I do the same.

I wanted to try and make him laugh so I give him a long over dramatic wink to which he laughs quietly since Wyatt was next to him. After a while of going through trees and over grown grass we get to the ledge that over looked at beautiful lake. Almost oceanic.

"So who's first?" Noah asks looking over the drop.

I look around and everyone just stood there. I roll my eyes before taking off Finns top and my bottoms revealing my black lacy underwear.

"What are you doing?" Wyatt says.

"I'm going swimming." With that I turn around and jump in.

I jump in the lake and luckily it's not freezing just refreshing. I swim around for a bit until I look up nobody else has jumped.

"Come on you wusses!" I shout. Finally Finn and Wyatt jump then Millie, Noah and then the last 2 were Caleb and sadie. Fucking holding hands! The others were messing about so I won't bring it up until we're alone ans then I'll go into interrogation mode.

After a while of splashing each other, laughing and even me and Wyatt getting along. We all become tired ans decide to call it a night. We get out going over to the towels but 3 girls are sitting on them.

What a surprise one of them is Beverly. Does she ever get tired.

"Have a nice swim?" She asks to sweetly for her own good.

"What do you want Beverly?" I ignore her question since I knew she genuinely didn't give a shit.

"Nothing really. But Wren wow if Mr Ellis saw you right now. Well he wouldn't be able to control himself!" I scrunch my face with disgust.

"What is she talking about?" Wyatt asks.

"N-nothing it's fine." I say but he clearly doesn't believe, I mean I wouldn't believe myself either.

"Well Wyatt, your sister and Mr Ellis have some what of a relationship..."

"One kiss isn't a relationship." I snap.

"Look at you getting all defensive." She laughs.

"I swear to god Beverley shut the fuck up." Sadie says sticking up for me. I was grateful but I knew it had to be me to sort her out or she would never stop.

"It's fine sadie. Bev do you remember when you were my best friend. Yeah long time ago but you used to come round everyday and me, you ans Wyatt hung out."

"You 2 started getting closer, closer than me and you did. Then I walked into Wyatt' s room to see you to kissing. My brother and at the time my best friend. Then you became this bitch who cares more about being popular ans started being pain up my fucking ass."

"But I thought it should be me being a bitch to you since you kissed my brother? It's funny after I met all these guys I genuinely don't give a shit anymore. So Bev I'm gonna do something I wanted to do ever since you kissed him."

My hand turns into a fist before I punch ans she falls to the fall. That felt beyond good, I felt great I finally stood up for myself. Yep me Wren.

She stands up tackling me to the floor but luckily I have enough anger in me to turn her over so I was now punching her again.

"Just one thing wren we did more than kiss." Did this girl want to die? I quickly grip her neck as she starts to become scared now.

Before anything else happened I feel someone pull me off her.

"You did great sunshine." Someone whispered. I already knew by the nickname it was Finn. Beverly for once looked scared, it's weird to think it was because of me.

"So Beverly, you might wanna fucking leave and never bother Wren again because next time Finn won't stop her." Sadie exclaims giving her a fake smile. Beverley didn't even say anything she just walked away fast as her minions followed.

I take a breath turning to others for some odd reason smiling.

"Felt good right?" Wyatt smiled at me.

"Your not mad that I tried to kill her?"

"No you had a right to. You know I would be the same with any of the boys here." He laugh s but I give Finn a worried look before smiling at my brother who knew so little.

"Your right, it would be wrong for me to go out with any of you friends. Because you saw how one kiss hurt me even. So I couldn't imagine how you would feel." Even though this directed at Wyatt I'm looking at Finn.

Maybe we were in over are heads, this would never work out and it would just be better if we called it off before anyone got hurt. But that's to late even me saying this my eyes glisten with tears.

"Damn right." He says still having a light mood on the situation. Millie and Noah give me a sympathetic look and sadie rubs one of my shoulders knowing it must be difficult to say this stuff.

It was I didn't want to say it but It was defiantly for the best... I think.

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