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Once again. Another week passed. I ignored Sam which wasn't to hard and just hung out with group, I still went to school. Luckily Beverley didn't come near me knowing what I could do. Mr Ellis must of obviously left since he never was in.

Me and Finn still sneaked around nothing big just talking, cuddling and kissing obviously I just wished it wasn't an hour a day. He decided to sleep on the couch some nights in case of Wyatt because once Finn was in the toilet and my brother came in.

Tonight was another party and it got my dress on and just sung along to some songs while waiting for people to arrive. I look across the street and see Sam in his room but he looks over and I quickly look away and walk downstairs.

Every one was dancing and drinking. I grab myself a lemonade until sadie joins me and we take shots 4 to be exact the vodka numbed my tongue and throat and I forgot to eat. Oh well I'll just get extra drunk.

I start dancing with the guys until I see Finn taking what looked like his 100th shot. I don't want him to do anything he'll regret or have to apologise for so I go over to him.

I steal the shot from him downing it myself. He gives me look and I just lick my lips giving him the same look.

"You just stole my shot." He tells me.

"I know, if your drink to much you'll regret doing something."

"You scared I'll hook up." He says smiling.

"What?! No." I say.

"So if I went over to that girl." He turns me around by the waist pointing to not even an attractive blonde as he whispers in my ear.

"And kissed her you wouldn't get mad?" He whispers. He knows, I would slap her.

"Of course not." I lie. He smiles before walking to the girl. Great, I knew he was doing this to get me angry and I was. He walks over to her luckily there just talking so I walk over there.

"Hi I'm Wren." I say interrupting their  conversation as Finn laughs knowing he had won, he's a dick. She just ignores me giving a look of disgust.

"And your name is?" I say grabbing her hand making her shake mine.

"Madison." She fakes smiles at me.

"Well could you like leave. We don't want you here." She says and I laugh.

"I want her here." Finn says from behind me. I'm guessing she doesn't like that cause she gets angry.

"Her? She's a bitch." She tries to make an insult but hunny I'm the queen of them.

"So? Now we don't want you here so you should fuck off wherever. Maybe to where you got your fake tan and ask for a refund." Finn then starts laughing. I'm guessing she didn't know what to say because she just stormed out.

I turn to Finn looking impressed in me. I get drink of vodka downing some giving the rest to Finn. Sadie calls me over so I start to walk but stop in front of Finn.

"Just remember that any bitch touches you I'll cut them." I whisper to him.

"Is it bad to say your turning me on right now?" He whispers back.

"My brother might hear." I joke and accidentally stumble due to being drunk.

"He isn't in the room." I look room, Finns right my brother must be outside. I quickly grab the back of Finns neck pulling him into a long kiss, he drops the cup grabbing my waist tightly.

"Guys what the fuck! do you want Wyatt to find out?!" Noah shouts to us breaking us up. I didn't really care right Joel But then I remember I'm drunk I nod and guess Finn remembered because he nods to.

"Lets get you to bed." Sadie a lot more sober than everyone says. She helps me upstairs and slumps me on my bed taking my shoes off.

"Sadie your my best friend I love you so much ans I don't deserve you at alllllll." I say and She laughs knowing I'm out of it.

"I love you to but you need sleep, if you need me just call." She says stroking my hair. Seriously what did I do to deserve her?

"Thank you." I say quietly before she kisses my head and turns the light off. Just as she's out the door fall asleep almost immediately.

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