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Why would he do this? I know we aren't exactly friends but I would never do that to him. And today out of all days, I didn't need this. I check through the comments and I wish I didn't.

Kayla_s- what a slut!

MaRcus- Whore

Hannahmiddleton- jeez I feel bad for sir.

FinnWolfhard- take this down now.

Shit. Finns seen it. I run down the stairs but he's not there. I ignore Wyatt asking me if I'm alright and quickly check Wyatt's room. He must of left, I'll have to talk to him soon. I enter my room and start to get ready remembering today is about my mum. Tomorrow is reserved for Sam the twat.

After getting changed and ready I head downstairs, Sadie and Millie are gonna stay at my house for when I get back.

"Wait where you going?" Millie only just asks sipping some of her coffee. I hadn't told Millie about my mum, I just never found the right time. The only person I told was Sam I mean it's not like everyone needs to know.

Wyatt has told Finn, Noah and I'm guessing Sadie, which I don't mind I just don't like when people give me the look. You know the one where they tilt there heads and soften there eyes.

"I'll explain later, just please don't set the house on fire." I joke hugging both her and Sadie before walking out the door with Wyatt.

"So where's Finn?" I say casually as we walk down the street layered with snow.

"I don't know, I didn't see him this morning when I woke up. He might have gone home or something." I hope he didn't go home, I can't let him get hurt. Since we all hang out at the moment and my dad is never home we just hang out at our house or Sadie's so I would rather he stayed at mine or Sadie's.

As we started getting nearer we became extremely quiet, so much I could at point hear someone watching TV through an open window of a house. It had been a long while since we saw Mum so when in the shop I chose a bunch of lilies which we always got her.

"These are beautiful are they for anything special?" The cashier asks me kindly as she taps on the cash register.

"Nope." I quietly talk before paying her and meeting Wyatt outside who looks at the flowers.

"Mum always liked lilies." He says softly. We start walking again and finally come to the cemetery, I wish they made it look nicer and was more appreciated, it's like people think because there no longer here they can treat them like shit.

We sit next to her gravestone which reads- Kelly Anne Oleff. I take the old flowers putting them on the damp grass before parching the lilies on the gravestone as we can hear the birds chirp from the trees from above us.

Then that's it, we sit there for a bit most likely both of us thinking about Mum but we're still silent. We sit there for a while until I see Wyatt start to cry, he never cries. I walk over to where he's sitting and join him placing my head on his shoulder and a hand in his arm.

"Why her? Maybe I wouldn't be so fucked up if they didn't take her. And now dad. Wren sometimes I feel alone, so alone."

"Wy It's ok, we're gonna be fine." I assure him as a small tear slips from my eye.

"I miss how close we were." I add.

"A lots changed Wren we aren't 9 anymore. But I miss it to remember me you and Finn all building that massive fort in the living room and we thought Mum would be angry. But she wasn't, she loved it. She always liked when we did shit like that." Finn. My mum used to treat Finn like a son. Even though me and Finn didn't really talk back then, my mum loved him. I wish I could talk to my mum about Finn.

"I'm gonna start heading back you coming?" He asks turning to me.

"No I'm gonna stay here for a bit longer." He nods before hugging me and getting up leaving me. I let out a few tears just tracing my hand on the engraved letters creating her name.

"Hey Mum, I hope your doing good. It's been a while and there have been a lot of changes. Me and Sam aren't friends any more, he's not exactly the nicest as you remember. But I have Sadie and Millie and there the greatest, I know you would like them.

I wish you were here. There's something that's happened. You won't believe me but I've fallen in love with Finn. And yes if your wondering I am talking about Finn Wolfhard, Wyatt's best friend from literally since we were 3.

I feel so guilty but I didn't know I was gonna feel this way about him, o didn't think he would feel the same. Of course I love Wyatt but I love Finn. If I could just fall for someone else I would, someone who isn't my brothers best friend.

It's not like I can tell Wyatt we're together, he saw us kiss once and nearly killed Finn. I'm sorry Mum I've fucked up. I just wish you were here to help me through it. I miss you every single day a-and so does Wy." By now I had tears streaming from eyes. I take a breath before getting up.

"Love you Mum." I smile before walking slowly as snow starts to fall again. Wyatt had already sped ahead as I can't see him. After walking I turn back into my street still shivering from the cold. That's when I see Sam coming out of his house with Beverly.

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