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I blink a few times opening my eyes and see the light coming through on the tent, I let out a wide yawn and look over to Millie sleeping peacefully.

I quickly put my hair in a messy bun grab my tooth brush, toothpaste and moisturiser. I head out the tent and no one seems to be up yet so I head to the toilets they provide which aren't to bad considering there portable.

I do everything I need to do before I go back and see Noah making some cereal on the table. I walk over taking a seat across from him, it was kinda of awkward from last night and I didn't like it being that way.

"Do you want some?" He asks referring to the cereal.

"Yes please."I let out a toothless smile as he grabs another bowl.

"Look Noah, I never meant to be that forward with you two but you guys literally love each other so much you've both told me 100 times."

"Can we not talk about it please."

"Why not?"

"Wren just lay off." He doesn't even look to me making me role my eyes.

"You two like each other? Then go out! Simple." I clap my hand.

"Wren it's more complicated than that."

"Oh you don't think I know what complicated is?"

"Clearly not, you wouldn't know what complicated was if it hit you in the head." He says all pissy, he's obviously been living under a rock if he says that.

"Really? Cause I'm pretty sure you can hold Millie's hand in public or kiss her and not have to worry. You can take her out on dates or hang out in your house without having to look at the door just in case. To me that doesn't sound complicated."


"No! Your trying to make something complicated when it isn't." I say before taking off in other direction.

"Wren!" He shouts louder so I turn around.

"Wha-" I was cut off by the feeling of softness, that was Noah's lips. I immediately move back and he looks to me with an awkward smile.

"What the fuck." I whisper.

"I-I'm sorry." He stutters becoming extremely worried from what just done.

"Noah do you like me?" I say still trying to out what happened all together, I thought he loved Millie and why me?

"That night we kissed and talked, it was amazing. I've never had that connection with someone that much, you made me happy and after-" he says stopping mid sentence like he didn't wanna tell me.

"After what?" I see him take a breath before sitting us both down and he looks to the floor.

"After I tried to commit suicide." He speaks nearly breaking my heart. Noah is such a pure heart I hate to know he wanted to do that to himself. He rolls his sleeve up showing cut marks which were so violent I'm surprised I haven't seen them before.

"One night, my mum decided it was a good idea to go out with her friends, she was a single mum meaning I only had my older brother to look after me, we expected her to come home the next morning in bed but she wasn't, she didn't come back for a while but it had happen to us before, her leaving us. But the policeman at are door had never happened before.

"He told us my mum was in a drink driving accident and was in the front, and part of the car went threw her stomach. Threw her fucking stomach. When your 15 it's hard to loose your mum because you don't think there gonna go but they do because they've been there for your whole life why would they suddenly go. Worst part was I didn't even say goodbye that's what ate away at me and eventually made me want to just end it all."

"Noah, I'm so sorry." I breath brushing my hand along the cuts which are all faded and old which made me less worried.

"It's nit your fault. But meeting you, it helped so much and I guess I'm scared I'm gonna loose that." He confesses making me feel worse, he was right I didn't get how complicated it was.

"Noah, my mum also passed away but it was because she killed herself. You do not understand the heartbreak I went through loosing her, it was like a part of my heart just wasn't there any more, but you and the others have started to repair it and that includes you and I never want you to hurt yourself please just talk to us cause I don't wanna go threw that kinda heartbreak again."

"And Noah your never gonna loose me, but I love Finn and there will be a girl who will make your breath be snatched away. Ok?" I ask him.

"Ok." He says letting out a smile so I smile back before he starts to look worried again.

"you can't tell Finn about this kiss otherwise he will murder me." He pleads with a serious face.

"Chill I won't but just remember it wasn't Are first kiss." I joke as he chuckles.

"So frosty flakes or Coco pops?" Noah asks raising an eyebrow holding up the two options.

"Frosty flakes!"


"Ok everyone ready!?" Sadie shouts. Today we decided to go to explore like the forest or some shit.

"Yep." I say popping the p. And we head out. We make are way through the trees and branches. It was boring. Millie kept complaining about mud getting on her jeans, Finn kept complaining about mosquitoes and Caleb just seemed bored out of his mind.

"Come on guys we could do something like.. build a fort!" Sadie suggests as the others don't reply to her so I tried to start a conversation up.

"Sounds fun to me!" I say siding with Sadie because she's amazing, and right, everyone is being such a downer it's like without phones there lost.

"And how do you we make a fort then?" Finn asks getting pissed off.

"Well mr cranky we can use the tree branches! Or-or use the- leafs. You know what I don't fucking know but your all being fucking boring so don't blame us for trying to have fun!" Sadie says getting pissed off with everyone and I agree with her it's like we were the only to trying to remotely do something fun.

"I'm going for a walk." Caleb says like he's been possessed by a ghost, he was emotionless. I look to Sadie but she just shrugs following after him. I sigh as we all keep walking in thick silence the only sound is the rustling of leaves and birds chirping which for some reason did not sound peaceful at this point in time.

After another while I walking I hear something no best friend wants to hear. I could hear Sadie crying loudly, like sobs and as if she wanted to scream.

"Sadie please come back I'm sorry!" We hear Caleb say, we all look to each other with worry and confusion before heading back to the sound where we see both Caleb and Sadie.

"Get the fuck away from me!" She shouts running into the woods making me let out a worried breath before looking to Caleb.

"What the fuck did you do?!" I say to him but he just stands there frozen with tears down his face.

"Never mind, Mils lets go look for Sadie." I give Caleb a death stare before grabbing Millie's hand and head In the direction of the way Sadie went trying to find any sign of her. Finally we hear little sobs from a hidden away bit of a broken tree, I run over to see Sadie on the floor curled up with her legs to her chest and crying a stream.

"Sadie." I say as my heart drops at the sight of her in this sight , I sit next to her engulfing her in a hug which she accepts holding on to me tightly.

"He c-cheated Wren. He fucking cheated!" She cries into my shoulder as I stroke her hair. What the fuck is Caleb doing cheating on Sadie? Literally the most amazing girl I've met with the purest heart which he just broke.

"Sadie I'm so sorry hunny. You don't deserve this." I say with only sympathy in my voice as I continue to hug her.

"I trusted him Wren, I let him see me at my worst. I let myself fall in love with him. I loved him." I shush her as she couldn't even get her words out, usually I would have hope them two would get back together but using loved him instead of I still love him doesn't usually turn out for the best.

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