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"Ugh Sadie I can't find it!" I say looking everywhere but it's nowhere to be seen.

"Look harder!" She shouts from downstairs, I keep searching for my necklace Finn bought me. Me and Finn were going on another one of are dates. But to Wyatt it's me and Sadie going to the movies. I frantically look in my keepsake box where it was hidden and I don't know why I ever took it off. I place it around my neck as I wear a cute dress Millie picked out for me when we went shopping one time.

I walk down the stairs and grab my bag swinging it over my shoulder linking arms with Sadie giving her an exited smile. We walk down the street since Finn was meeting me at the movie theatre.

"You look beautiful Wren as always." Sadie says nudging my arm.

"Thank you, I don't know why I feel so nervous we've been on dates before." I say playing with the straps of my bag and Sadie giggles.

"Cause you love him."

"That's true."

"Hey where you last night?" Sadie asks making me smirk.

"Um with Finn." I say as she looks at me with needy eyes.

"With Finn, or doing Finn?" She says as I cover my face embarrassed.

"A good girlfriend never tells there secrets." I say tapping my nose and she shrugs her shoulders. We make are to the cinema, we were watching Black panther. I say goodbye to Sadie before entering the cinema. I look around and see Finn on his phone leaning in the snack counter. I walk over to him and he looks up smiling.

"You look gorgeous sunshine." He breaths making me smile even more brightly.

"You kinda stole my line there." I pout as he chuckles, and he picks up the necklace lightly with his index finger.

"I love how your wearing it." He says as if I would forget... Definitely won't be telling him I nearly lost it. We intertwines are fingers and we get a big bag of sweet popcorn and a coke to share. We walk in and take are seats as I rest my head on his shoulder as he feeds me popcorn cause I was too lazy to feed myself. The movie was amazing and can we mention how hot Michael B Jordan is?!

"He's not that good looking." Finn says getting defensive as I hold onto his arm.

"He is." I roll my eyes but look to Finn and kiss his cheek.

"But your hotter." I smile to him as he kisses my head. We walk back to the house talking about Sadie and Caleb cause things haven't changed.

"Do you think they'll get back together?" Finn asks looking to me.

"I think if Caleb literally begged on his hands and knees then there's a chance. She's been through to much heartbreak to just get back with him." Finn nods his head as we listen.

"Thanks for today Finn it was amazing." I say stopping and grabbing his other hand.

"Well your welcome." He kisses me lightly before looking to me.

"Quit staring creep." I joke but he keeps looking into my eyes.

"I love you so much." He says quietly making me give him bright smile, I kiss him before looking back to him my hand still placed on his neck.

"I love you to." He smiles.

We get back to the house of course not holding hands but walk in at the same time and Sadie luckily met us in time and we all walk in. We walk in smiling as we see everyone in the front room watching some gory horror movie. I grab a can of coke handing one to Sadie.

"How was the movie?" Wyatt asks as we sit down on the couch.

"It was amazing and Michael B Jordan was just YUM." I shout as Sadie laughs but Wyatt looks somewhat scared of me.

"I swear Finns the only boy she fi-"

"NOAH ARE YOU GONNA WATCH BLACK PANTHER AND MAYBE WYATT CAN GO WITH YOU SINCE HES DYING TO WATCH." I shout Interrupting Noah as he noticed what he's done and sits up in his place.

"Yes we could do that! Right Wyatt?!" Noah shouts as Wyatt looks completely lost.

"Sure but why are you shouting?"

"I don't know!" Noah shouts still in a frenzy.

"We'll go later and Finn you can come as well I mean your the one who wants to see it most." I almost choke on my coke by laughing, bless him he has to see it 2 in two days.

"Oh sure ok." He smiles to them but then mouths help me over to me as I giggle quietly. Just at that point Caleb walks down the stairs making the room fall quiet.

"Can we talk? Please?" Caleb asks well more like begs to Sadie. She takes a breath and nods her head unsure but still gets up and go upstairs to either mine or Wyatt's room.

"Caleb." I say getting up as he stops to look at me and I stand right in front of him.

"Hurt her in any way shape or form and your dead." I threaten as he nods, I take a breath taking a seat back on the couch as he walks upstairs.

"Is Caleb coming to watch black panther?" Noah asks breaking the silence. I have to admit, I know what Caleb did was beyond shitty but that shouldn't make his best friends hate him.

"You should invite him." I mutter playing with a cushion and they all look to me.

"You boys have fun, you all need it." I smile. We start watching some Little Britain on Netflix because David Walliams is Fit.

"I'm so sick of you fucking with me Caleb!" We hear from upstairs and more shouting continues.

"Do you think they'll ever sort things out?" Millie asks looking to all of us, no one answered I'm guessing since we were all gonna say no.

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